End my life

end my life

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Oh shit, her brother Myron's gonna be pissed.

I hurt myself today...

Why are white police officers still employed at departments that serve black citizens? At what point do you decide to wash your hands of it and let the savages take care of themselves?

Stupid bitch is stupid.

I blame Jackie Chan movies.

That second sentence could feasibly be interpreted as libellous. Lethal force is justified if the officer's own life is threatened, and that's a provable fact. For Vox to editorialize so recklessly could very well be within the realm of mendacious libel.

>they weren't committing a crime
>they weren't hostile
>they weren't armed
>they weren't armed with a gun
>they pointed a gun at police but didn't shoot

How far are they going to keep moving the goalposts?

Baltimore County is NOT Baltimore City

Section 8 housing does not rule the county.


There are still civilized humans outside the Beltway.


States where you can be a cop and its a pretty descent life (Money, action, respect, etc)

-Texas (Varies Austin is a shit hole so is houston)
-Parts of GA mainly north or FL border
-Carolinas (still okay NC sheriff has it good)
-Louisiana (avoid nawleans and baton rouge an you are golden)
-Virgina (Anything but DC)
-NV (Lot of gun nuts not bad though)
-AZ (avoid southern AZ)

I miss these topics. Fucking shills.




Room to riot Mayor is inside the Beltway.

Vox hates white people, their offices probably hand around a basket for "muh reparashuns"

Eventually we're going to have racially segregated police forces. I'm calling it now. They'll start to do it quietly and it'll become official policy eventually.

But diversity is great! All the races will get along some day! Even things just get worse and worse as years go by it'll all get better because race doesn't matter!

>A developmentally disabled woman

was she a retard, why did she have a gun?

They left out the part where she shot at the police.

Because then you'd have an even more corrupt polive force.

I don't recall the stats but black officers have obscenely high rates of corruption, it's honestly the worst idea for black people but they want it anyway.


>That doesn't mean lethal force was necessary.

...to see if I still feel...

>why didn't the cops just suicide rush her like lemmings? A few of them could have survived.

We need to bring back sanitariums.


Are they even thinking?

>hate cops (muh ticket revenue generation on bs laws)
> hate chimp thugs
> they at war
> feels gud

Did she even have a weapon at the time? No video so it's basically cop vs dead person yet again

The fuck is wrong with liberals?

bait or not they kinda have a point
tear gas? flash grenades? rubber bullets? riot armor or shields? they would have used all of these if she was a crazy white rich woman

Good day /fit/izen.

Give it to them and let them see what happens. Let them deal with their own problems.

mental illness

Mayor has baseball cap.
Bald guy was Baltimore City police chief.

These idiots could not get a job parking cars in Baltimore County.

designated chimping streets

>use a bb gun against a woman with a shotgun with live rounds.

Makes sense.

What a fucking disaster this social experiment is.

I'm taking that bet too. And it will be welcomed with open arms by left wing groups like the NAACP for being so "progressive" and "building stepping stones in the community." Deluded fucking fools.

That feels when you're black and your Faceook friends support this bullshit.

Feels Bad Meng.

Go away correct the record. You have no stake in this.


Fuck off Assange, release the emails cunt

>Makin' Gaines pointed a gun at police. That doesn't mean lethal force was necessary

It literally does though. People have been legitimately shot for much less.

No they would have shot her and it would have never made national news.

>riot armor vs shotgun

fucking kek

You point a gun at a cop, you get shot, nothing to see here.

t. Jamal shaniqua diamond

Why shouldn't you give them what they really deserve?

This is an example of a ghetto arsenal

The shotgun girl moved out of the city to spread her culture.

The county does not have the tolerance of Stephanie "Gavel Girl" Rawlings-Blake.

Point a pistol grip shotgun at a cop outside of the Beltway and expect a quick response.

Why are u posting a trap?

She literally didn't kill anybody and barely even threatened death upon police officers. Just because she was black she was brutally murdered and her baby raped by the KKK white Trump-supporting cops.

