Ask a mexican anything
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when do you plan on crossing the border, and will you be using a tunnel, ladder, catapult, or cargo container?
By get a temporary visa paying 20$ to overstay 6 months. thats more common than jump the fence.
Why do Mexican's let their friends fuck their wives?
we dont. its against roman catholicism
Why does every other North and South American country hate you, except Canada?
are hispanics for trumps?
who are you voting for in our election?
Do you like Taco Bell?
I like Taco Bell.
Why are mexican women so fat and ugly?
Says the cuck married to a white fat feminist womyn
So is chainsawing off people's heads and faces and eating their hearts.
Why do you like yo ruin countries?
Would you pay the visa when trump wins? For sure the visa will be like 200% higher. You know, because the wall.
Not OP but mexican.
South Americans hate us because we are closer to U.S. and it´s a place that they will love to be. Also hates us because since the Spanish domination The New Sapain was the better Spanish viceroyalty.
The gringos hates us because we are conquering their country little by little
Is pic related really the average Mexican?
sure, fresas look like that alright.
nortern mexicans are whiter specially Sonorans, fun fact Sonora has more whites than Texas in %. Southerners in mexico are a breed of mestizo goblins and a few white elites.
get levantado, indio
muerete luis tapia
Papusas or Tamales?
I only adopt the terms you guys use. In truth I'm probably the most spergy and (spiritually) white mexican you'll ever find.
Do you consider yourself an intellectual?
in northern mexico we prefer to be called fresco or gente nice. mestizo goblins are called jodidos
yes. do you consider yourself a cuck?
>South Americans hate us because we are closer to U.S. and it´s a place that they will love to be
Not true, for us South is the best hemisphere.
>since the Spanish domination The New Sapain was the better Spanish viceroyalty.
>Racemixing with natives
Pick one.
I identify as A FUCKING LEAF you ignorant bigot
he's canadian that goes without saying
I live in the south-west.
can I come on your tits
they hate mexico because while being 60% goblin mestozs we still have a higher standard of living than most. except chile and maybe costa rica???
yes kiwi.
why do yall act like you have the best women when they turn into monstrosities at 22?
>spiritually white
Nah, that's just the garbage we send over the border.
thats +35
What are the cartels going to do when Trump builds his wall and cuts off the drug money?
>he's not wearing his turban
Fake af 0/10
I like you, Argenbro
Say who?
what are the ingridients in volcano sauce?
They'll keep trafficking their shit through tunnels. You druggies get your fix and we get more weapons.
Rate my flag
what I mean is that if I were of european ancestry (or mostly european ancestry) you wouldn't be able to tell I am Mexican.
not the elites...mexico is not one race or even a single culture. Main cultures are baja, northern mexico, the gulf coast, the pacific states, the bajio, los altos, central mexico, the indians in the southern most states and the yucatan peninsulars.
In the state of Jalisco, yes.
Everywhere else, no.
So they're slapping Spanish names on Germans now and calling them Mexicans??
Why do Mexicans treat Central American immigrants so violently?
Average American women is 2 inches taller and 15 pounds heavier
>If I was European you wouldn't be able to tell that I was Mexican
>Mexican intellectuals
hey argenbro, you think Bostons is a nice restaurant, in Buenos Aires you have to make reservations for fucking Bostons...Even a KFC is a luxury down there...MExico, while browner is richer...how the hell did you fuck yourselves so much?
>tfw when I bought into that lie when I moved there
>ask a mexican anything
I have so many questions!
Does she love me?
Does she even know I exist?
Why aren't you busy building the wall?
Why aren't you beheading your fellow countrymen?
What do the famous mexican intellectuals look like?
Also Mexico is the strongest economy in Latin American after Chile
Acutally some, yes, MEnonites in the state of Chihuahua are germans who have Spanish names like say Fernando or Rodrigo with german last names.
There's no such thing as a Mexican race. You can find people that look irish as fuck living in some rural shithole that act as bad as any indio around here. As far as I know, skin color definitely has nothing to do with it.
If you think tunnels will circumvent the wall you are seriously underestimating just how hard Trump will go to crackdown on the border.
People who are straightedge hate drugs with every fiber of their being.
because we have enough mestizo goblins, sorry. We don't need more.
there are mexican priests that like to help you. Mexican government allows to use a train with no cost, some zetas are bad but I am not our goverment. If you complain , you should avoid cross to Mexico.
