What will finally make the public turn on her
What will finally make the public turn on her
Martial law.
Hopefully her health will crap out before election day.
Her body is being corrupted by the dark forces she's been aligning herself with. There's a very good chance it will give out and her soul will be taken before election day.
She's needed far too much help.
Black Lives Matters, obviously.
Definitely not your shit meme presidential candidate.
The GOP running a serious candidate in 2020.
The first debate she has against Trump.
She will get shit on.
"Merkel aka my bestie is right, we need to help more refugees seek refuge here and we cant be racist governors. You WILL accept them."
>The GOP running a serious cuck in 2020.
ftfy. if trump doesn't win, it's over for right-wing politics in this country FOREVER
Nothing because compared to Trump she's a saint.
I loved this. Lets tax the real average joe that works for a living.
>trump says mean things i don't like
>hillary lies about leaking classified information, accepts bribes from businessmen and politicians from around the world (including saudi arabia), and is openly calling for another war in the middle-east
I hope you're counting on it bud. Did trump agree to a debate or is he still hiding?
The public ever being allowed to see the truth.
Luckily there's a huge safety net of media propaganda and shushing to prevent that from happening.
Why would he hide? A debate will only ruin her. The only thing he's said is he didn't like that they fell on dates where many Americans will be watching some sports shit.
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
>1 post by this ID
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
>1 post by this ID
>trump shoot himself on foot
>its HER FAULT!!
how about he just SHUT the FUCK UP
Really don't know at this point. I'm surprised the emails didn't gain more traction. Assange better be playing some expert 12D Blackjack.
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
>1 post by this ID
Nah, I hate Hillary. Just saying that Trump is worse than she is and would be the death of our country if he was elected is all.
Trump has not remotely hinted at not doing the debates.
That's your shit candidate you are thinking of you fucking shill.
How much do they pay you all to make this worth your while?
That's not at all what happens, pajeet.
How is Trump at all bad?
how did you extract that meaning from what i posted? how did i say it was "hillary's fault" for what trump has said whatsoever? your reading comprehension needs some serious work
That's if she doesn't transform into a Slaaneshi daemon and kill us all first.
It'll take fucking up the propagandists in the mainstream press. They do everything in their power to present a one-sided view of the world. Every negative about Trump (gaffes, bankruptcies, inexperience) is blasted over the airwaves (and the press will make up some too like racism, sexism, and causing riots) while every negative (Benghazi, corruption in Clinton charity, mishandling of top secret intel) about Hillary is ignored. We gotta expose the MSM for the shills that they are. Only then will the faggotry of the far left will be stopped.
Wow, you really made me think..........
>Trump is worse than she is and would be the death of our country if he was elected
And pray tell, how is that?
I been posting in your shit Sup Forums threads for about an hour now. Get fuckin rekt'd nerd.
>implying there will be a GOP left in 2020
Just going to be Democrats and The Tea Party by then.
Post stuff you think she did wrong.
>i posted the nate silver map again
So then you admit you are a paid shill, yes?
>GA blue
>AZ blue
>NC blue
In your dreams fag.
that she is not in the best of health.
>believe it or not.
Cry harder faggot. The only good thing about hillary winning will be the rivers of tears your who party produces.
go back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums or Sup Forums or wherever you faggots came crawling from during these past few weeks
That's the only thing good?
So then I must assume everything else will be bad?
I would have to agree with you there buddy.
>AZ is full of mexican which trump just alienated you fucking idiot.
>GA is full of Blacks and Mexicans too
>Don't know shit about NC desu and I'm too lazy too google.
You guys denying these numbers will be why you morons lose.
election day.
>implying the teaparty isnt a conservative party that the US government acknowledges as republican because they didnt get to run uncontested in some states and faced off against republicans
what is this 2011?
I hate Hillary. If you fucking morons backed any other republican they'd be destroying her. But because you meme loving fucks know jack shit about anything you propped up a complete shit candidate. Enjoy your loss you fucking idiots.
>New Mexico is full of Mexicans that vote blue, not Arizona
>Blacks will not show up in high numbers in Georgia this year, Whites will.