Actually, she fired at police while using her baby as a shield.

They are literally trying to defend the indefensible at this point.


Goddamnit I live in Baltimore. I hate stepping out of my house because I ALWAYS see niggers walking about in groups, sagged pants, bandanas tied around their heads, guns at their crotches, blasting their nigger music like they own the place. I can't even do fucking groceries without carrying my .357 cause of all the fucking niggers.

This was my experience yesterday after I went out for a walk and made the mistake of making eye contact with a group of three niggers at a corner.

>they snigger and start coming up to me
>someone turns down the rap
>biggest guy with a Bmore hat comes up to me, has the words "crip killa" tattoed on his arm among the ususal attire
>"ey HONKY wut tha fucc u doin here?!?"
>I'm... I'm sorry... I'm just trying to get home...
>"yeah lil cracka ass nigga betta run befoh i put my MUTHAFUCCIN 9 up yo muthafukkin ass nigga!!"
>they all laugh
>close in on me
>Please... excuse me... can you mo-
>"WHUT NIGGA?! WHUT WHUT WHUT?!?! Lil honky ass nigga sayin sumfin?!?"
>Pl... please...
>At this point he pulls out his gun
>Cocks it and puts it at my head
>theyre all inches from me
>"Imm gonna fuccin pop yo mufhkkin ass RITE HERE NIGGA RITE MUFUKKIN HERE NIGGA"
>someone behind me speaks
>"do it nigga do it befoh dem pigs show up, teach this lil whitey a lesson"
>gun wavers
>"nah imma let you go, honkey, but I hope I thought yo ass sumfim: I AINT EVAH wanna see yo ass round heuh again nigga I ANT EVAH U HEER?!? OH U GOIN SUCC DIS DESERT EAGLE"
>it's not even a deset eagle, dont say that though
>yes... god... pl-please...
>"If I see yo cracka ass here imma fuccin MURK U NIGGA IN COLD BLOOD!! now run honky RUN"

God I hate my life.

because the good cops aren't just gonna give up like that.

Almost believed you were sincere until I read to the end

to this day I do not know when or how or where these sites like Vox and theVerge came from to be some sort of news voice of the nation.

This. Fuck them and their racial agenda.

Can't you afford to move somewhere without niggers?
I barely ever see niggers, just abos.

It's not like there aren't legitimate cases of police brutality out there. Is the left trying to undermine their own cause by siding with violent criminals when they get their just desserts?

Bullshit. Fuck you.

Full circle, I see it too, user.

Baltimore County Council represents demographics of Baltimore County


I feel like abos are too dumb to even be violent.

that is a thick booty

The good cops are going to die. Just let the niggers handle themselves, and in a few month carpet bomb them when it goes completely out of control.

Baltimore City Council

Room to Riot

State Police and National Guard keep order after riots

Bill here
Can I please move to shitpost island

No need to be scared, friend, just because they pointed a gun at you DOES NOT mean they had violent intentions, it is simply black culture. Please educate yourself in the future, and apologize for what your great great grandfather did.

This message is paid for by Correct The Record

>point a fucking shotgun at LEO's and use your own child as a human shield

>she dindu nuffin she wuz a gud girl she goin to church and spreadin da word of da lord himself ayy tryna finna turn her lyf aroun fām

They beat each other up, especially their wives and stuff, but yeah they are nothing like your BBC epidemic. Niggers are like massive orcs, abos are like goblins.

Sorry mate we are filled up.

I focus on the pain...

Well arent you a little bitch

Oh yeah
Baltimore City States Attorney only prosecutes cops

Criminals actually get arrested and jailed in Baltimore County

Blacks don't care because they just see white people killing blacks and ignore all context. There's nothing rational about it, just pure racial consciousness.

