Adolf Hitler and the Nazis

Why is it that a small percentage of people on Sup Forums actually admire Hitler?

>Got rid of the brilliant Schacht, the man responsible for repairing the economy (realized the economy was entirely unsustainable without some reforms, otherwise wars would be necessary to fund it)
>Once Schacht was booted, he converted his economy into a war machine dependent on conquests and looting
>Was untrusting of his most reliable and brilliant generals
>Invaded Poland
>Started a war with Russia, Britain and USA
>In turn his most reliant & brilliant people (Rommel included) plotted against him on several occasions
>Invaded Russia in the winter
>Didn't even go after the bankers and globalists, instead just ordinary folks for the most part
>His war, in turn, weakened Europe, strengthened the Soviet Union, strengthened the Jews and created Israel

So what is it about him? And was it really worth it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Small percentage
Nice try dnc

>small percentage
It's that one SA kike again. eh?

>Well, it looks like you got me there, South Africa - I'm stumped.

>small percentage
Really make you think...

>small %
Here's a (You) kike.


People who are incapable of addressing any of the actual points.

is this pic real?

now fuck off, go back to jacking off to the amount of whites genocided in south africa and rhodesia.

>Started a war with Russia, Britain and USA
>Invaded Russia in the winter
>Didn't even go after the bankers and globalists, instead just ordinary folks for the most part
>His war, in turn, weakened Europe, strengthened the Soviet Union, strengthened the Jews and created Israel

yeah that is pretty dumb

Fucking samefag shill.

Why is hilter bad a meme that transcends time and space? He wasn't even the worst of the time period

>yfw Jamal has your back

>>Got rid of the brilliant Schacht, the man responsible for repairing the economy (realized the economy was entirely unsustainable without some reforms, otherwise wars would be necessary to fund it)
He didn't.
>>Once Schacht was booted, he converted his economy into a war machine dependent on conquests and looting
He didn't
>>Was untrusting of his most reliable and brilliant generals
He wasn't
>>Invaded Poland
To stop German genocide
>>Started a war with Russia, Britain and USA
He didn't, they start it
>>In turn his most reliant & brilliant people (Rommel included) plotted against him on several occasions
He didn't
>>Invaded Russia in the winter
He did.
>>Didn't even go after the bankers and globalists, instead just ordinary folks for the most part
He did.
>>His war, in turn, weakened Europe, strengthened the Soviet Union, strengthened the Jews and created Israel
So basically he get rid off the Jews in Europe by sending them to the Middle-East? Smart guy.

Anything more?


If you were actually trying to have an honest debate people would be willing to deal with you in that way. But since you start these threads and behave in the same manner every time there really is no point

Read my OP again, specifically on Schacht and the economy.

>tfw when you haven't even heard of Schacht

Same applies to you.

I expected better, Afribro. NatSoc is the only answer to Africa today
Hello fellow melanin-enhanced naziboo

You're that nigger that always argues with holocaust deniers aren't you

99% of your points are incredibly ignorant of historical context but I just wanted to add that there is literally nothing wrong with having a war-based economy. That's literally the entire point of National Socialism you dumb nigger.

>expecting people to address your points when you started your post with shilling

>implying war economy was bad when WW2 was at the horizon
>implying anyone could trust his generals after a failed assassination attempt
>implying he could go after the big bankers without invading nations
>implying Russia wasn't preparing to invade him
>implying the only guy who tried to revert western civilization to a working state is guilty for being zerged

You can't refute OP? I guess you got BTFO.

I'll leave this thread here for you guys. Assuming you don't know much on this.

Ok, so your feelings got hurt and you're using that as an excuse to not address my points.

He legitimately gave a shit about his people, which no leader has done since. He loved and cared for the Germans, and took them from a depression to a world power in less than a decade.

He was a great leader, and if you look at how the world has turned out in 2016, the motherfucker was right.

At least get your facts straight if you're going to troll, you half-nigger.

Proving my point

>implying war economy was bad when WW2 was at the horizon
Was before the war, Brazil.
>implying anyone could trust his generals after a failed assassination attempt
Was long before assassination attempts, Brazil
>implying he could go after the big bankers without invading nations
You'd have to invade every country - and defeat them, USA included - in order to achieve that, Brazil
>implying Russia wasn't preparing to invade him
They weren't - see Polish invasion, Brazil
>implying the only guy who tried to revert western civilization to a working state is guilty for being zerged
This is way besides the point, Brazil

If your feelings are easily hurt I'd suggest you avoid Sup Forums.

