Would you have been her friend, Sup Forums?

Would you have been her friend, Sup Forums?

Of course I'm voting for Hillary

It seems like she was pretty conservative in her youth

even then the innocence... gone.
sinister thoughts flow through that child's mind.
it was clear to her then what her path was.
pic related, its a less evil version of the op

Nah, I'd have probably bullied her for wearing that ridiculous outfit and ended up being the inspiration for her becoming a bitter old liberal later in life.

she stole my lunch money and gave it to Shreyas in return for the answers to last nights homework

She's cute, I woulda been her bf

I'm so ugly that girls were repelled from me even at that age

>implying you can bully girls

Theyd just end up passin a love note after the attention

>having friends

I'd fuck her

nigga you woulda died on vaginal contact

No, I don't have a vagina


>Ywn go back in time and save loli Hilary from the Moloch cultists

she looks like one of those girl who is acting real nice around adults but who is a making fun of lower people and really really mean. Also her parents are rich and she dislikes the kids who have less then her.



i kinda like it.

And from above you how I sank into your soul

Into that secret place where no one dares to go

wtf i love hillary now
thanks for correcting my record


What is she thinkin about?

I would've brutally raped her and then got off on a technicality and laughed about it ;^)

fitting ID







>Would you have been her friend, Sup Forums?

I don't see any other option


Get the fuck out of here you piece of shit.
You don't befriend women, they just judge based on whether you would make a useful pawn in their chess game or not.
My niece is already starting to grow into a real cunt despite only being 13 and would act all bubbly and warm when she was a kid.
Now she a cold cunt like every other three-holed menace on the planet.
Fuck you.

I'm not for Hillary at all, but I'll admit I've been crushing on this picture a bit.


>youll never feel her pussy heat through them bottoms

I will kill and die for Hillary Clinton.


A non college educated white man.

>t. cuck

Damn, she was a qt.

Damn I would have made her my loli slave no. 2

She looks like the sort of kid that will tell on you when you did nothing wrong just to get you into trouble.

I would have been her friend when she was a Goldwater girl!

"In your heart, you know he's right. AUH2O."

Billy boy and the political system have probably been grotesque influences on her character.

No, stupid egghead.

No, she looks like the kind of bitch that would tell me to give her my animal crackers and threaten to lie to the teacher that I hit her if I didn't.

At that age, I'd probably have just pulled her hair.

I'd let her correct my record.


She's basically Taylor swift, except Clinton actually accomplished shit

Halal wife

Loli Hillary a hottie.



Dem voter fraud confirmed.

She still is. Most "leftists" are actually on the right and authoritarian. She only says this libtard bullshit to get elected.

>"lulz gays suck" in 2008
>"lolz gays r cool n shit" in 2013

Nothing she says holds any ground as she fucking flip flops on anything and everything. There is nothing conservative, or progressive about this evil parasite.

I'd skull the hell out of her and then shit in her vag.