Its happening, Sup Forums, believe it or not

Its happening, Sup Forums, believe it or not.

This page has over 150k likes on facebook. Is Japan no longer the ultimate redpill central? Whats happening to our eastern Poles.

Islam in Israel?

please firebomb this place /nippol/

inb4 nsa

Thats Japan, not Vietnam, my little burger.


Islam is literally the answer to Japan's lack of new births.

The strong virile brown shits will spread their brown semen with all the desperate Jap christmas cakes and create a high test low IQ generation of free eaters in Japan!

when will the Samurai rise?

if you encourage them like you did last time im sure theyll rise again

Japan never was the red pill utopia that Sup Forumsacks make it out to be. It's just their old generation was very nationalistic from actually being there and seeing what happened to the country in mid 20th century and afterwards. The youth of Japan are relatively liberal-ish. And considering the elders of Japan are majority of the population and most have a max of 20-35 years left, Japan won't be like it is today in the future.

Also don't lose your shit just cuz of a FB page.

>implying those likes came from the japs

< Before it's too late.

Like bedbugs they are vermin that want to infiltrate every corner of the earth. They'll suck your blood and shit in your bed. A mosque is being state funded in Athens by now.

SEA niggers are even worse than than African AIDS niggers

Joke's on you, I'm European. Not one of the "new" Europeans.

>living in Malayshit

Nice try but no. And don't even try saying that you casually decided to proxy as Malay - nobody proxies as a shit country like that, even as a joke.

And how many of those likes do you think are actually muslims?
It's probably just a bunch of neo-liberal pissbabies who like to whine about Japan's xenophobia and homogeneity.

Nip refers to japs you ignorant leaf.

Eh, Malaysia isn't that bad. It's no Somalia, but it's pretty cozy.

Moved here two years ago following pussy. Now married. But hey, you don't have to believe me, it's an anonymous board.

Nice filename & also lmao'ing at your fantasy of marrying some degenerate Malay slut who has had 420 foreign dicks cum inside her before you but you'd still believe her saying she's a virgin.

>Nu-male cucks.
>Not even once.

So much hostility, who broke your heart Slovakia?

I reallly cant imagine the nips letting this shit take off

They're converting already, ばか。

I hate Western nu-male cucks and SEA niggers and you're combining both in one.

>Whats happening to our eastern Poles.
Same as what's happening to the original Poles.

>0,1% of the population

Who will bomb who? That's the question.

I'm not sure if I fit the definition of a nu-male.
Lets see: I'm an European that has had more pussy than most men at my age. How you ask? I used to be a total degenerate, but a manly degenerate, which seems women love.
Getting all the pussy I wanted got less exciting as I grew older, it was then that I met a beautiful Indian girl with strong family values. I realized this is what I've been needing all my life, somebody that would compromise and would never leave my side.

I consider myself happy now, do you?

Again, I might be making all of this up, who knows?

>Same as what's happening to the original Poles.
so, do japs also cuck you while taking all your money?

screw the japs

bandy-legged little cunts

I bet all those 150k likes are from women and feminist men trying to impress women.

This was linked somewhere on their page.

I had a hearty laugh.

This one won't be missed.

People don't understand that Islam is different in SE Asia. You don't know how people live on this side of the world, except for what the media feeds you.

It hasn't been in a while, japs were already obsessed with niggers

yfw japan goes full samurai mode

We've got enough of that, thanks.

>japan has birthrate problem
>islam spreads in japan
>everyone has like 7 kids
>birthrate problem solved
>but now everyone is muslim


kamakaze everywhere.

Exactly. In South-East Asia, Mudshits are killed by buddhists and pagans.

0.1% too many

So when is BLM coming to Japan?

>Eastern Poles

>Sup Forums claims to hate Islam
>actually agree with most of their core tenants
>especially all the barbaric women hating shit like punishing women for being raped, killing women who cheat, treating women like they're disgusting, etc, etc
>but because the followers of Islam are mainly "Sand-n*****s", it's unacceptable

Typical conservative right - chasing away anyone who might actually support you because they're not white. Guess what, whites are a global minority and your fraction of the world is getting smaller everyday. If you don't attract new people to your side, you'll go the way of the dinosaur

Nips remember the sarin gas attacks too well to put up with religious fanaticism

>Exactly. This is what the media told me.

Thanks for proving my point.

t. deluded muslim injecting his own fantasy to justify his unbelievably shitty religion

Islam will NEVER conquer Based Japan, because Muslims fear the Samurai.

