Given that Trump's a Hillary plant, he's exactly where he wants to be.
What's the exchange rate from $0.02 to gypsy beads? You could perhaps take deodorant as payment instead.
>losing by 4 points in rasmussen.
jesus fucking christ hes in trouble.
Rasmussen even had romney winning by like 5.
Since when did people from Chad have internet
Im not shilling.
This is probably the first time a rassmussen poll has ever been blue
I detect lots of fear and bacon grease from these posts
The meltdown on this board will be hilarious, can't wait to screencap it
Someone is screencapping all the posts saying the polls are rigged right?
There must be thousands per day
I hope so, this place will be like 2012 but on steroids. Also I hope people are capping /r/the_donald because that place is actually so far gone
What if, Hillary is a TRUMP plant and its 5d chess?
I'm really fucking excited. No matter who wins, this place will be a nuclear ocean of butthurt and shit flinging.
All Trump needed to do is to not act like a buffoon and he has this election in the bag.
People really hate Hillary, but if the alternative is an uncontrollable loose cannon, they will rather choose the corrupt but emotionally stable candidate.
I'd take lawful evil over chaotic evil tbqh. Either way we are totally fucked m8. It's like choosing between death by lynching or death by fire.
>All Trump needed to do is to not act like a buffoon and he has this election in the bag.
Well I guess we'd better start practicing saying "Madam President Hillary Clinton" because Drumpf has proven time and time again he will do nothing but act like a buffoon.
"Madam President" has such a nice ring to it, it's actually kinda fun to say ;)
Play time is over shills. We are here....
I wonder what happens when polls aren't rigged?
> I wonder what happens when polls aren't rigged?
Romney wins
> peoplespunditdaily.com
ayy even on your website clinton wins
>what is margin of error?
I really need to stop replying to garbage.
> b-but the polls are skewed!
> b-but muh bias
> b-but muh margin of error
> 5d scrabble!
This election is fucking insane. If the President and the media are all against a candidate, I certainly believe they can rig the polls. We'll just have to wait till the debates to know for sure.
Meanwhile if the (((polls))) reflected the political demographics of the country AKA reality
Enjoy your 10 cents though
> check site
> Rasmussen has a 1.8 democratic bias
> Fox has a 3.7 democratic bias
> mfw
Literally "I don't like the results" - the website
Fox doesn't do the Fox news polls, they subcontract that shit out. The bias rating compares party number polled vs registered party members. Basically all polling companies are overpolling Dems. Also the methodology would have correctly predicted the past 3 elections, 0 of this polling companies are 3 for 3.
TL;DR it's the most accurate poll date we have stay mad shill it isn't working
Don't worry, he is just lulling the opposition into being complacent. Just see who's laughing when he lays down the hammer in October.
i took a $1000 bet that trump wont win. im voting for him, but its never going to happen. its all rigged. fbi, compromising national security, lying under oath, taking bribes for favors. none of this matters to her. hillary is invincible.
what should i do with my extra grand pol?
Really? You thought pretending to be a gypsy would improve your shilling?
Yeah, I'm sure if you take all those biased polls and add a +5/+10 Trump correction to them for no reason, they're suddenly correct now.
And Rasmussen is the most biased conservative pollster possible. They were having Romney winning for the majority of 2012, same with Trump until now. You can cry wolf about the CNN/Reuters polls, but the moment you say that Rasmussen is biased no one takes you seriously anymore
> trumptards in charge of understanding polling
>Romanian relevance in AMERICAN politics abated
At least leafs have the excuse of literally being right next to them.
Trump is almost assuredly going to lose. The butthurt on this board will be massive on another level we have never witnessed.
Because honestly, once Trump loses...where does this board go from there? You can't recover from going all in on a candidate like this and dedicating this entire board to supporting him and calling ANYONE who criticizes him a shill and that Trump is invincible etc...and then lose.
I honestly can't really see what happens aside from several days of REEEEEE and frog shitposting and flailing.
>"We won't divulge how we come to our numbers, just trust us, teh polls r lying"
You guys try so hard to find alternative sources to fit your narrative and you come up with these backwoods ass sites that attempt to do mental gymnastics in order to say the ship isn't sinking...but when the methodology section of the website refuses to actually explain how they arrive at their numbers or how they're weighting them to arrive at these conclusions, it kinda hurts their credibility.
whoa.... so this... is the end of drumpf... whoa
And even with their site it proves he's going to shit
Like look LongRoom Unbiased graph at the top of this page: longroom.com
Trump goes from a 4.6 lead to Clinton leading for a bit to Trump having 0.9
So even in their wildest dreams, trumpfags all can do is claim a tie lol
Dont worry the trump and wiki leaks will have bomb shell