Grow up.

If you've got something to add then talk to me.

Reminder that the South African is a shill and has demonstrated anti-pol behaviors such as believing in the holocaust among other things

As I said, I'll leave this thread here.

Try avoid blatantly lying like , , War-based economies are just that - you'd need wars. NatSoc is not mutually exclusive with wars - why on earth would it be?

I assume it's an awkward hour - most people that are knowledgable on this topic are probably asleep at the moment.

I'll return in a bit - hopefully some people can add their points.

I was finishing my thought you retard

>Was before the war, Brazil.
No shit, Sherlock. Sounds brilliant to not prepare for a war you know it's coming.
>Was long before assassination attempts, Brazil
>You'd have to invade every country - and defeat them, USA included - in order to achieve that, Brazil
Exactly. He did make your kind fuck off from Germany though.
>They weren't
Wrong, the Red Army was being moved to the border, as stated by some generals like Keitel and Rommel.
>This is way besides the point, Brazil
Wrong. You're blaming him for being the only one to put a boot up your grandpa's ass.

>get BTFO
>t-they're lying

Nope like I said you approach a debate dishonestly and then dismiss legitimate responses as lies, and people calling you on this as hurt feelings. So no as someone who is clearly not genuine does not deserve genuine responses

>I don't like any of the answers people have provided, so I'll fish later for the reply I was looking for

Fucking hang yourself.

>No shit, Sherlock. Sounds brilliant to not prepare for a war you know it's coming.
There was no need for a war - see Stalin's agreement with him long before, Brazil

Try not to spam up the thread with nonsense.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

I'd be interested to see what you have to say, try ignore shills.

You're still making excuses and going way off-topic. Try not to get easily triggered - otherwise prove me wrong about the most irrelevant thing I posted - the small percentage.
I bet you can't.

>gets BTFO
>it's n-nonsense
Come on, try to shill better. My shift is almost over and all you're doing is shitposting for the sake of shitposting.

Your last two posts proved it.

About Russia especially.

Your first post was extremely wrong.

So ifnyoure trolling its just time wasting.

Regardless, I proved your first post wrong. You can't now startnmaking up things.

The reverence people show towards him was born out of the fact that the current powers. Are screwing the white race.

Again, Ill leave thread going - will be on my phone now as heading to work.

Nah, you're wrong just because and all you said is a lie.

Am I doing it right now?

I get that.

Thatsbwhat I'm trying to understand.

But in terms of economic policies and his wartime statergies, especially in the last couple of years of the war, would you agree that he was quite flawed?
Interested in honest opinions.

I don't really think people on Sup Forums admire Hitler because of ww2 world has become a much worse place to live in and also gained women unneeded rights. It didn't only affect Germany but world as a whole. The case would have been different if Hitler had won ww2.

>invaded Russia in winter
Your lack of historical knowledge means I discard your opinion.

I'm more interested in peoples honest opinions on his policies like I mentioned and in my OP.

Is it too memed up for you.

Should I have been explicitly specific.

>I was just pretending

I'm confused.

I'm talking of 44, not before.

If you were pretending can you at least give me your opinions on any of the points?

Would great to hear honest thoughts.

Don't know enough about Schacht to talk about him.

>Was untrusting of his most reliable and brilliant generals
Mostly after they started getting BTFO of Russia. Agree this was a mistake and Hitler's increased direct involvment led to continued strategic disasters.

>Started a war with Russia, Britain and USA
Soviet Union is the only real war without provocation. Britain was the one that declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Also USA started war with Japan, purposely allowing Pearl Harbor to happen as a pretense to garner public support for a mostly isolationist american public.

>In turn his most reliant & brilliant people (Rommel included) plotted against him on several occasions
Was at the end of the war when defeat was inevitable and Hitler was directly interfering with a possibility of even a stalemate and negotiated surrender by refusing to retreat in strategic positions.

>Invaded Russia in the winter
Completely false lol. Started in the summer, they expected to just completely steamroll Russia by fall. They didn't expect the stalemate after getting through half the country so they got stuck in the winter. What could they do at that point, completely withdraw from all of russia?

