Why do some rich people have ugly wives? Is it the best they can do or do they just not give a fuck?
Why do some rich people have ugly wives? Is it the best they can do or do they just not give a fuck?
would you think she was pretty if she had floppy ears and a wet nose? fucking leaf
Isn't that Anthony Weiner's wife? What's she doing with the Cloontang?
Some girls have really kind/demure personalities which compensates for their lack of attractiveness to an extent.
You'd know that if you weren't a virgin cuck who only saw naked girls in porn
ya but
I think she's okay. At least she isn't black.
look at her facial features, especially her chin. The woman Clooney chose to marry shares similar features to him. couples that look alike always creep me the fuck out.
Made my day
Good recipe for attractive sons, but horridly ugly daughters.
It's George Clooney, he probably picked his ideal wife out of, well pretty much the entire female population.
That's probably his concept of 10/10.
>tfw Yoko was probably the real John's soulmate
>tfw we hated her for it
First, best.
Men will put their dicks in anything and everyone
We're the most lustful gender and with 8/10 women being perfectly fuckable to us we try our damndest to enjoy them
Women only wanna fuck 2 in 10 guys PREFERABLY the most superior model
no this is, and i high fived her and made her smile
I thought he was married to Angelina Jolie not some Arab milf
>what are beards
>Why do some rich people have ugly wives?
Because they're closet fags. You've never heard of a "beard?"
Clooney probably isn't a total fag though: he clearly picked a woman that looks like him.
A beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of humans and some non-human animals. In humans, usually only pubescent or adult males are able to grow beards. From an evolutionary viewpoint the beard is a part of the broader category of androgenic hair. It is a vestigial trait from a time when humans had hair on their face and entire body like the hair on gorillas. The evolutionary loss of hair is pronounced in some populations such as indigenous Americans and some east Asian populations, who have less facial hair, whereas Caucasians and the Ainu have more facial hair. Women with hirsutism, a hormonal condition of excessive hairiness, may develop a beard.
Throughout the course of history, societal attitudes toward male beards have varied widely depending on factors such as prevailing cultural-religious traditions and the current era's fashion trends. Some religions (such as Sikhism) have considered a full beard to be absolutely essential for all males able to grow one, and mandate it as part of their official dogma. Other cultures, even while not officially mandating it, view a beard as central to a man's virility, exemplifying such virtues as wisdom, strength, sexual prowess and high social status. However, in cultures where facial hair is uncommon (or currently out of fashion), beards may be associated with poor hygiene or a "savage", uncivilized, or even dangerous demeanor. Does this help jose?
Some men just genuinely have awful taste in women.
you marry for genes at that point.
no reason to marry a big titted dumb bimbo when you can have kids with a smart woman and fuck the bimbo on the side.
Maybe she gives the best head in the world, who knows
>Why do people find people attractive that I personally don't find attractive
This is what you are actually asking.
why didn't clooney marry this instead is what im asking
he married her for her money
plus she's a beard
This might come to a shock to you leaf, but people generally marry because they love the person. Lust does not equal love. The chick in your picture is hot as fuck, sure, and I'd put my dick in her. But who is to say she isn't dumb as a rock, or an all around terrible person? Looks are a good thing to have, but it's more than that. She can be hot as fuck, but if she is an annoying, whiny ass bitch, I sure as shit wouldn't want to keep her around.
She looks like a MTF
Eventually some dudes want security too. Have you ever tried dating a hot girl? I don't mean just a girl you find hot, but a girl who is legitimately a 7+ to the general population as well. At all times you can rely on attractive dudes trying to fuck her pretty much 24/7. Any time she's out of your sight there's basically a 100% chance that she's deciding whether or not to fuck the latest guy who's coming onto her. Maybe she won't today, maybe she will. You get to compete with every guy on earth who has the confidence and charisma to reasonably expect success with randomly hitting up a hot girl. And she'll know it. She knows she can take advantage of that whenever she wants. So even if she isn't either fucking or simply taking advantage of every hungry man in her path, when she looks at you she knows she can fall back into that safety net whenever she wants.
And even if you're the kinda guy who doesn't give a shit about one of your girls fucking other people, and you're also not worried about the diseases or shitty habits she may pick up from the rest of her stable, you probably only don't care because of how hot she is. You wouldn't tolerate the usual woman bullshit and very likely psychological manipulation going on if she wasn't as hot as she was, and you know it.
So if you're Clooney or somebody else in similar circumstances, you've already fucked hundreds of those girls, probably even pretended to carry on relationships with some of em. And when you're pushing into your 50s, you've got all the fame and financial security you could ever want, and you've already spent decades balls-deep in 20-year-olds, even a dude sometimes just wants somebody he knows he can keep. Somebody who's attractive, but a bit shy of his actual attainability level, and smart enough to be the kind of girl who knows it. She'll be devoted and head-over-heels for life, and a far safer bet than another 22-year-old russian supermodel who's already fucking her photographer and coke dealer.
1. She is extremely intelligent, so maybe he is marrying here so his children have his looks with her smarts.
2. She is famous human rights lawyer, which is perfect arm material for his desperately-wanted political career. He is going to be shooting for the senate soon and she will be a good sell to the liberals.
>implying you can get a woman of that standard
so many virgins itt.
clooney has been banging 10/10 tight young pussy of every flavor for the past 3 decades. the kind of porn doll we all fantasize about was just another quickie for him. u eventually get tired of that.
he picked her for her brains and heart as a partner.
maybe someday some of you guys may get laid. good luck.
Because after slaying all the pussy you can manage, you look to settle down with a real companion/wife.
>of that standard
literally old and with an inch of make up
please take the red pill sir, it's almost cringeworthy to read your shit.
I don't know.
She's not ugly though. What is it with you people only liking women with little girl faces?
Maybe they are rich because they worked hard, were principles and disciplined, and aren't affected by lust, so they dont care about looks and go for whoever makes them happy? He is rich and confident, he doesnt need to care about whether people approve of his wife or not.
I'm pretty well off and my wife isn't the most beutiful woman, but goddam, she can suck a mean cock. That's a big reason I married her. That, and she likes asssex.
I hear they stay with the ones they got before getting rich.
New ones can't be trusted.
I am Canadian and I can confirm that we fuck animals
Toronto is the worst for it
Hot girls are usually as boring as shit.
She's Muslim and with each generation Muslims get more and more degenerate. There are a number of beautiful, intelligent, and well off persons for Clooney to have married. This woman though, not the best choice. Clooney's legacy stops with him.
Political - ask arnie, maria shriver is a grenade.
Women in general are boring as shit.
get wife to use to protect yourself from the PC police and use her as a beard while u fuck anyone u want
Clooney Goonies wife is a tranny you dumbasses
but he gave you the redpill. 100%
How old are you?
lol just wait until you're grown up and battered by life, then your naive ideals regarding relationships will be thrown out the window
>b-but she's a sandnigger...albeit an educated one.