What is Sup Forums's opinion on England?
Bad weather, teeth, cuisine.
Good music, cars, humour.
London is fucking cucked.
>good music
all owned by american companies
name one (1) funny brit
Land of my ancestors.
In before "muh heritage" scoffers.
not a first world country. if they were they could afford fucking braces for their children like here stateside.
fucking savages.
wales is better :3
Ah, you mean today's england? Yeah, it's pretty terrible.
they are all either very rude or very nice.
i don't really like their culture that much, but whatever if they like it, I don't really give much a shit, they haven't troubled me that much.
Avoid London and it's great.
Although Scotland is better.
I'll agree with all you say Brazil, the moment you stop treating our sport as your national pastime. Until you do, you're just another whore sucking UK dick
Braces are free for children here
I live there, you know what we could be doing a lot better, but half the time the will is not there. White Working classes are raised with low expectation in our culture.
Pay our eu money back ffs.
>name one
says the yank...
its fucking shit
It wants to be a big country. That means stuffing it with immigrants to work shit jobs.
That means a low average quality of life compared to what could be. It could be a Switzerland.
>your sport
Panem et circenses
fuck off.
That's our stupid politicians and ruling class.
Most of our government are part of the English aristocracy, they've always wanted the same thing. To be the most important aristocracy in the world. That means being the biggest economy and shit
Based Ireland did the opposite when it went independent. I would go to Ireland because of the quality of life and house prices but I'll probably get beaten up by angry natives and besides, the accent pisses me off a little
Basically still a class society. If a person is from middle class or above, you can expect normal behaviour. Working class (and below, nowadays) is everyone's guess.
Also everyone seems a bit weird interacts in a nervous way, unless working class or below when the chav aggro & inferiority complex takes precendence. These types are also pretty dumb.
Your typical Britbong, no matter what class, has little or no knowledge of the outside world except holiday resorts. They also take pride in this.
Further, too many poo in the loos and other strange brown people.
But still, a nice country, somehow, still.
I liked London when I was there, largest city I've ever been to and the folks in pubs and subways provided great banter. Some gypsy was making fun of me for wearing my boots and calf skin coat on the tube to Piccadilly and a Brit defended me because he liked Texas.
so you guys just like being ugly?
brazil, if they don't shoot to score, they shoot the ref.
Oswald Mosley
Forever stuck with this cucKstamp.
>name one (1) funny brit
They tend to be too liberal today, but if they get over themselves and concentrate on just being funny, they can be funny. Many good sitcoms.
Quite the opposite
Mild mate, it's mild. Sometimes bleak but never bad.
I'm sure Brazil's dental healthcare is much better.
Food serves a purpose, feed it to the troops so they can invade the world.
Alot of shite, but that's a byproduct of dominating the industry. From pink Floyd to skrewdriver we've got it covered.
Though majority are foreign owned, all the major research on them, along with the F1 teams are based in England.
How can we compete with traditional Brazilian comedy like??
genocide the english devil
Immigrant go back to immigrant land.
>I like their cuisine.
>their women are ugly af
>London is a shame
>their political views and action in the past and present are questionable if not disgusting and repellant
>they brought some little unity by spreading english language across the globe
They worship Americans, but they're not manly enough to make it here.
Aren't you supposed to be unclogging a toilet? Get your lazy ass back to work.
The last one is one of the few good things anglos has done to the world.
I know Hungary didn't accomplish that much, but at least what we accomplished wasn't done by
>sacking other countries and stealing a lot of relics
>enslaving tens of thousands
>burning down cultures
I was always curious what would the Americas be like if you guys with the spanish and portugese hadn't intervened.
it's better than scotland and potato nigger island, but wales reigns supreme
>sacking other countries and stealing a lot of relics
>enslaving tens of thousands
>burning down cultures
>Implying that these are bad things.
They are though. If a country is great, it can be great in itself, without demolishing others
It's the definition of first world country, you fuckwit.
"First world" is used to describe countries aligned to the Allied/Western socio/economic/geopolitical system. Britain isn't alligned to the allies, it is and created the Anglo-western world/ allies, which became the western world. It could be financially destitute, and it would still be a first world country.
England is the obvious birthplace of the anglosphere and its culture. It gave the world the first breath of liberalism and modern constitution. The British empire was a truly enlightened one, and organised better than Rome in my opinion. In the modern world England is one of the most culturally influential places on the planet, the financial capital of the world and is the world's only global power after the USA. Albeit, it is not a super power.
Yes, Austro-Hungary (and Nazi Hungary) is in a unique position to critique the UK on their unabashed nihilism.
We should have been allies in WW II and steamrolled through Europe and Russia.
The country which built the world.
>good music
Aston Martin
John Cleese
England and Wales are the most uncucked people in the entirety of Europe. We were the only ones that had the balls and brains to say EUROPE NO.
Probably, in retrospect.
Land of the Eng
Eternal anglo
>good music
Austria-Hungary wasn't led by hungarians.
Nor did it wage war or colonize anyone.
On nazi Hungary: read about history, pal and then you'll understand why we had to ally ourselves with the nazis. Though there wasn't even a good choice who to ally with. It was a lose-lose situation. Neither did we start that war.
So yes, Hungary IS in position to critique someone as vile as the anglos
Best country in the world, objectively.
>TFW people unironically think Wales is a country distinct to England
The Act of Union clearly establishes that Wales is a part of England, Wales is practically a non-country, stop spreading misinformation or you'll give credence to these filthy Welsh nationalists.
Pretty fucking rare mate.
Pop: 56
An empire that forced a war that wiped out an entire generation of Europeans by 1918. A nation that just 20 years later, sided with the Nazis to help wipe out another, because.. reasons. But hey, fuck it.. at least you didn't colonize some 3rd world shitholes. Pure as the wind driven snow, you lot.
The teeth line is actually becoming a myth
America has worse teeth than us on average because we don't have to shell out to go to the dentist
>forced a war
we had inner concerns, but the eternal anglo felt like they had to intervene. and as I said: it wasn't the hungarians who led the empire. we were forced into that empire
According to you, reasoning is useless. Well burgered, my educated friend
>hungry didn't sack other countries and enslave their people
I think your neighbours might disagree.
This level of hipocrisy.
You mean the Roman Empire? Or maybe the Golden Horde?
it gets better the further north you go
same shit goes for scotland
Fuck off, mongoloid.
Had a good opinion of my country this morning, I've revised my opinion due to my tram being late because of niggers on the tracks though
i like their accent. England was horror tough for some poor people in the 18th century but classy
Germans own the cars worth having actually mate, nobody wants American cars anymore, didn't you get the memo from Detroit
I hope you're ready for us to come 2nd in the olympics Brazil.
Commanded the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Getting cucked by nigs and mudslimes. Is sad. This kills England.
Big love for Texas, makes America look like a country worthy of ruling the world.
let us be a cautionary tale for the rest of the world. Multiculturalism takes the Great out of Britain