So how ya holding up there Sup Forums?

So how ya holding up there Sup Forums?

Why did you post a blank image? I dont see anything.

Open your eyes stupid ass

I see a picture of Nate Diaz


I think we atomic bombed that japs eyes shut or something back in ww2

Peachy bro.

Why am I conscious?

Funny as fuck. Nice one, Japan.

Open your eyes m8

I think I'm losing it

Not well.

Extremely lonely and depressed.

same here brother

John Cena's catch-phrase is "You can't see me.", therefore, the Japanon said the image was black, as it was a picture of John Cena. Come on, guys.

going to a job interview in about a hour after neeting it up for 2years so not too bad i guess if all goes well i will finally be able to pay back to my parents and buy my own weed after leeching up from friends.

Fuck niggers

The (((media))) is getting to you bro.

I've been crying all day and almost ate an entire tub of ice cream and now I feel fat so I'm crying again

good luck m80

Too nip

So basically only weabos watch wrestling

vagina detected

Better to be aware that you're losing it than to not be.

I don't watch wrestling, and Japanon probably doesn't either. John Cena is just a meme and a celebrity.

fukken good one hiro

good morning my little cockroaches

Not bad, OP. Not bad at all.


I don't know why that made me laugh, but it did.

I'm feeling sad because Trump isn't doing so good in the polls.

How about you stop taking this hawaiian rock painting board so seriously you goofy autist.

Me too m8

Who /virgin/ here?
Who /friendless/ here?

Pretty good.

I found out this morning that Sydney is implementing a city card.

It is a pre-paid card that can only purchase a certain amount of alcohol in the metro area.

Businesses will no longer accept cash or any type of bank card.

It will be linked to a personal account on the Web.

This will be in two years.

Three years after that it will be replaced by a non removable smart bracelet. This will be used in conjunction with smart glasses that will detect how many beverages you have. If you try to bypass this security feature by drinking someone else's drink you will be fined.

This is all to circumvent drunkenness in the entertainment district.

nothing wrong with crying all day user

Fuck you brah Lucha Underground is the best show going today.

how about you never reply to me again

Finishing an awesome internship but now have to move back to Portland, OR to finish school. I am dreading dealing with the SJWs, especially this close to an election year. As if Portland wasn't shit enough already.

>Being this dumb
Stay classy burgers


I don't know it sounds like somebody wants to get nuked again....

tits or GTFO!

Good thing progressives gave women the right to vote right?

Could be better, could be worse.

Got clean from heroin 9 months ago, finally feel confident and comfortable in my own skin, been 7 years since I felt this good. Working, applying for school and building a new life. For any anons struggling with addiction, there is hope.

The fact I have a neurotic gf seems chump change in comparison desu this is my first relationship since getting clean and its hard trying to navigate. I'm pretty close to just calling it quits and moving on.

Things turning up in life but the hillary shills are bumming me out. The media is trying to cut trump up but he's playing 5th dimension chest with a checkers player. It'll get better.

>drug addicts have gfs
>you're still a virgin

Can't get mad no matter what.
Memes have made me stronger.

>tfw the only friend I have lives on the other side of the planet
Trying to hang in there and better myself but why is it so hard these days...

what kind? i've been eating heavenly hash every day for the past two years and gained 100 lbs

get on my level

You won't be forever m8 just get out there and be yourself. Its overrated anyway.


>squinty eyed jap
>Jon can't be seen in general

Multi tier humor. Why are japs so good at everything

Who here //suicide watch//

I miss my GF a lot and am contemplating suicide. You guys?

Damn, here with you man

stop squinting.

me, my parents are all i've got

OK, seeing a girl tonight I slept with last weekend. First in a long spell but I think she's crazy, got mad red flags; Crying over stupid shit, flat was a shit tip, weed lmao all day, recently fired from a job for weed lmao, loads of weird animals, trying to teach her cat to shit in the toilet, kind of spaced and docile, weirdly sexually dis inhibited.

I know I should probably go with my gut so I don't end up dead but muh dick. One of her friends came over to collect stuff and she seemed scared, the explination the girl I'm fucking gave didn't add up.

She won't be the last, bro. You are more than what you were with her around. Live life for yourself and not for anyone else, you're here which means you are the last hope for a civil society. Don't give up hope, there aren't enough of us to lose even one.

>killing yourself over a cunt
might as well do it you are pathetic

Try to enjoy the freedom of not giving a fuck, before blowing your brains out.
I'm at a point now where I enjoy my self pity more than happiness.

Been working nights for a year straight but you gotta make use of that film degree somehow. at least I can shitpost at work.

never better. the left throws away the last bit of integrity it has as they continue to defend ultra conservative rapist and murderers just because they are muslim

and actively lobby for a senile old lady to be president even though its clear she has the attention span of a gold fish and makes faces like a tard

>be yourself

Okay. I hit day 5 with nofap. My brother is visiting. We went to Atlantic City. I talked to this Turkish girl. Thick accent but very beautiful. She had a boyfriend though. I wouldn't know what to do anyway if I started a relationship with her anyway.

Then I talked to this bored Russian lady. Heavy accent but eh. She wasn't really interested but I said "dasvidanya" and she said bye back. It was cringeworthy, but being corny is the best way I know how to talk to girls. I suck at talking to girls.

But.. eh, at least I didn't fap today. I miss my girlfriend too.

Is Broken Matt redpilled?

That image is super long winded tbqhfaammy

I wish there was something i could do, but there is nothing to do when 99% of people wilfully ignore massive corruption


Why doesn't my oxycontin give me huge energy rushes anymore? I just get fucking lethargic

Bad day, woke up in so much pain. Just feel like shit last few weeks.

You're just building up a tolerance bro, I'd lay off it for a couple of days and see how you feel. Sucks that you are in pain but you don't want to go down the opiate addiction road. I've worked with end stage opiate addicts and they are the definition of fucked.