How do we save hollywood

how do we save hollywood

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Go see an original film that's not part of an established franchise every now and then.

Blow up the fault line on purpose so it really does fall in the ocean

Another shoah

Hollywood is doing fine. Those Jews are rich as fuck. I don't think they need anyone to save them.

the responsible man stands by and watches them drown in the filth they created


How do we save America from Hollywood?

We don't let it all burn to the ground

Be removing Jews.



Trump will make Hollywood great again. Just look at how popular his show The Apprentice was.

>Not enjoying franchises
Can't wait for Bad Boys 3 and 4

There is no saving it because there's too many people willing to watch superhero movies and sequels.

>advocates gun control
>stars in The Bourne Identity

. Good luck "making a difference". You are all lonely cunts who take anti-depressants and birth control to trick yourselves into thinking that acting like a man will make you happy. The truth is that you're all deluded, mentally ill cunts who will wake up when your eggs are bad and your already milquetoast looks have been further degraded by crow's feet and saggy skin only to realize you would have been happier with a real man and a conservative family with several children.

But it won't happen. You took the bait. You thought being a wageslave would somehow make you free and strong. HAHAHAHAHA.
When your genetic line ends with you and your liberal values provide little comfort in your lonely years fucking wrinkly dick in a nursing home (because you have no one to visit you), I hope you look back to your time with Correct the Record and remember that you could have stopped your shit life from going so far downhill.


Is the Bourne film as shit as the reviews indicate? I've been excited to watch a decent bourne since ultimatum came out.

I'm still waiting for Hollywood to crash. The first time I heard they were doing badly was three years ago, they still haven't crashed though.


The real question is.
Why would you want to?
Let Hollywood die.
It's a jewish propaganda machine afterall

Their films suck. Not gonna pay anything for their trash, children should not be allowed to watch their movies.

It was ok, not as good as the original 3.

>No sequels
>No reboots
>See art house films occasionally
>pirate everything else

With this policy the Cinema is okay, I guess. Every 6 months ill see something really good.

There'sa reason for this. Fundamentalists can't make anything they are paralysed by their own circular logic. Now the left has become the fundamentalists and so all films are "what about x movie but with a black chick or a 5th sequel?"

I should add its the same reason fundie Christians and muslims can only parody the things that they hate rather than produce anything comparable

Kill femenism.

Put in the good 80s action movies back. With titts and hot chicks getting fuckt and men saving the world.

If femenism has proven one thing its that is usless.

Gime the good times back.

The US has been infantalized and Hollywood is making films for infants. No thought required. No adult themes. That will trigger.

Hollywood is gone, user. It was always gone.

But there's good news. Digital media convergence theory says that we don't really need it any more.

stop treating white people like dogshit


No films are made except those controlled by the Jew studios

>Ghostbusters: 73%

>Ice age: 12%

Does anyone here actually watch movies?

I only ever have with family or during a shit date to pass time. I might've watched Angry Birds with my polack mates as an exception, but fuck, what kind of autist takes an interest in Marvel Superhero sequels and shit?

A mate of mine shared a flat with a movie guy once and had to watch Deadpool and Star Wars and shit in theatres to seem nice.

My circle is small, but I'm not in the minority, right?

Someone wanna explain how these people can give "honest reviews" when they aren't part of the target audience?

There aren't many options, stop seeing movies in theatres.

by letting it die

What is there to save, it was a Jewish degenerate product from the beginning.
Let it sink now.

Dont watch Hollywood and go for Indie/Foreign Productions

Thats funny because the best movie released in the past 20 years (mad max fury road) is part of a franchise

Why the fuck would we want to do that, I pirate almost every last god damn movie I watch, fuck those kikes, no fucking money or shekels for you fucking jew boy sand nigger sluts fucking faggots. White power.

Not in the last decade, no. I wasn't even red-pilled when I gave up on it. Hollywood became a propaganda machine and completely abandoned trying to produce watchable films a long time ago.

tfw people blasted suicide squad for sexist and racist jokes.

>sounds awful
>probably ok
>remake, no way its as good as the original
>sounds awful

you dont save hollywood, you get a passthepopcorn account to pirate the few decent movies they produce and a karagarga account to pirate all the movies that are off the shelves

you have come undone, and your memes are weak.

>Bad moms
>An entire scene was about how uncut praises are gross

They're not even trying to hide it anymore. How the fuck that'll play out over here is another thing

Nice joke.

Sup Forums will save them

holy fucking shit


We need to call Dan wait what's his name again?

You leave Star Trek and finding dory alone. Sure this Star Trek wasn't as great as the other but still.

A rare pepe appears!

May I save it good sir?

dan the man who rapes little girls schniedrock

have this one too

#3/3 Threadwalker Series

>Suicide Squad
>Racist and sexist
I legit didn't notice fampai. Not a convincing plot, but enjoyable nonetheless.

It's all shekels, they're not interested in telling a story It's just shit, literal shit to get morons on seats. Simon Pegg's screenplay for Star Trek Beyond is a classic example.

How is society not lost already?

Remove Juden