How would Sup Forums handle it if their teen son told them he was gay?

How would Sup Forums handle it if their teen son told them he was gay?
inb4 gas him or a ridiculous answer

Other urls found in this thread:

kill myself

a ridiculous answer

Tell him that he better swallow or he's grounded

Swallow your cum? You are going to rape him? What?


This question has such an obvious answer that OP needs to kill thyself.

Tell him to poz my neg hole

make fun of that guys stupid fucking .22 and then slap my son


I'd congratulate him on being lucky enough to be able to form more emotionally intimate relationships than a man could ever have with a woman.

who cares, just tell him he should have an actual kid with a surrogate or something. If not, whatever, I wasn't planning on having just one kid anyways.

I said gay not trans.

I wish I could get a 10/22 here :(


that isn't gay, that's just florida

Holy shit those chairs are tall.

Those look like the Florida Georgia line fags

I'll have already raised him to be alpha, he'll just fuck men like I fuck women.
inb4 I dont fuck women

probably just sit by my bed for a while to think it out, he is still my son and I would love him no matter what, maybe I would just try to avoid talking about it at all costs, but if he was a flamer I dont know what I would do

Where's Little Marco?

Same shit, different clothes.

I'd accept him and still love him. But I would instantly work on creating a new heir. And I might not leave him anything in my Will.

Deal with it that you didn't positively influence him.

try to treat him like normal because I can be happy he's not going to fuck up and impregnate a girl he can't take care of and wont worry about losing half his worth in a divorce

>posts anti-gay bait thread

>uses straight guys to trigger

Tell him I still and always will love him, and I will support his lifestyle as best I can even if I do not agree with or understand it. As would all of you - you are all heartless bastards on the internet until you have to look into the eyes of your fucking flesh and blood and tell them that their natural sexual instinct that has nothing to do with you is something to destroy a blood relationship over. Children.

More like an ugly Sam and Dean Winchester.

I'd be fine with it because I'm gay. He just can't be trans or some sojus piece of shit.

What would I do?

Ask enough questions to determine if they were serious about it, or if it's just some bullshit SJW fad.

Then I'd be superficially supportive but actually terribly disappointed. Forever.

Citation: have two sons.

If he doesn't show me evidence that he's gay, I'm going to have to dismiss his claims as hearsay.

>Sup Forums

Nice, /polgb/ meet up when? How old are you?

Tell him that I wish I didn't jizz into his mothers gooch pouch all those years ago and saved my money, time, emotions and my youth for my own damn self and adopt a smart korean or jap kid who could've at least bought me a new house when he comes hyper rich.

>will support his lifestyle as best I can even if I do not agree with or understand it.
like you don't understand the word lifestyle?

Are you suggesting that homosexuality is not part of one's lifestyle?

they reproduce but only with obese landwhales

and if theyre not obese landwhales their women look like trailer trash meth whores

I met a naked gay dude with a huge cock on a beach in Maui.

He had a home in Maui and a home in San Fran.

So, yeah... a gay son will never have money.


"Oh, really, that's a shame. You're still a son of mine, and I still love you. Hey, Honey, we need to start having sex again, we need a new kid. Don't worry son, I'll still support you, emotionally that is."

I'd be more upset that he got a tattoo of florida on his chest. Of all the fucking states to choose from, of all the places on God's green earth to pick, that's the one he decides to go with?

it's not a lifestyle

people can have very different lifestyles regardless of their sexual orientation, including being virgins and celibate

it's very possible for a hetero guy and a homo guy to have a very similar lifestyle when compared to others of their orientation

narcissism in a nutshell

the reason for having children

good job

Probably deal with like the regressives do..

"Dad, I'm gay"
"I'm gay dad"
"No your not"
"Yes I am dad sorry"
"You're a woman"
"Your a woman in a mans body"
"The Fuck?!"
"You see this way there's nothing wrong with my parenting"
"Fuck you dad"
"No no even if you my daughter that's just wrong"

I would tell him how lucky he is that he will never need to deal with a she-fox

This is why if you have kids, you should have 3.

1 girl and 2 boys.

1 girl to trade for powerful family faction ties and seal a relationship for the future.

2 boys, just incase 1 turns complete shit somehow, dies, or becomes a fag and won't further your lineage.

Having more kids would be a bonus, if you can afford to do it. More chances for greatness and the odds of failure are whiped out.

Having just 1 son is literally russian roulette style gamble. You could have him die on his 18th birthday and it was all for nothing. Now your wife is 40 and you can't have kids and it's all over red rover.

Soooooo like Trump?

"You're going to Hell."

What if you have that 4th youngest son that ends up a mooching autistic NEET who pisses in bottles that you 50 year old wife can't stop babying and ruins all family reunions?

That son doesn't turn out that way under me.

He's out of the house at 18. That's the fucking rule.

You forgot the fourth, the cannibal who saves the world from your narcissism.

They used to be ten feet lower.

What if your son looked like THIS and came out?

I would feel relieved that my son would never have to deal with a baby-scare or ever knock some chick up.


>Shit, so it really is heritable.

Probably just wait until he was 18 then kick him out and never talk to him again.

Hey dad I'm gay, that won't be a problem right?

Jesus man, try hard

>if their teen son told them he was gay?

We would go on a rock climbing trip, and he would have an accident and fall off a cliff to his death.

Too many "men" fail to do their duty to society and allow their degenerate spawn to further contaminate the gene pool.

Sorry, but collecting Magic cards isn't the same thing as having a son.

we can put our heads together to solve any dilemma

> and allow their degenerate spawn to further contaminate the gene pool.
This makes no sense since gays don't breed...