Hungry Kasich and memes aside, whats your opinion on this guy?
Hungry Kasich and memes aside, whats your opinion on this guy?
A shill for Soros.
Even worse than Cruz with his sour grapes. He didn't even attend the convention in his own state because he believes/wants Trump to lose.
Trump is garbage and is being abandoned by half the party, you can't really fault Kasich for using his fucking brain
That wasn't the case three weeks ago.
Remind me again, why did people vote for this guy? He was a boring dude.
Kasich is jumping ship like many republicans because he wants to save his fucking career. Trump's campaign (all shill memes aside) is a total dumpster fire right now, and everyone is trying to mitigate damage to their own images.
Cunts should have encouraged Jim Webb to run as a Republican. If he had, the right would have been unstoppable.
A dead-ender
>supporting Common Core
A man so aggressively stupid that he has to retard the learning of all succeeding generations of American citizens.
How do American conservatives even accept this guy?
Thanks for correcting the record there dude.
Lay some more truth on me brother. What's your shill unit number? Has Hillary screamed at you yet?
Eat a few more blue pills, it's all good.
I voted for him in the primaries, and still believe that he would have had the best shot in the general election. He'd be absolutely slaughtering Hillary right now.
I think he might be the guy in 2020 if Trump doesn't succeed, but that might be an issue given his childish behavior after Kasich dropped out of the race if the Trump loyalist coalition still exists in that hypothetical.
I like him quite a bit still, but wish he'd have handled himself better after dropping out. He embarrassed and disgraced himself. Just stand by your pledge, make a courtesy appearance at the convention, and shut up.
he was a plant for the restaurateurs association of america
Milquetoast RINO, would be a model candidate for the Controlled Opposition Party in any other election cycle.
It's true, I'd back Jim Webb 10x before I would have backed Trump, really wish Trump would have picked him as VP. Who gave a shit about party unity, half of the party hates him. Trump/Webb would have been a dream come true. Now we have nothing.
Trump is a shillary plant. This whole thing is a rigged boxing match, where trump is predetermined to take the fall in the 9th round. What better way to destroy your own chances of winning and decrease your approval numbers then by insulting veteran after veteran? Look into trumps past and you will see that he is not a true conservative, and was even at one point a registered democrat, personal friend of hillary clinton , and donated a fuck load of money to clintons 2008 presidential bid.
Swallow the black pill and get the fuck out of this country while you can, Hillary has had this whole thing rigged from the very beginning. I hope this record has been properly corrected for you.
t. May or may not be a shill for some unknown entity
But he's a globalist neocon like the rest of them. His golly gee act only goes so far
>Common core
Screw him.
looks like one of the bad guys from the x-files
He's a suborn ass sore loser. Whether or not you like the guy who ultimately won, the GOP convention brings a lot of money, publicity but also trouble to Ohio. He was required, in my opinion, to go to his parties convention being held in his state and at least thank everyone there and the GOP as a courtesy for the economic boost and publicity it brought and thank the emergency personnel and city/state officials who worked to keep order and safety in tact. He is a dick and I bet he loses should he run for re-election.
I will acknowledge that Trump v. Clinton polls are purposely skewed to favor Hillary, but I think if he were the candidate, once the DNC emails leaked, liberals would have flocked to the guy and he would have dominated early on.
Voted for him in Ohio to stop trump. He's a good governor and he certainly has the experience for higher office, but he was way too close to center for him to be my number one.
Very disappointed that he acted like a tool and didn't go to the convention even though he's GOVERNOR OF THE FUCKING STATE
Globalist neoconservative garbage.
Disagree, look at what happened to Romney after his failure to endorse Goldwater. He ruined his career. Nixon, who stood by Goldwater, won the nomination & Presidency.
He would have beaten Clinton but GOP fucked it up.
They didn't