Reality is a holographic illusion. Thank you, good bye.
The elite manipulate mass consciousness through subconscious penetrating control of the human hivemind.
Reality is a holographic illusion. Thank you, good bye.
The elite manipulate mass consciousness through subconscious penetrating control of the human hivemind.
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Can you give me a tldr until i watch them later?
>The elite manipulate mass consciousness through subconscious penetrating control of the human hivemind.
It's called Television. Over 60 years worth of poison and lies slowly injected into society.
No (((elite))) controls history via biased schoolars, media and public figures among cultural movements like film arts and social studies.
The Empire never ended.
Thank you David.
IDK what it is, trying to figure it out. But it certainly isn't what we think it is.
Just think about it, you're an organism living on a rock revolving around a star in a galaxy in a universe.
We know nothing about ourselves and our world. Life is really strange when you look a little closer
Good for reality.
It's more than an illusion. Media is constructing reality using our consciousness, when it should be reporting reality.
Its almost as if a certain group of people knew how everything worked and didn't want to share this knowledge with us lel.
Meanwhile we have mundane shit like politics, war, immigration, PC..... the true enemies of consciousness are anything and anyone that wishes to shut the debate down.
Thought creates reality....duhhh
WTF I hate reality know, telling me Trump won't win and shieeeeet.
i mean thats cool and all but you realize life will just turn into the movie the road right?
do we really want that
If POL could understand this's ashame these things are oft overlooked. The conceptual truths that are beyond the secular/mundane truths give context, therfore meaning to our life. Imagine when these truths are all undeniable in the face of democratized science and technology its only a matter of time before it's proven that thought creates reality.
The Elites know how the celestial and terran physics operate. This is why dates are chosen for specific reasons. To optimise a certain reality to come into fruition. However the game is changing. to contextualise what is going on in the world you must contextualise what is going on in the universe all things are bound to a universal algorithm. WE by virtue of the hologram are miniature civilisations unto oursleves...not exempt from universal forces or bonds each having to go through our own apocalypse to complete the mass alchemical reaction.
There is a game changer going on....(ALL) planets in the solar sytem show signs of climate change.....Theres no suv's on pluto. The sun is speeding our conciousness' up. So the elite have to compete and invent a myriad of way to trap you in destructive cycles. Hence the betafication of men (mainly white) who would have been the pioneers of making use of increased conciousness.Instead we live in a world were nothing seems sacred to the majority. But as result of speeding up of conciousness the sytems that once served us must fall because they do not cater to an increase in conciousness. You dont traverse galaxies with oil.
Muh hologram...
This is so retarded ffs.
You are fucking mental
Haha bro. You have to be to see the signs.
Muh Hyperdimension resonance????
Waaiting for trips to prove my point keep rolling...
Looks like your get script missed the mark buddy
Aahhh nearly satan's trips. What the fuck have we done...perhaps it's too early for pol to gain a wider understanding.
If thought creates reality then why has no one demonstrated an ability to manipulate reality with thought? Seven billion people on the planet and not one person can so much as move a needle in a glass jar. Also why do prayer groups seem to have no power?
this is all probably more than partially correct
guess I was wrong, I'll recollect KEK
no shit idiot
Manipulate reality with thought? Like typing? or walking??
I'm not too sure on the prayer groups having no effect? or no measurable effect? There is evidence that suggest it has a subtle effects... we are only just beggining to understand the mechanisms...applications come later.
Buddhist monks apparently figured out acoustic levatation...
Thought creating reality in a hive mind individuals we are not "allowed" to be that powerful.
Needles in jars don't need to be moved, minds need to be awoken. Im eternally grateful that i can speak to people all over the world using the internet.
The internet is a crude telepathic device by extension....
>Reality is a holographic illusion.
Correct, but I have no idea what those videos you posted have to do with it.
Of course it's strange. The very fact that we exist at all is strange.
Why does anything exist at all? I don't mean people or the earth, I mean WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE EXIST AT ALL? Why doesn't anything exist at all?
Where did it come from?
Just THINK about it.
>a single cell contains all the information to make a human
>a blood cell could make a brain cell
uh.. no. That's not how it fucking works.
garbage Jewish lies
I trolled the makers of those videos last year and they threatened to report me to the FBI. they're just hippy fucks.
I hate thinking about this.
There's no possible answer and the whole thing is ridiculous.
What was before the universe? A void. Why was there a void? How was there a void? What made the void? What made the thing that made the void, and so on.
Without watching the video:
yes it is. The point is DNA contains all of the information necessary to create a human being. Every piece from brain cell to blood cell.
Scientist here, actually it is. Totipotent stem cells can differentiate into any cell in your body. Once differentiated they still contain your entire genome. Therefore yes, the genetic code for a neuron is contained in an rbc.