>Same as Georgia for North Carolina
If I had believed the number from day one, I would have thought Trump did not have a chance at the nomination... yet here we are.
if we voted for any other republican, we might as well have not voted at all. most of us are totally done with cuckservatives and establishment shills
In your shill opinion, which Republican candidate besides Trump would have been best equipped to deal with Hillary?
Hispanics make up about 2.5% of voters (that make it to the polls). Blacks make up about 5%.
That isn't a whole lot of people.
Inb4 ted
That's what I'm expecting.
I don't think you realize how much minorities hate or are terrified of trump now, because of the narrative around him. This fantasy that they wont vote is just that, a fucking fantasy. They are going to vote for shitlery because Trump can't keep his stupid mouth shut. And why is that? Probably because he doesn't want to fucking win. If he would just shut the fuck up he'd be winning so bigly.
You're not even a republican if you hate its "establishment" anyway. Go be part of the Nazi Party where you can whine all you want about cucks and other stupid shit.
Trump wants people making under 40K to pay zero taxes. And the middle class will pay 10%. That's what will be the end of Hillary. After Sep 26th... Hillary will dip into the abyss. She will have to change her whole stance... but at that point she'll look stupid.
Blacks and Mexicans don't vote unless Obama or [Mexican candidate] is running.
They don't have the numbers for it to matter. That's the problem with your argument.
I don't think you realize how many blacks and mexicans actually support Trump.
The only ones who don't are the ones who are illegal or criminals.
ANY OF THEM. All they'd have to do to win is shut the fuck up.
Wow, you just aren't even trying to be convincing anymore.
But I'm serious shill, answer my questions that you have to this point avoided:
1) How is Trump worse than Hillary (especially in terms of policies)?
2) Which Republican candidate besides Trump would have been best equipped to deal with Hillary?
Thats exactly why Trump will win, because he's saying what the others won't, you fucking idiot shill.
>You're not even a republican if you hate its "establishment" anyway
yeah, this is kinda true. i disagree with the neocon warhawk, gay-hating establishment which cares more about abortion and weed than they do about illegal immigration or shitty trade deals or maintaining peace
>Go be part of the Nazi Party
if i told you to "go be part of the communist party", would you take me very seriously?
Your country is already dying in approximately the same way USSR did: as an economic crisis hits an overbloated and corrupt state, the tribes that uses to mooch off the core population gradually turn to open hostility, while press and politicians, blinded by their ideology, blame law reinforcement for this. The process is slower because USA's foundations are healthier, but the directon is unmistakable.
Trump is only one who MAYBE would even try fixing the situation before open civil war ethnic cleansings proper begin.
The same thing that would rock any campaign, a major scandal
Corruption isn't scandalous enough but people expect her to be corrupt
It has to be something leaked that goes against her current "image"
Such as a leaked recording of her using the word nigger or fag to describe someone
That would be her demise
I'll speak on behalf of Michigan:
>52.6% of voter turnout in the primary was Republican
>Trump signs fucking EVERYWHERE except Detroit and downtown Grand Rapids
>image claims Michigan will be over 90% for Clinton
It's a shame we've been eugenics'd over the past 2000 years into believing (((fairytales))), considering everyone who questioned them was perpetually murdered before they could pass on their genes.
Otherwise this image would never have been shared beyond the (((original source)))
I'm done. You're not even trying at this anymore. You're just speaking in generalities now to avoid proving without a doubt you are either a paid shill or doing this to extract some kind of butt hurt out of people.
Try a new thread.
Nah why do you think she worships Baal? They sacrifice kids then bath in their blood for the stem cells.
>1) How is Trump worse than Hillary (especially in terms of policies)
I think its a fucking wash DESU. They are both terrible. Trumps marginally worse because he alienates everyone (including his support) with his stupid mouth.
>2) Which Republican candidate besides Trump would have been best equipped to deal with Hillary?
