>not supporting Hillary
Why are you such edgy? It's like liking hotdog when there is cheeseburger

Other urls found in this thread:


but im voting for hillary

Hory shet, $0.02 is like 3,000 yen

I never vote for the people who are going to win anyway. I won't be voting for Trump either though. I will probably throw my vote to someone who deserves it.

I don't want to be taxed to death to pay off some freakishly high national debt I did not create. They racked up the debt, they should figure out a way to repay it without making the average citizen bear the burden.

Didnt you hear? Leaders of Sup Forums division of ctr went rouge, we're pulling out before things get worse for us.

hotdog > cheeseburger

Kill yourself.



are you serious?

Watch out, the word is, some guy on complete chan figured out how to trigger your girl's post stroke seizures and is going to do it at some upcoming rally or debate.

Some classic American hot dogs can be better than a burger, yes. Also, we could have had the whole enchilada with Gary Johnson.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson m8

Hillary has my vote.

Mine, too.

wtf I hate hillary now

>they should figure out a way to repay it without making the average citizen bear the burden

That's not how the world works m8. Regardless who gets elected, you will pay for your goverment's debts. Politicians yet to be elected spew this bullshit all the time, about how the "superrich" are suddenly going to pay their extra millions so the middleclass won't have to.
If you actually believe Trump is gonna be different you seriously need to cut down on your meming because you clearly can't hold it together anymore.

After reading this I sent my wife out to Wienershcnitzel to get me a chili dog.

He's right.

here is true food for you

They were closed so she went to Del Taco to get me some chili cheese fries and a del beef burrito instead.


I'm just gonna post this in every shill thread

You make your wife go out to get you food in the early morning while you shitpost on Sup Forums? That's awesome

>tfw west coast

at least we have in n out, right?

>tfw west coast and I'd still rather have a hot dog than contribute to that faggot hamburger cult.

Count me in guys.

I'm eating it now.
It's pretty great.
I am the patriarchy.

Make her wipe your mouth when your done.

With more asses user.

I'd rather have a pure 100% beef hotdog over a processed Jew burger any day.