It is why South Africa did not have television untill the early 70's
>Dr. Albert Hertzog, Minister for Posts and Telegraphs at the time, said that TV would come to South Africa "over [his] dead body," denouncing it as "a miniature bioscope [cinema] over which parents would have no control." He also argued that "South Africa would have to import films showing race mixing; and advertising would make [non-white] Africans dissatisfied with their lot." The new medium was then regarded as the "devil's own box, for disseminating communism and immorality".
1st sign of crackpotism: bad etymology. "Thoth" has nothing to do with "Thought." "Atom" had nothing to do with "Adam." Using that kind of of comparison and claiming it has some deep, secret meaning is idiotic.
Because physics.
It's important to think about such things. Our universe is not what it seems.
>Buddhist monks
they've done fuck all, they're just trying to get interest so westerners support tibetan independence
It can't do it without a womb. The unique environment of the womb has a lot to do with how the DNA is expressed. They've done experiments with putting fertilized chimpanzee eggs into gorilla wombs, and what you get isn't a chimpanzee or a gorilla, but a sort of gorilla-chimp hybrid.
agree my friend. People make up garbage etymologies. theres no need to because etymology is already interesting.
This only muddies the waters there is genuine shit we still are only scratching the surface with.
I exhort people to look beyond semantic veneers in there everyday practice.
source on this experiment pls
>implying our conscious isn't quantum
into the trash it goes materialist scum
Conceivable. But that doesn't detract the overall point. We move shit with our minds all the time. My cup of tea is levatating with the assistance of my will... the universe is our oyster.
Wrong. In vitro experiments have proven that it is possible to turn differentiated cells back into totipotent stem cells
>Therefore yes, the genetic code for a neuron is contained in an rbc.
>implying mature RBCs have a genome
D-did I just get Australia'd?
Known physics.
you move your cells and atoms, kid
not other objects
Oh fuck ha. Correct. I'm an idiot. Forgotten all I learned.
I asked you a question, you little cunt.
At least you ask yourslef the question like any concious human would. So many smart twerps on here think they know their shit when they haven't suffered anywhere near enough to be close to takes dilligence and intellectual gullability to understand the novel nature of the universe virtues that most on pol are bereft of.
Trying to understand the universes conciousness through the current version of science is like trying to understand the where and how the finger points...just constantly never looking where the big finger of GOD is trying to make us look.
But ma cuppa laaaad?? just drank it with my own right hand ill send you a vid?
This. We don't project reality from our eyeballs.
oh fuck off that's just a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality, just delete what you wrote
I stopped watching at "chakra points".
i kept going farther than that, theres a part where it says its a lie that our brain reverses the image our eyes see so we interpret it as right side up. this has been proven in shown many times.. crystal brains and shit man. yeah i stopped there. this shit is like saying dragon ball z is real. let me go kamehameha some bitches
Because?? not in your standard lexicon or doesn't conform to your semantic bias. But if a scientist discovered "whatever the chakra is...or if it even is"
but called them vitality vortices you would probably believe them if it was measured even allowed to be discovered.
You ever thought somethings regarding scientific breakthough automatically must be supressed because of what we could extrapolate from new information.
Your comment demonstrates the lack of naivety that is required to understand. Sounds ironic. ironically it's not.
People need to check their behaviour before there belief sytems.
Pol is natural inclined to shut down debate don't fall for thaat meme.
From what I admit to be somewhat of a basic understanding on the subject, the influence we have occurs through observation.
Which in turn is you interacting with your surroundings, as well as the particles that they are made of.
In regards to prayer, well it would seem that most modern religions have been manipulated, to direct prayer towards the worship of Saturn.
Consumerism is the new religion. God is money.
reality is experienced on a individual basis. as much as i would like to dismiss the vid there is 1 possibility that myself or any on this board or any where would need to realize is...
what if your crazy and dont know it and the vid is scientific fact. what if your in a coma and having a dream and again the vid is fact but maybe on pbs or something (playing on tv in the hospital room)
Eeh ston yah...
Having common sense and pretty basic scientific knowledge isn't a bad inclination to have friend. Although, believing in stupid shit on the internet might be though. I can pretend for a minute that this could be real and mentally mold that reality, but when there's things that make absolutely no sense its hard to suspend disbelief.
Well 30% of your brain matter is lyotropic liquid crystal. It just doesn't function in the way the schizophrenic in the video describes.
Your thread is an illusion, k'bye.
thread theme
/xpol/ best pol
How many layers of holographic illusions are we in?
They are good things to have bro. just not at the expense of other things. The universe doen't function in a linear or rational way. i don't think that linear arguments and rational facts can help you understand the universe's charachter.
Two and a half layers. I will touch on the half a layer notion later. But first, we need to talk about parallel universes.
Can't shut yourself down without a consequence.