ITT we post things that make us rage

ITT we post things that make us rage

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Post the Gran Torino quote

Get off my porch!

Till was hanged for sexually assaulting and harassing a white woman. 'Back talk' had nothing to do with it.

This guy gets it.

Except it was obviously bullshit. He probably didn't even talk back to anyone.

Bazza literally shitposts his way into tha pussy lmao

> Sexual harassment should be punishable by death

There was no evidence for that

Never trust a leftist; the moment you step out of "the correct way of speaking" they will stab you in the back

I'm not saying it should be punished like that. I'm saying he was hanged for more than just being black.

But it is a fact he grabbed a woman by the waist and when she tried to get away he made lewd jokes about being with white women before.

He was murdered for whistling at a white woman after his black coworkers and him visited the shop to get some drinks. You're both wrong.

>i want him to die!
>look, im so tolerant!

are these people living strawmen?


Did they seriously make the movie in detroit about 'poor asian gang members' instead of blacks?
Come on, we all know why that is.

Till was probably just an uppity nigger who should have known his place better.

Don't think how they act today just came out of nowhere. You see those gangs of blacks hanging around in streets, hitting on anything that walks past? The types that make #allmen get blamed for "street harassment".

It's funny how liberals want to make a law against this type of "harassment" today.


> We all know why that is
He was a korean war vet

> The facts of what took place in the store are still disputed. According to several versions, including comments from some of the kids standing outside the store when Till walked in,[22] Till may have wolf-whistled at Bryant.[23] A newspaper account following his disappearance stated that Till sometimes whistled to alleviate his stuttering.[24] His speech was sometimes unclear; his mother said he had particular difficulty with pronouncing "b" sounds, and he may have whistled to overcome problems asking for bubble gum.[25] According to other stories, Till may have grabbed Bryant's hand and asked her for a date, or said "Bye, baby" as he left the store,[12] or "You needn't be afraid of me, baby, I've been with white women before."[26]

> Bryant testified during the murder trial that Till grabbed her hand while she was stocking candy and said, "How about a date, baby?"[27] She said that after she freed herself from his grasp, the young man followed her to the cash register,[27] grabbed her waist and said, "What's the matter baby, can't you take it?"[27] Bryant said she freed herself, and Till said, "You needn't be afraid of me, baby,"[27] used "one 'unprintable' word"[27] and said "I've been with white women before."[27] Bryant also alleged that one of Till's companions came into the store, grabbed him by the arm, and ordered him to leave.[27]

> Till's cousin, Simeon Wright, writing about the incident decades later, challenged Carolyn Bryant's account.[28] Entering the store "less than a minute" after Till was left inside alone with Bryant,[28] Wright saw no inappropriate behavior and heard "no lecherous conversation."[28] Wright said Till "paid for his items and we left the store together."[28] The FBI noted in their 2006 investigation of the cold case that a second anonymous source, who was confirmed to have been in the store at the same time as Till and his cousin, supported Wright's account.[21]

>the more he talks, the more I dont like his acting

>People trying to claim this shit.
>Respond with "you realize he was on the list of first actors in Hollywood to work with black actors and enjoy it, as well as creating diverse movies staring roles for minorities that are outside of "OH LAWDY IM A SASSY BLACK WOMAN!"

Do these people not understand that "No tolerance for intolerance" is a self-defeating argument?

She said 'die out' not 'be murdered'.

Unless you're getting at the old 'if liberals are so tolerant why don't they tolerate intolerance?' meme.

You're retarded either way.

>Baby boomers
Kek. They are the origins of all this SJW stuff.

Clint Eastwood isn't a baby boomer, he was born in 1930.

He grew up in San Francisco...

>Do these people not understand that "No tolerance for intolerance" is a self-defeating argument?

It's not though you moron. You sound like one of those people who think 'if murder is wrong then you can't support capital punishment, it's hypocritical!'

No I know. I was referring to her talking about baby boomers.

So basically they are admitting that he grew up in a tougher time.

Getting an E for being 10x8.25 makes me rage

You need to explain your argument. It makes sense in your head, but put away the strawman about capital punishment. Discuss the original point.

>Do these people not understand that "No tolerance for intolerance" is a self-defeating argument?

>don't come on to white women or you'll get killed
>come on to white woman
>get killed

compels contemplation

As if Clint Eastwood is racist, he directed and starred in a movie where he becomes best friends with the son of a Korean immigrant.

I appreciate your dedication to proving something before agreeing with it. Especially if the only documentation of an event says otherwise.

If you believe that it's acceptable to be intolerant of intolerance because intolerance is inherently bad then you obviously believe there's some merit to being intolerant because you yourself are intolerant of something, so obviously you think that sometimes intolerance can be justified.

Murder can be justified. Does it concern you that some of the greatest heroes in history were murderers? It doesn't bother me because my thinking isn't that of a black/white retard.