Japan is fucked, kid. Get over it.

In a few years it will be 5% Muslim, so appreciate it while you will

>our own biased information vs your biased information


More like
>your own biased information served by the media vs my day to day life and personal experiences with the subject in question

>I'm not sure if I fit the definition of a nu-male.
>Lets see: I'm an European that has had more pussy than most men at my age.
Just because having sex once with a used up Putang Ina Moh hooker is more than half your fellow Westerners doesn't actually mean you've had more pussy than MOST men your age.

Dumb cuck.


Some edgy quotes you got there, faggot. When you'll get beheaded by your fiancee, maybe you'll ponder what could've come of you if you focused on self-development rather than fleeting female beauty and meaningless values in a low-HDI land.

There's only two outcomes that I see, either Japan goes full imperial mode where they kick out all foreigners including white piggu or they continue this charade where they pretend to have standards while still letting in refugees behind their own peoples backs and their demographics slowly get skewed and blacked.

are the likes from actual Japanese people living in Japan?

There's basically no Muslims in Japan, there never will be. They only took in 27 refugees in 2015, kept them locked up in refugee centers, deported most of them right after.

So your own biased information?

>leaf shitposting

Nothing new here.

also 150k likes isn't a lot, there are meme pages and small time musicians on facebook who have way more likes than that


Guess Japan's xenophobia isn't all bad. The day anime starts really pulling SJW-type nonsense is the day hope dies. Until then just enjoy the inappropriate ride.

Nice banter, but you're wrong kapustnica man, I've had the luck of working in a hotel and as a result fucking women from all over the world.
France, Germany, Ireland, Brazil, America... I was filling up a world map with pins with each new girl.

No time to think about could haves and should haves now. This is my life.

Yeah, you got me good there user.

Islam doesn't allow art with human representations nor does it preserve preexisting religious traditions or edifices.

Say goodbye to every Buddhist temple, Shinto shrine, holiday, all that Japanese art including anime and manga.

No more sake. No more shellfish-half of the Japanese diet disappears.

If Japan allows Islam in it will wipe it's entire history away- just look at Southeast Asia.

> all that Japanese art including anime and manga.

Wtf! I love Islam now.


Did you marry a Malay?

>Not liking anime
What are you, some kind of faggot?

Japan is going to eventually go full Imperialist mode and kick out all the dirty fucking foreigners. Have no worries. Jews fear the Samurai.

From who? some SEA muslims?

how pale is your desi cunt? the light skinned ones are fairly attractive.

That's how it starts.


ping pong

Someone post the giant jewish anime one.

I disagree, it's the opposite
Japanese tradition is wiping SEA history
Every other weekend is a cosplay convention
Every other weekend is a jap/ gook food fair
Every Friday is anime/ manga day among some of my Muslim friends (afternoon prayer -> manga time)
Every month is a major anime/ manga convention in KL
Hentai has replaced nearly all porn here

the giant jewish anime one.

I guarantee 95%+ of those likes are from people outside Japan.

The glee with which Muslims spread their disgusting ideology is stomach churning.

>muslims beheaded by nips
a nice change of pace really


Does your wife still have her clit?

Also please tell me you went there to get flying hours, I can't think of any other reason to move to that filthy country.

Yes, Indian-malay.

She's light brown. Like a coffee latte.

I'm not sure I should even reply to you leaf, but here's your (You).

It's a shame such a good-looking place is devoted to such a backward superstition.

>yfw 71 years after failing to unite asia via military conquest, Japan has finally succeeded with anime and contemporary japanese culture


Facebook likes don't mean anything.

Muslims don't hold any power or influence in Japan.

All these leftist shills in this thread forget how Japan deported illegal Iranian migrants by the thousands every single year.

They also forget that Japan's Supreme Court stated that mass survive of Muslims is justified.

The only Muslims in Japan are not native Japanese but Indonesians, etc.


There are more Muslims in China than Japan.

OP is just an angry Chinese expat living in Canada spreading lies about Japan.

thanks for posting the giant jewish anime one
it gets me every time, haha


Probably paid shills as usual.

Japan hates all organized religion.

>Mohammed Fujita


>are the likes from actual Japanese people living in Japan?

This so much. It's just a bunch of libtards and muslims living abroad that are hitting the like button.

Yeah, but the Muslims in Sinkiang are native to the region while Japan has no native muslim population. It's the same difference between the Canadian defense minister and the Russian defense minister.

Thanks bro



Inb4 ottoman empire rises again.


The Super KEK