Give me a city!!!
Im so sorry my brother.
A lot of my fellow mexicans are hypocrites.
I really dont understand this.
We should be helping each other out and strengthening our ties.
This is one of the few things that I cannot forgive my people or myself for.
One day if I have enough money I promise I will help our fellow immigrants out somehow.
This brings great shame to our country and people.
because we said no to the wall
because I am white
They look like Vicente Fox Quesadilla
>girls at his school dont look like this
YOu will have more luck with some Regias or Sonorans, In Sonora look for Ciudad OBregon, especially the La Salle students, in Monterrey, look for girls from Garza Garcia or San Pedro
I'll believe it when I see it. You underestimate the levels of corruption that operate on both sides of the border.
>restaurants are standarts of living
Tfw I almost fell for it too
Thanks mexibro
And this is relevant how??
a friend of mine went to Kansas restaurant at BS. AS. fancy as fuck.
So is it mostly the shitskin halfbreed Mexicans that come here illegally?
Bostons pizza or what?
I don't go to restaurant because I don't like to eat food made by people I don't know.
>he doesnt know about the south, east, and west coasts, the canadian border, and our submarines, airplanes, and friendly chinese merchant ships.
Do people really fall for the mexican border meme?
The massive amount of drugs flow is located there because it is the most CONVENIENT.
If there is a buyer, there will always be a seller.
So unless idiot suburban white boys and their nigger bulls instantly go straight edge as soon as the wall goes up, trumps plan will be completely useless.
What did higher education on average do for you Argenbro? You are literally letting Bolivians bring their chipas with them to your country, also letting PAraguayan whores, Blacks in the streets and worse...I lived in Buenos Aires for a year...was dissapointed on how many shitskins I saw.
Only in some parts of Jalisco, whitest state in Mexico by far.
t. Parents are from small town right below Los Altos in Jalisco.
Per the 2010 US Census, the majority (52.8%) of Mexican Americans identified as being White.[21] The remainder identified themselves as being of "some other race" (39.5%), "two or more races" (5.0%), Native American (1.4%), black (0.9%), and Asian / Pacific Islander (0.4%).[21] versus Mexico.
what is it like knowing mexico isnt as bad as america pretends it is first hand? do you wonder how any one can pity your nation when you have a space program?
do you think its insulting that americans in some cases feel obligated to help you poor brown people because you all must live in shanty towns by the boarder
yes, they think it's an amazing restaurant...FFS. Even having a car in Buenos Aires is a luxury.
Not sure what you're misunderstanding. A black can be as much as mexican as a white person can. I'm a mestizo but act white, by which I mean I'm much more neurotic, cold, introspective, aloof and autistic.
The mexican immigrants that arrive at the US, according to "Mañana Forever?" are actually the ones with highest European admixture.
Is there a kansas restaurant there, or she lied to me?
Show more of this semen demon.
we have bostons pizza here, is it good? never been there.
Wh-which is it?
How do you feel about Jessica Alba being 80% European?
Don't listen to those faggots.
Go to guadalajara for mexico's second biggest yet nicest major city but have varied tiers of women or go to Los Altos de Jalisco for blue eyed blond model tier conservative catholic women. (Jalisco is mexicos most conservativ state)
Watch out for the gays in guadalajara.
Due to all of the heavy catholicism and homophobia, a big pro gay movement started up years ago.
Its really small but loud and flamboyant, kind of like tumblr
semen demon hahaahhaha
Me gusta
Are you proud of Mexico, or do you take the stance of most Americans as "Hate the government, love the nation"?
they don't look like that
I live in a state with heavy wetback population, they look like
Sonora is whiter than Jalisco, and since half of it has the Sierra, they have very few Mestizo migrants coming there. Also they have the most beautiful women, some Tapatias are real hotties too, but They have more in Sonora, Even Sinaloa have better women on average.
That's true too, way to many immigrants. You can thanks populism for that. Hopefully Macri will be different with the help of the Burgers now that they will create a base here.
Still education isn't bad... We even have European studying in private school
Esto es un levanton alv pendeja
If only the USA treated you the same way. Gringos do not rape 80% of women. Murder and kidnap for money. Torture by the police.
not only jessica.
Studies in the general Mexican population have found European ancestry ranging from 56%[32] going to 60%,[33] 64%[34] and up to 78%[35]).