Fill Ireland, spill fill Germany.
Defend for now if attacked
Defend, fill blank areas
defend and fill north america
Attack Colombians
You agreed to give back Greenland and Iceland.
no defense of what he wishes to take back then
Attack Byzantium, going for his capitol.
Fill what I can in Arabia without attacking Mongols
Update, defend
bro should what should we do with Green, he's starting to attack me and possibly could attack you too in the future
I didn't want to attack you, but I ran out of spaces to expand. Sorry.
I don't really blame you. No hard feelings
Fuck m8 I'm trapped under two big bois and my flaccid dick in my hand, what can I do?
i like how things have turned out... separate but equal works pretty well
Fill Ireland and Iceland, spill Greenland.
Since I ended up with a chunk africa you should have had, if you feel like killing him, go ahead. I plan on leaving him be for the time being
Attack General Tso, South African area
Fill North America
Defend and attack Columbos
roll defend
Yeah, no hard feelings for before. Could have warned me about Cuba before launching Nukes but still can't blame you
Counter-attack Russia
I'm in the same boat; I have a NAP with, like, everyone else, so...
Attack Byzantium again, going for his capital in Europe. Nuke his capital in Africa.
OP do you have any other maps?
>tfw pretty much everyone else has nukes but you
as the map shows, i want nothing more that NA, and have set off 4 nukes so far in an effort to do only that
>tfw i realize you have been my only ally
You have one.
Noticed that just as I hit send.
Why'd you remind him, British bro?
We need a new map, Europe maps are best maps
Can you guys break your NAPs and start warring out? this is extremely boring
yeah i do
Push for Moscow, defend if attack
Defend only NA and Fill (NA) North America
Defend and attack Byzantines
Break NAP attack Byzantine Capital
Continue attacking Byzantium, going for his capitol.
Defend, roll
Ask OP to start new thread on better map
Maybe will break NAP in the future, not now. Defend if attacked.
What other maps do you have OP, Europe maps are usually more chaotic so we could do one of those
You mean +5, senpai
Nuke original Mongol Capital
Right, Updating
Let's take out Byzantium together, Mongol bro.
Barbarians pls no
Hell Yeah Byzantium must pay
Defend, attack Byzantines
Move into Anatolia, defend if attack
Defend if attacked
OP what other maps do you have
Attack Byzantine Capital
Fill Greenland. Spill Canada.
Attack that Byzantine bastard, going for his capitol.
+5, I nuked one of your capitals
Can I have the capitol since he nuked me
Forgot to update
Defend and attack Byzantines
Take my Saudi land back then move into Africa
Attack Byzantium in Southern Europe
.You're fucked.
Fug. Defend, Retake Constantinople
Defend if attacked.
Fill Greenland.
Defend Constantinople first
Roll Defend
Yea, most likely. Oh well, It was fun while it lasted.
fill NA
Should OP make a new map?
You should break one of your NAPs and stop being a little bitch hiding behind Byzantine and Rood