"It’s the epoch of sin against God the Creator"
Pope Cuck finally says something reasonable for once
but he didn't "say" that, he quoted pope Benedict XVI.
Still, he agreed with the quote and at least he is saying a good message to people.
Da Pope be dope yo
He'll do a 180 soon I'm sure.
Wtf I hate Catholicism now
He will just say something that god will forgive sinners etc etc
Wtf?! Im #IslamMissle now
Nah, I don't think he have the balls to accept Transgender.
Did he accept gays?
everyone who loved him when he praised refugees/Islam/gays is not ripping him apart again
Guess is was a mistake to try and appease the new generation of leftists when they will hate you no matter what
Probably predicting the shift to the right, and doesn't want to get lynched.
im honestly supprised here he has been such a worthless cuck i didnt think he had any stones left in him to stand up for whats right
Well that's like the main point of Christianity so yeah
No it isn't.
>I'm going to live a sinful life
>Ask for forgiveness before die
That's not how it work.
There's no way he can backpeddle on this as it is tantamount to saying that God's creation is imperfect and that man can alter and perfect God's own creation.
You don't get it. He's neither a liberal or conservative, at least not by pol standards. In the Catholic framework accepting refugees and being against capitalism has nothing to do with 'liberal' issues like the gay rights agenda or transgenders. His statement is not a surprise at all. As the saying goes 'Is the Pope Catholic?'
It worked for the thief on the cross.
wow, finally found something that this leftist faggy anti-pope didn't say was totally okay fine and dandy.
Fuck this god damn Pope.
If John Paul II was still Pope we'd be in a Healthy Righteous Crusade already.
when has catholocism ever claimed that man was perfect? isnt the point of a lot of it that man was imperfect
>'Is the Pope Catholic?'
Not the current pope, no.
Is it possible? Can they actually redpill Pope Bluepill himself?
He always say that. He also encouraged military intervention to stop ISIS on 2015. Stupid alt-right memelords should kill themselves by trusting the MSM's rhetoric on Pope Francis.
>the one sane thing that came out of this cuck is a quote from a vastly superior pope
Somehow this is not surprising
>The pope blamed what he called “ideological colonizing” backed by “very influential countries”, which he did not identify.
Pope Francis confirmed to be redpilled
Man himself is imperfect, but God's creation whatever it may be is not. There's an odd distinction [spoiler]imo[/spoiler].
>The pope blamed what he called “ideological colonizing” backed by (((very influential countries))), which he did not identify.
>Francis made his remarks during a private meeting last week with bishops from Poland during his pilgrimage there. The Vatican released a transcript on Tuesday of those closed-door remarks.
>private meeting
>closed-door remarks
Yeah, let me know when he stops prepping the bull in the public eye
This is just a sped up to their plan to piss off an army of shemales. Suddenly they are rioting 'faglives matter hurr' 10 priesters shot. Dindu nuffin raise dick as a protest again le evil white male. Christianity is litterly the same religion suddenly. Every christian is an enemy.
Yes. And he said atheists will go to heaven if they're good people. And that we should open all borders and give everything to immigrants
>have the balls to accept Transgender
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Still wont save this cuck from The Day Of The Rope.
But he didn't know Christ until that moment
This is the game that he plays, this is how he has my respectable Catholic friends apologizing for him. They think he's able to "talk to the media" without compromising anything, and point to little technicalities.
And he'll apologize to them in the near future, like he did with gay people
this idiot is just trying to get his asshole ready for when muslims conquer europe
>represents God and the church
>won't speak openly about God and the church
Pope cuck is really letting people down. Either you believe or you don't.
B-but muh traps...
It would be cool if he could stop with the feel good equivocating bullshit and stand up for Western values. Telling traps to straighten up and fly right isn't even remotely the most important issue the Church faces today.
well, yes, he did, that's some progress I guess. I'm rather confused by this guy btw, he seems to be all over the place.
He'll probably just blame Israel.
>Don't listen to MSM on Trump
>But listen to MSM on anyone else, like Pope Francis
What power do his words posses?
>The Pope actually being a Pope for once.
About time.
He's a socialist... or a regionalist really. Get into the mind of an older White Argie and you'll see basically where he comes from. Social programs/Welfare and openness/tolerance to other ethnicities are big, but tolerating some of the weird PC hippy liberal new age "don't misgender me" crap is not something he gets behind. It's a fair bit beyond him.
A fucking lot more than yours, first of all.
>I rate the child rapists' enabler
Fuck off degenerate
>Pope Cuck actually agrees with based Ratzinger
That's some progress, I suppose.
Shut up, Italy