Christ, aren't laws against murder, by definition, intolerant?

You idiot. You fucking idiot.

Racist by modern standards. Modern racism is noticing any general differences between races/cultures/religions.

>the best thing us millennials have going for us is our tolerance of others
kek. right after she says she cant wait for boomers to die. also, "millennials so tolerant" is just a meme from the news she's repeating.

that movie was insulting as fuck

>white messiah has to save thug minorities from themselves

It's not a straw man it's an accurate comparison. In both cases there's false presumption that some standard someone is setting is without qualifications, but in there are. When liberals say they support tolerance they're actually saying that in general at least, people should respect each others autonomy and equal protection under the law. If someone is intolerant, they are either expressing an view incompatible with tolerance (e.g. being against gay marriage) in which case they may disagree, refuse to associate with that person, or they are physically intolerant ( they actually violate someone's autonomy or rights like beating up a random gay guy) in which case they may support arresting and imprisoning that person. In no case is this hypocritical.

It's exactly like the 'capital punishment is exactly like murder' retards. When someone says they are against murder, this is generally qualified as being against the killing of an innocent person. Capital punishment does not in principal involve killing an innocent person, and that position is there for not contradictory.

He should've fucking known better. That was his own fucking fault. What the fuck did any of them think was gonna happen? guy

Just kind of like.... real life

Straya wins again

You sound like a SJW calling fucking whistiling at a woman sexual assault

She has shitty grammar and she's a goddamned hypocrite in the same breath. I'd punch that cunt in the cunt while calling her a cunt until my throat was raw. She deserves no less.

He didn't do that at all though, he got them sent to prison by exposing them in a grand display of selflessness

That's bullshit and you know it

>ID = dodgy

means you're wrong, actually


Typical leftist. Just full of self-righteous hoesreshit that they can't see how fucked up the things they say are.

Bruce, there's no way those comments are real

more proof that the modern left are full-blown fascists


No, it is fact.

>It's not a straw man it's an accurate comparison. In both cases there's false presumption that some standard someone is setting is without qualifications, but in there are.

I am inherently suspicious of analogies that can easily turn into strawmen.

>When liberals say they support tolerance they're actually saying that in general at least, people should respect each others autonomy and equal protection under the law.

They believe their pet groups deserve autonomy. I am transphobic if I don't want to marry a woman who has a dick. I am racist if I don't find every race equally attractive. Equal protection is a farce as well under a slew of practices from the progressive stack, affirmative action, and hate crimes laws.

>If someone is intolerant, they are either expressing an view incompatible with tolerance (e.g. being against gay marriage) in which case they may disagree, refuse to associate with that person, or they are physically intolerant ( they actually violate someone's autonomy or rights like beating up a random gay guy) in which case they may support arresting and imprisoning that person. In no case is this hypocritical.

How is it not hypocritical to support the rights of gays to marry, which essentially boils down to the right to mind your own business, yet not accept the right of others to disagree. If I find gay marriage to be absurd it doesn't stop gays from marrying. My opinions don't hurt gays or stop them from carrying on. If I am forcably arrested and imprisoned for privately disagreeing with someone else's private decision what has happened to my autonomy and equal protection. In NYC you can now be fined a quarter million dollars for "misgendering" a transperson. That is a quarter million dollar fine for honesty.

Clint is still more redpilled than most of us.

>Capital punishment does not in principal involve killing an innocent person

I bet you think all the people the Soviet Government labeled insane were actually insane or the "antirevolutionaries" were anything but political opponents. You rely on arbitrary definitions.

There's a huge difference between "wanting someone to die" or having the public shame you when you say some racist shit... And being fascists.

Being PC just means not being an asshole. You can be an asshole all day if you want, but once it enters harassment or intimidation territory, you just might get arrested.

When you say some shit that costs a company money or causes damage to their reputation, they have the right to fire you. That's got nothing to do with liberals or the PC crowd. It's common sense.

It's hilarious how people want to blame leftists or SJWs or basically anything other than themselves and never take accountability for their actions.

Luckily most people don't have time for your whiny bullshit, whether they're on the left or the right.

He was also a small town mayor IRL.

fucking autumn dixon

>Emmet Till
>the original Dindu

Good they shot that nigger.

I see no problem with this.

>Sup Forums think Clint Eastwood is a real cowboy

I'm sorry to break it for you guys, but the guy is just an actor. The Dr. Dre of another generation if you like.

Well you're both typical monsters who should die in a fire. You're in the minority, and no one loves you. *shrug*


>evolved as a species


This entire thing has to be a joke.

>he dindu nuffin

>There's a huge difference between "wanting someone to die" or having the public shame you when you say some racist shit... And being fascists.

Racist and fascist are both words that have lost all of their meaning.

>Being PC just means not being an asshole. You can be an asshole all day if you want, but once it enters harassment or intimidation territory, you just might get arrested.