Yeah keep dreaming idiots. Welcome to the general election 2016. Your shit memes won't hold up here and their already melting
New stuff from Wikileaks
Terror attack from Black Lives Matter
More Islamic terrorism in the US
>Trump signs fucking EVERYWHERE except Detroit and downtown Grand Rapids
umm excuse me, you forgot Saginaw county and Genesee county, two of the most vital counties in this beautiful state which also vote almost exclusively democrat
>Such as a leaked recording of her using the word nigger or fag to describe someone
There's plenty of images of her hugging KKK members, talking about blacks as super-predators, saying she doesn't believe in gay marriage, saying that she would disown her daughter if she came home with a black guy... etc. etc. etc.
People that like Hillary don't know anything about her. If they did, they'd be disgusted.
yeah, we'll just ignore those trips of truth, back to the standard programing.
Yeah, the general situation does seem like the beginning of a lengthy "dissolution."
>before open civil war ethnic cleansing proper begin
I'd be okay with this outcome too tbqh
>shill shill shill everyones a shill
What I said isn't wrong you fucking twit. Even if it is a generalization. Hillary is neck deep in boiling shit. It shouldn't even be hard for trump to win AND YET HE ISN'T
Dubz say you are correct.
Wishfull thinking by the vodka niggers.
You just pissed for being sanctiond and want death to all.
You must not have ever actually heard what Trump has said apart from taken out of context clips on CNN or misleading titles, eh?
OMG 14 reasons why she is literally Hitler with a dusty vagina
The chart on the left is ELIGIBLE VOTERS. The chart on the left is how many voters actually make it to the polls.
That gives us a 75% white vote. The next closest group is blacks at 12% & hispanics at 7%.
I'm saying this as a matter of fact. Their votes don't matter.
Dude would you shut the fuck up and stop acting like I'm not informed. I've been following trumps campaign since he grinded Jeb into a baby beta powder. It doesn't even matter what I think of him though. What matters is what most of America thinks of him right now.
Praise Kek
Not everyone. Just you and these people.
You're such an idiot. You think ALL white people are voting for trump? Jesus Christ just forget it. You idiots don't want to win.
The better question is will hilarious suffer from IBS and appear 30 minutes late at the debates again?
Most Americans would vote for him.
Trump will win, and if we were to vote right now, he'd still win.
You're a clueless retard if you think he won't.
The debates will just be icing on the cake.
Do you think all minorities are voting for Hillary?
>You think ALL white people are voting for trump?
No. Just a majority of them. That's all that's needed.
Dont worry. His opinion doesnt represent all of ours no matter how much the media wishes to portray it as such.
Yeah, as muslims and BLM keep committing violence, Trump's chances just keep getting better and better. And it's guaranteed at this point that there will be numerous more Muslim attacks, maybe even some large ones before November.
If trump doesn't win you can expect an European government. First amendment will have, EXCEPT IF H8 SPEECH VS MARGINALIZED GROUPS, the 2nd will be interpreted: they ment butter knives, not assault muskets you fukin murderers. I pray for America to elect the trump
You guys are fucking pathetic. You won't even entertain the notion that he could lose. Even when its this big of a red flag. You're going to let Trump keep Trumping the shit out of what was suppose to be a lead. And you're going to let it happen because you idiots can't bare to criticize somebody you exalted as a "God Emperor"
Well the fucking emperor is naked you idiots. And you're letting yourself and him carry on as fools.
Why would my factual position on race & voting patterns say anything about you, Turkroach?
Jeb releasing guac bowl profits
When normies start spamming Hillary memes.
They become the shills without knowing.
Rand Paul
He's shit all over everyone else so far, i can put my faith in him knowing what he's doing.
Not my fault you're just a blind faggot.
I never said anything about who is projected to win or lose. I just said that the minority vote doesn't mean jack shit. Which it doesn't.
The minority vote is a position of optics as a political move. The minority vote deflects accusations of racism.. which is why Hillary can be clearly pointed as a devout racist, yet skirt criticism.
They try calling Trump a racist because of his lack of minority vote. The only problem is, his white voter base doesn't believe him to be racist.. So it has no effect.
You type like a fag and your shit's all retarded
Serious question: If you think Trump will lose (you have thought that from post 1) and you hate his supporters so much, why are you even on this board? What do you hope to accomplish?
This is exactly how mccain and romney lost. Good night you ass pained nerds. See you in november
I'd instantly vote for her if she looked like that.
>dat sexii old neck