CTR probably left this place knowing they are wasting money
In short we've won
CTR probably left this place knowing they are wasting money
In short we've won
Or maybe they dont work at 2am?
>t.false flag by CTR
Fuck of shill nigger
No, seriously, they've ran out of ammo so they've just been buzz-wording since yesterday. They know nothing will work so the CTR shills will leave within the next two days
wow this really corrcts my reocrd
This is more likely
They'll be back at it tomorrow
And then when the weekend rolls around, they'll visit again just to lurk
And all of them will get redpilled off the clock
We hopefully have a counter ready
seriously, all the shills left at once, over just an hour or so.
>They'll be back at it tomorrow
and in greater numbers?
that's because their office closed. they dont work 24/7
CTR can't shitpost because Sup Forums is at their door
End of the work day dude.
not that hard
They do 8 hour days.
Source: Sister was hired for a few months for their division in Madison Wisconsin.
Their MO is fucked
>We'll make Hill win by shitposting on Sup Forums
Some are still here.
Real nigga hours starts in like 2 hours. Least amount of shitposting and shills for a while.
whoopsie doodle there's some mighty dangerous info about (((CTR))) on here
Well actually maybe not. Change of events:
That's like politely asking people to jump off a cliff.
Not gonna happen.
>implying its not a free lance job
>implying they dont work from home
Thread already happened. Just trolling now.
You pathetic, delusional, whiny faggots
We're not CTR, you morons
Did you think Sup Forums was 100% made up of the same type of insecure overcompensating rightwing faggot?
We had all been memeing along with you because it was fun, even though conversing with most trumptards was enough to make you cringe all the time
The center left of Sup Forums has finally awakened and all you can do is freak out like the kike in OP pic
Boo hoo you can no longer puke your way to victory in a conversation. Tough luck faggot, welcome to the real world, where Trump crashes and burns like he was expected to
>We're not CTR, you morons
B-but what if , just what if he wins ???
Pro tip:
They were never here.
Wtf is CTR?
Yes and now it's just faggot leftycucks and "non partisan" patricians who are literally doing it for free (ironically).
Correct the record
Or some shit like that. Its pro hillary, paid for organization.
I just got on Sup Forums. What did I miss?
Well, as long as you know that trolling against Trump is changing no one's opinion and you're antagonizing people to the point that they're now stalking and spying on the CTR offices in person, then okay. Keep doing what you're doing.
How gay and a waste of money on Shillary's part.
Don't they know we have our patron god Kek watching over us and protecting us?
I guess Sup Forums got raided by pro hillary campaign. Paid for company called CTR.
Shes paying them to improve her image
Nah, they've been doing this shit for months, they've just really stepped it up recently, they are wasting their time completely, they don't seem to understand 99.9% of the regulars here #1 issue is, and always will be immigration, as long as white countries have non-whites in them.
Whoever is the most harsh on immigration, tends to be the favorite in this neck of the woods, and no amount of shilling will change it.
Side not though, I saw a guardian comment the other day from a hard leftist, saying they "regularly view alt-right forums" and "we are turning on Trump". Evidently they think the shilling is actually us turning.
She's a fat old criminal slut and fake as fuck in all that she says and does, her image is already tarnished. She should have shelled out all that money on whiney bitch nigger cuck reddit. Clearly her hipster glasses wearing college faggot group manager who is probably part Jew blooded is fucking retarded.
>polling in the mid-30s
>we've won
Only because of Trump's sinking polling numbers.