PC is about harassment. If I agree with a PC person 90% of the time I am a bigot who needs to be shamed into kowtowing.

>When you say some shit that costs a company money or causes damage to their reputation, they have the right to fire you. That's got nothing to do with liberals or the PC crowd. It's common sense.

Should they be able to fire Black employees who say the N word? Even if it isn't offensive when they say it, it sure is unprofessional. Should you be fired by your Republican boss for posting this diatribe? Any restrictions can and will be used against those without power.

>It's hilarious how people want to blame leftists or SJWs or basically anything other than themselves and never take accountability for their actions.

A main premise of the left is that there are systems of oppression. Whether or not they exist is irrelevant to the fact that they are used for a narrative. This narrative is used for excuses. I wasn't hired because they were racist. I wasn't asked out because he is a misogynist. ETC. Leftism is about personal helplessness against a system and creating a new system to uplift you.

>Luckily most people don't have time for your whiny bullshit, whether they're on the left or the right.

[citation needed] The only whiny bullshit I'm hearing is from you.

>ITT we post things that make us rage

Wrong. ITT we post shit that the guy never said and see how much we can stir people up. ftfy, homeboi.

Did you even read the interview, dumbass? No. You didn't. But you damn sure passed along some cute little macro that lies about it. Faggot.

>luckily we've evolved as a species

I hate this assumption. We're simply benefiting from thousands of years of compounded knowledge and advancements of western civilization.

If you were taken out of this environment and thrown in Africa at an early age, you wouldn't mind burning people in tires.

What your dumbass is trying to say is that, to leftists, "tolerance" is a specific set of political positions, and not general tolerance for different ideas and thoughts.

True tolerance, in a political sense, is about allowing people, and groups, self-determination. It's about one group of people banning gay marriage, and another group allowing gay marriage, and people are happy to accept that not all groups, nations and countries will be the same.

Emmet Till wasn't killed for "back talk", he was killed for violently sexually assaulting and threatening the wife of his killer and the sister of the accomplice.


Honestly, who cares if someone who makes a homosexual remark is fired from their job or denied entry to college or lose their friends or have their social media shut down?

It's still not illegal and these people need to be held accountable for their actions! They can't just openly offend the religious like this!



An advanced society needs to be accepting of all people, regardless of who they're attracted to. No tolerance for intolerance!

I'm sure Keath could be his own planetoid if he sent an email to NASA.

>caring about penissize
>everything in inches
ahahaha, this is so obviously american it's cringe-inducing.
do you white autists do nothing but sit around all day being mad at black people with big dicks?
carry on

>blacks have no rights
>"it was a tougher time for white people"

>Being PC just means not being an asshole.

No, it means whites, males, and Christians have to both a) make special allowances and b) not criticize anyone who: isn't white, male, or Christian. It's literally white guilt and misandry. If you don't understand that, you aren't logically observing what PC is. It's a cult of double standards.

>threatening the wife of his killer

Nice critical thinking skills.

>What your dumbass is trying to say is that, to leftists, "tolerance" is a specific set of political positions, and not general tolerance for different ideas and thoughts.

It's both. Of course it's a specific set of political positions, why wouldn't it be? And one part of that specific set is belief in freedom of speech.

>True tolerance, in a political sense, is about allowing people, and groups, self-determination.

Not groups. Only individuals.

>It's about one group of people banning gay marriage, and another group allowing gay marriage, and people are happy to accept that not all groups, nations and countries will be the same.

No, individual rights are universal and inalienable. It's no more acceptable to allow some group to ban gay marriage than it is to allow some group to decriminalize rape or murder.

Those comments are fake, right?

No. You know perfectly well that's how euros think. You people are suicidal.

Those comments are exactly proving his point.

Get. Off. Kikebook. Changed my life.

My closest friends call me and we catch up every once and a while. I don't want to/get to/or feel the need to see what the kid who sat next to me in Language Arts thinks about foreign policy or read what my ex-girlfriend's mother has to say about race relations in the US.

>statistics are a white, patriarchal invention
>Statistics show that 8 in 5 women will get raped on a college campus!!!!11

It's pretty stupid that people whine and perceive what he said as being "offensive", yet they go around spout ageist shit about him.

As a scientist, I heartily keked

Underrated tßh

This. Getting off all social media made my life better.

>Statistics show that 8 in 5 women will get raped on a college campus!!!!11
That's what happens when women try take over the patriarchal statistics, they can't into it.

They did'nt hang white guys that would have done the same and you know it. Therefore they hung him because he was black.


Fuck you fatty, Pluto is a planet in my heart.

Millennials are notoriously ageist against boomers, which in a way they're right on some points, but in most cases it is just pushing the blame off on them instead of accepting personal responsibility. They're also GIGANTIC hypocrites.

i really wish people would fucking stop with LOL KEK LOL MEME MAGIC SO EPIC HAHAHAH