>His war, in turn, weakened Europe, strengthened the Soviet Union, strengthened the Jews and created Israel

Yeah, because he lost. It was a valiant cause and you wouldn't be tying here today if he won, kike

Why would I bother? You're obviously biased and/or dumb.

Read up Schacht if you can.

By starting with Soviet and completely breaking trusts on other occassions of course it would draw Britain in.

As for thrnplotting thats what I said. But hr undermined them throughout the war.

No shit, this was before 44 - don't know why it would trigger people. Canadanian poster especially. There was a siege too - so don't know why he's acting as if I don't know wtf I'm talking about. Point is he got Germany into that mess and should have known in advance - epsecially with the fact that all 3 were now drawn in. And from history.

Even if he lost he started something that was unrealistic and many, in advance, knew this on his side.

He still tackled the wrong people in the end.

Sounds like you're biased and chose to misintereptet me deliberately.

Im interested in what people have to say.

No your understanding of economics is the biggest error you have. Small percentage is proven by live numbers from Sup Forums but yes you are correct it is the least relevant point you could make, but it wasn't a point you made as an argument so it doesn't need to be addressed

Most of what Hitler did for Germany was admirable, but the whole cucking it up and ruining it in the end makes him irredeemable trash desu

Then explain how Hitler invaded Russia in winter. I am interested in that part.

don't know how you can say it was unrealistic when he conquered or allied with almost the whole of europe save britain and spain. if he just consolidated his power and resources he gained through mainland europe, continued to pound britain into submission, avoided war with the USA, and not overextend into russia, there would still be a German Reich today. it was definitely not unrealistic

yeah i don't get what he's trying to get at there. they were already in the heart of russia by winter by underestimating how long the campaign was going to take. its not like hitler said "LOL LETS ROLL OUT NOW" in the middle of december

Anyone know where I can read more about the the economy under Hitler? I'm led to believe that it was going to collapse unless Hitler waged war, is this true?

He's either a nigger or a whitey dumb enough to stay in SA. Pretty much the same to me: retards.

>Its the bitter, angry SA kike posting again thread

That's the problem with OPs assessment of the German economy, it makes the error others have made in assuming it needing war was an accident of economic planning. Instead it was a central part of it. A total war economy and an economy preparing for war has distinct phases, but Germany's plan was always to prepare to fight. All of Germany's major efforts at that time was developing an economy capable of rearming and avoiding the limits placed on this by powerful global interest. Schact was clever at this with enabling IOUs essentially thay bi passed international currency so Germany could fund its rearming without interference. The international financial community and trade were against Hitler and Germany so there economic rebuilding was in stages of working around this so they ultimately could fight to take back what they wanted. Yes it would've collapsed without war, at least in the sense of an increasingly poor nation but that's ignoring the fact the economy was set up to be this way for war.

The vision Hitler had was a final struggle against
Judeo Bolshevism, and set about preparing for that. Germany could have been the type of nation it is now, a nation dominated by international interest to slowly be plundered like the rest of the world. In a sense they would be wealthy like they are considered today, but would be slaves like they actually are with a nation dying. Hitler wanted a final struggle against the forces that would push such a future, so yes it would collapse without some conflict but this was lining up the economy with hitters view that the nation itself would collapse without any fight

What the fuck is wrong with you. Are you black or a coloured? No Afrikaner will ever admit that Hitler was wrong.
You are embarassing the volk. Please stop it.

Foken Engelse poese op my Sup Forums

>invaded russia in the winter

When will this meme die? Operation barbarossa was launched in june, the fucking middle of summer. The plan was to beat them in a few months, which was completely possible if he didnt tread on his generals shoes. Ie stopping the march to moscow to take kiev and leningrad

No. It's a goodie though

Hehe, thought. NIce one burger.
>invaded Russia in Winter


just a tip, a lot of jidf (hasbara) post from south africa


Rommel did not conspire against Hitler. He spoke out openly to him.
Schacht might have pointed out the problems with the economy but that was years too late already. His policies had only helped to cover up the rampant inflation. Also Schacht was fired in 1939. Is that really the year where in your opinion Hitler starts to foot the economy on war?
He also did not attack the Soviet Union in winter, which by the way some generals suggested because they thought hardened ground would make their movement easier. Without the support of the Americans the Red Army would have had no chance anyway. The Allies were the ones that prompted up the Soviet Union after they were attacked by Hitler.

>YWN be added to the fuhrer's friends list on steam...