Someone redpill me on the holocaust. I'm pretty well convinced that its overly exaggerated postwar propaganda and that it was more equivalent to a Jewish trail of tears than a genocide.
Got anything I can show people that need to be redpilled?
Someone redpill me on the holocaust. I'm pretty well convinced that its overly exaggerated postwar propaganda and that it was more equivalent to a Jewish trail of tears than a genocide.
Got anything I can show people that need to be redpilled?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was real, Sup Forums is satire and saying it didn't exist as a meme
This tbhfam
Can someone from an actual country respond please
I've been here for 6 months or so and I still haven't figured if /pol is satire or not.
Fuck off back to Israel, Schmuel.
Everyone who knows a jew knows that they are schemers. There's probably truth to it because it's easy to see them getting killed off for being trash. They probably exaggerated it also. Hell even the slaves who built the pyramids weren't even really slaves.
Its pretty easy to see that the numbers were fudged, and Jews did die but not in the way we all are indoctrinated in public school to believe.
Since its in such poor taste to suggest this everyone pretty much just rolls with it.
Yes we're satire.
we all believe that fags should parade in the streets naked and we should let in millions of syrian refugees. All whites should die and there needs to be more women in everything and less men
in germany it's illegal to say the holyhoax is fake
therefore, it's fake.
if something can't withstand criticism, it's fake.
also, check teh census records
That clears a lot up for me. Thanks!
You made me kek my lithuanian firend
Fuck off Ackmed
i was being sarcastic
hi, i know you third world residents just got the internet because Comrade Gates spread the lovely technologies to your mud huts, but I regret to inform you this board uses an ID system...
Uh, did you know that you automatically have a tripcode in Sup Forums threads? we can see you samefagging as pain as day.
It happened, it's just exaggerated to the extreme. I think that 1-2 million Jews may have died from typhus or starvation in concentration camps but all the ridiculous horror stories about sexual torture and infanticide are bullshit.
It looked more like a poorly executed relocation to me. They probably weren't intended to be held in the camps as long as they were.
>Were jews persecuted and some killed?
>Did the Holocaust as the jews have portrayed it for the past 60 years happen?
There was not 6 million killed. They were not gassed. At most, hundreds of thousands died, and probably the same number as gypsies and the disabled.
>Well anyways, what happened to the Jews was terrible right?
Yeah, but leave it to the Jews to spin it into the greatest tragedy in human history. One worthy of condemning the entire world, even those not participating, for "allowing" such a "terrible thing" to happen.
A global Jewish "Oy vey!"
Most people in the concentration camps died of typhus. For some reason people actually believe 6 million jews were killed on purpose. The total number of people may have been 6 million, but not jews. It's kind of funny because i had a teacher who told me that there are holocaust deniers with some strong evidence, but i shouldn't believe it because reasons. Idk OP believe what you want, but just remember the numbers are REALLY exaggerated
I know you won't look into any of the sources because you're an ignorant cuck but there you go
You cant redpill yourself with some simple threads user. Read books, watch documentaries, maybe you can even talk with some survivors, although theyre dying out.
Best thing would be to come to germany or austria and look at a concentration camp yourself. The actual cruelties cant be found in history books because they happened in smaller villages, close to the people. Anything you want to know in particular?
yeahhh nah it happened, mate
no one was gassed. There's literally no reason to believe it other than imaginary Jews who disappeared. Anyone who believes the holocaust is a fucking retard.
Do you have some notification or something about Holocaust threads on Sup Forums?
""""""discovered"""""" (((((Russia)))))
Looks good, although the trutube links don't work.
every argument here has been shown to be false
start at
Turn your proxy on, faggot.
Four posts in one minute ending with quads? What the fuck man, WITNESSED
Oy vey those evil natzees would nurse jews back to health just to gas em all over again!
I'm not going through that bullshit. Where do they talk about the 6,000,000 dead bodies that don't exist?
'the six million: fact or fiction'
My name's Louis and I'll be crown at the head of the French Kingdom soon.
Check em
That whole website's proof is two passages from diaries talking about the liquidation of the jews. Whatever translation you decide that means it still means that those two things are the only hard evidence from the Nazis that an extermination program was going on. Millions of Germans involved and apparently it was all a hush hush wink wink under the table kind of deal with no paper trail.
Lol no
I just come here to see people denying it, calling themselves "redpilled" and drowning themselves in fake theories. Its intriguing, but also highly disturbing.
There is no evidence that 6 million Jews were killed in an extermination, a large number did die, but events were greatly exaggerated. Not only is there no evidence, the official canon has become so revered in western society that it is basically forbidden to even attempt to question the official canon, let alone substantiate the claims with evidence.
Man those nazis are like cartoon villians. Glad we sacrificed hundreds of thousands of white nations' youth so our countries could become multicultural paradises.
>Someone redpill me on the holocaust.
Genocide of 5-6 Megajews commited by Axis. It also moved the remaining Jewish population to America and mobilized it into conquest of Israel.
Despite the event being more and more ignored by the public, on Sup Forums holocaust denial is being shilled more and more.
Nobody gives a shit, the fuhrer willed it and it saved the dna of 6 million gorillion Jews jumping into our gene pool. Was the world worse off for the loss? Nein! Move along.
It's the most contrived thing ever, up until now there was no documents mentioning the Holocaust but now suddenly (and from Russia!) a diary that is like "yes we did the Holocaust, I loved doing the Holocaust. The Holocaust was my favourite thing, I looked forward to doing to doing the Holocaust. Did I mention I like the Holocaust? Shit I haven't mentioned the Holocaust in a while better say again how much. I enjoyed the holocaust"
From everything I've seen it seems that the Holocaust is a myth. Of course there is no doubt that some German individuals liked to rape and kill Jews but the real death toll seems to be about 300,000 and these are mostly from disease link typhus and starvation (because they couldn't even feed their own soldiers let alone their prisoners) . Even the prime minister of Israel himself said Hitler never intended on killing the Jews, he just wanted to kick them out of the country but no one would accept them
It didnt happen, its a fucking lie.
JIDF pls
>thread about nothing
I'll just leave these here. While the language was meant to post on stormfront, the content is legit.
post more
>Got anything I can show people that need to be redpilled?
The same great jewish lies you've heard all your life goys, now new and improved, with extra memetics!
Dubs of truth.