What's going to happen in the upcoming season?
What's going to happen in the upcoming season?
Nathan Reyes
Colton Parker
>Reddit jokes
>le epic "Hollywood amirite" references
>hamfisted emotional bullshit
>more reddit jokes
Man, I can't wait for this totally not overrated quality program
Parker Myers
don't forget the anti-trump jokes, they will be subtle though hehe ;)
Gavin Bennett
You forgot the faux-nihilism to make the show seem edgy and intellectual.
Angel Murphy
ITT: We pretend to know all about shows we have never catched on Netflix :^)
Isaac Ramirez
Quit forcing this. It'll never be a thing
Elijah Evans
Hopefully cancellation
Logan Fisher
what the fuck are you talking about
Juan Morgan
When does it come out?
Austin Sanchez
August unless there's a surprise July release.