Thus, liberals need to side with these people in order to continue to virtue signal to blacks. And to pander for votes. They don't care about defending the indefensible and what that looks like to white people. They envision a future where white people are disenfranchised and they don't have to care what white people think at all. And they've made significant progress towards that end.

lel go back to Sup Forums
trap loving cuck

I can understand if cops want to "take down" a major drug dealer or worst, a cop killer like the Dallas guy, But with "regular" people there should be at least a little effort to capture them alive.
This could have ended quickly with 3-5 tear gas grenades plus 2-3 officers with shields


i don't like cops but even ill jump to there defense on this she pointed a gun at them what the fuck do you want them to fuckin do run, hide, charge her like retards. how are libtards getting away with this shit

No proof that it's a man that is a woman's ass.

Add Oklahoma to that list, just avoid OKC and Ardmore.

>That is a woman's ass

Oh boy... I've got news for you.

fucking great meme callback.

Uh, except militarized trigger-happy faggots attack whites just as well. There are tons of stories about cops with no identification no-knocking wrong addresses in the dead of the night, tearing the door off the hinges, shooting the leashed dog and holding owners' kids at gunpoint while screaming like rabid Mad Max extras.
Police training in the US took a steep nosedive in 2000s, now they prefer to shoot instead of deescalating because the police union will protect them anyway.

What the fuck is with Sup Forums and cop circlejerking? Two years ago we were as pissed at cops as we are now at BLM.

Why did you americans let the nigger problem get to the level it is today?
Why didn't you ship all your slaves back to Africa?

We used to round up Abos and shoot them, no one gave a shit.

Unfortunantly, no I can't. I've lived in "tha 410" (inner city) since I was 5, after my dad died in a drunk driving accident and my mom had to move us here cause it was what she could afford. At first I used to think I was a thug too like everyone else and then I realized how barbaric the Bmore nigger culture was. I'm just trying to do well in school so I can get a good job and move the fuck outta here, but it's hard. My mom's addicted to coke and my brother actually joined some dumb street gang after dropping out of high school and now I barely see any of them and when I do we just fight over shit.

No matter what anyone tells you, Bmore FUCKING sucks (unless you're countyside because it's a lot tamer there). Also the niggers probably didn't do it to themselves because less than 2 hour away is Howard County, which is this huge rich white county with absolutely no niggers (been there once; search it up on google) It's like a whole sifferent planet. I wonder sometimes how life couldve been if only i lived ~30 mins out west, living with my white brethrren instead of being stuck in niggerland. I don't belong here; niggers do because they've adapted to their poor and harsh climates after a couple of generations, but not white people.

Post the proof. Otherwise you're just a trolling faggot and I'm going to enjoy that picture.

she's also like 0-4 on getting those freddy gray cops. hilarious Tbh fampai

This is how I think it should've gone down (Although honestly they handled it fine)

>She demands all the cops leave
>Put one cop on the roof with a net
>Put two cops in the bushes around the door
>Have every other cop "leave"
>She sees they are all gone
>Brags about it on social media
>Walks outside to proclaim triumph over whitey
>Drop a net on her like the animal she is

If they're gonna act like animals let's treat them like animals, and I don't mean Harambe.

am i being memed on?

It's a woman you tard

Stop getting your worldview from videogames, you fucking retard.

They spent 6 hours talking to her, got her family to come and try to talk to her, she was hell bent on "YOU GONNA HAVE TO KILL ME TO GET ME OUT OF HERE"

In fact, that's what she said at her last traffic stop.

Actually, most black people's reaction to this on social media have been based AF. There are only a few sympathizers, but I can assure you that most black folks think she's fucking retarded for doing this.

Seriously nigger, those are birthing hips, not to mention the short arms. That's a woman.

It's like the guy getting a gun pointed at him wasn't even carefully considering every possible angle, y'know?


Lincoln wanted to send them back, but he got shot in the head.

Can you imagine how much of a hyperpower the U.S. would be if they didn't have to waste so many resources on darkies?

There's video, she was filming herself loading the gun and telling the kid the cops were there to kill them

>Assuming they didn't put a lot of effort to capture her alive before shooting

How about we stop trying to tiptoe around the feels of savages? Aim a gun at police, get shot. End of story.