Risk Thread
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Expand east
add me OP
Creedence Chechnya Revival
>Roman Empire
Fill Britain.
Updated map. Sorry if I'm slow. I'll get you all eventually.
>dubs worth nothing
what kind of shitty map is this?
Expand moar.
You missed my post right here its the third post how did you miss it?
Don't roll moves until I set up myself and the Roman guy. Make sure to include a direction.
I didn't miss you. This takes time, bro.
You retarded desert monkey, he's posting the new nations.
are you new to hosting? not a jab I'm just wondering
Im not on the updated map despite me posting before it. Thats the definition of missing someone
So, what's everyone listening to?
My mistake.
you need to ask?
Here. Start, include a direction.
It's almost like I was making the post right after you posted and had not finished typing yet.
Expand northeast
Expand north.
Fill Britain. First England, then Scotland.
Now that you've added me my Salt contents have lowered.
Take the north of italy, spillovers go south
>no bonuses
take crimea and then spill south
Swedish Empire, Green.
I said include a direction.
You're the last player.
>North Italy
Sorry. You're too late.
Every fucking where
Like if it matters.
Expand to the sides.
Fill Pomerania
Expand west into Norway
Claim south italy
Fill Pomerania
(My Pc shut down due to a power surge, could I get a few extra Ts due to missing the first few roles?)
Fill England and Wales, spill Scotland.
>to the sides
Mexican intellectuals everyone
expand south
Keep filling Pomerania
Im just going to grow.
There is no goal in this.
No bonuses.
Nothing to fight for.
Btw can someone tell me what CAP and NAP stands for?
South for myself.
You're right. I think I'll go to sleep now.
Pick a better map next time OP
keep on moving into italy
Fill south Sweden, spills into Copenhagen and Denmark.
Wanna cede your shit?
My role.
>mfw double zeros right off the bat
Fill Germany
Fill germany.
Actually, bye OP.
I need to do things.
Quitceding is unfair, m8. Turn it neutral or just let people conquer it on their own turns.
how u do dis
Fill Wales and the Isle of Mann, spill Scotland, the two islands North of it, then Ireland.
>Free Islamic Army
go south on all of the border
I've been blessed by Kek, our lord and savior
Game's closed.
Fill Wales, then Scotland.
Kill Red, I am the only true german
Let the sandnig play OP, we need more people anyway
Claim Copenhagen and Denmark
Fuck you asshole, pick a map with less slots if you're so shit an OP that you can't handle that many
Enjoy my rare pepes. All of them.
fill Ukraine
still waiting for a rare
Oh shit, that one is pretty rare.
You can have Germany's spot if you'll stop.
That is acceptable.
Keep killing red, spills fill germany
Fill Denmark, then Norway and then Sweden.
Fill Scotland.
Roll. Include direction.
Expand in all directions if in Syria
Fight back if replacing Germany
missed my roll can you add it
go north from ukraine
I got you.
You're Germany now.
Fill Norway, then spills onto Sweden & Finland
Take all the Islands along the coast. and the two islands above Britain, fill Ireland.
Fill those few territories in the north, then go south. Don't attack red.
Destroy the false Germans, unite central Europe under its true flag
take those 3 tiles around the sea of azov, then invade General Tso
Upper right Russia
Pussy Riot
Roll to expand
Update: Defend, Fight back against false Germans
I'm fine with peace if you are, I just was too lazy to switch my roll for this turn
Those islands along the coast are too much of a pain to color. They're not in the game.
You're taking over Tso's shit.
You still wanna get those spots back? I make changes in waves and didn't see yours.
Attack yellow
Take the rest of Sweden, then Norway, Spills onto Finland.
Take the low countries for Deutschland
Fill Ireland.
Expand south
Fine by me.
Okay, I counted red's turn as an attack. Gray's went south. Declare truce, or I'll assume you all keep fighting.