Miss me yet?
Hey guys
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Yeah, I remember when I was naive enough to think that Jebbo was the most bizarre and strange thing to come out of the U.S. election, despite all the exciting habbenings since he fucked off into the enternal guac, part of me wishes this was true. I just want off this ride, at least Jeb was nice and too pure and stupid to be fully bought by kikery.
Sup Forums on the times of this election has
>created 2 new music genres "Jebcore" and "cuckstep"
>Memed trump into the rep nomination
>gave the cuckslayer job at infowars
>Epanded their music talents with moonman
>has awoken an egyptian god kek to fight an owl
>uncovered the shills shitposting pro hillary stuff
What else am i missing goys
How can you miss something you never liked?
Nice guac broski! Clapping for you here!!!
Any delegates YEB!?
But the memes matey. They were the best.
As someone who's been Republican since before 2016, yes. Jeb or any other non-crazy Republican candidate would literally be leading by 10 points right now. Instead I have to go and vote Johnson.
This little nugget.
he is so weak
Fuck off shill
Jeb a cute.
Never gets old. Topkek!
Who are you?
But the girl in the pic has the exact same ears
You a poo.
jeb bush was so bad he made his own dad cry
The Jebcore album is seriously good.
I'm proud of this board.
your campaign was bad and you should feel bad
el delegatos ?
> he never knew that Indians were called Apu
Catch up with times, hikkicuck.