Brit/pol/ - British Politics General: Empire Edition

>Labour Leadership Debate Live

>London stabbing: Suspect is Norwegian Somali with 'no evidence' of terror

>British man dies fighting ISIS in Syria

>Second failed attempt to abduct member of British Armed Forces reported at Aldershot Garrison

>Rates to be cut as economy slows

>Steven Woolfe not in leadership race

>Paris firebomb habbening

>are nige chimes in

>Theresa May tells Lords to ‘get behind Brexit’ after threat to derail Article 50 plans

>Unelected peers start House of Lords plot to BLOCK Brexit and force a second referendum

>Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse

>Ireland could join the Commonwealth post-Brexit to cement CLOSER ties with Britain

Other urls found in this thread:

why do you lazy fucks never update the news? If you aren't going to update them, don't bother making a new thread, faggot.

Fuck off jidf. Not gonna bump your new labour general. Make a nationalist op or go back to /brit/ with your foreign pets esepecially your little shitskinned arab waifu you're all whiteknighting over. Pathetic cucks.

Because they're boring shills. No more karen. No enoch. No hitler. No music. No memes. Like all subversive jews they're only interested in destroying culture and replacing it with a boring generic 1984 world. If you enjoy boring humourless new labour discussion mummyposting no news shilling for shillary this is the thread for you. Brit/pol/ is the soulless commieblock of Sup Forums till there's a happening and the lads come back. The mods literally deleted the last Brit/pol/ at 200 posts. From the comfiest best thread on Sup Forums to a literal slide that even that even bores the janitors to want to delete it.

end this fucking tory hugbox

Hows the Labour Debate going, or how did it go?

>The British Empire stands for world peace and security
>one of the most violent, expansionist and warmongering empires in history

Fuck off antifa. No one cares. You boring abo.

>and directly responsible for our existence and over 75% of the worlds most important inventions, innovations and progress

Yes we all know you would much rather be ruled by the communists or ottomans traitor.

Speaks for itself. You know what a hugbox is? Somewhere you aren't boring everyone to death.


But the British were largely responsible for the Communists existing past 1941. They were also directly responsible for the Ottomans not being eradicated by the Russians.

People have shutdown my city to protest for black lives matter I cannot comprehend the absurdity

>nobody cares about the leadership of the opposition that could very well have Labour removed as the Queens Opposition appointment by the end of the year and end decades of tribal voting in the UK therefore giving you exactly what you want if you really are earnest about your beliefs for British Politics

I know you're a troll but god damn you're stupid. You ruined your ability to shill on brit/pol/ when you bragged about being here since 2014, you mad man.

When was the last nigger killed in a race related unlawful killing by the government in the UK? This doesn't make sense.

Soros at it again

The only reason the sun never sets on the British empire is because God doesn't trust the British in the dark

2014 is longer than last week abo.

That's me point, Bartek.

kek, is that why they need rainbow stripes?

The islamic white genocide party needs to die abo. 27% rating. 20% immigrant population virtually all voting labour including sikhs. PURE COINCIDENCE.

BLM doing a nationwide protest blocking traffic all over the place, including Heathrow.

What are BLM protesting against in UK? Will there be big riots tonight?

Niggers gonna nig.

They just want more free shit at the expense of mr whitey. As if they weren't a burden on the society already.

The British were largely responsible for modern human civilisation abo. And they didn't want the world to be dominated by a sultan OR russian feudal imperialism. For the first time in history they abolished slavery from the face of the earth. Be grateful they were powerful enough to do it because muslims and russians certainly wouldn't have. Nor chinese. And communists like you taking over the West is the very reason we're against WW2 in hindsight.

They are responsible for your very existence. In an alternative universe your boipussi is being prolapsed in a turkish harem right now. You and I both wish you were there.

I hope a tram runs the dirty wogs over

Morning lads!
How are you all holding up?

That's the point you fucking mongoloid


They're put up screens to stop them from getting sunburnt

This is why I live in small villages

I think that isn't a bad idea

>oh no the police are here to brutally murder us all

>oh no they are helping us

wakey wakey

This is literally costing the country money. If they don't do anything about it they and other ridiculous groups will do the same thing.

Imagine those poor fucks at Heathrow that saved up all year for a holiday. £10 grand down the drain because some niggers are protesting non-existent police brutality in the UK.

Back to Africa.

Our niggers used to be ok. Now american victim culture and identity politics are corupting them

They shouldn't be, but thanks to their American counterparts they've decided they want a go.

They probably realised the TVs they stole during the 2011 riots are going out-dated and they probably want updated models.

This is the future we chose my friend. And it's just the beginning. Wait till the muslims start organising like in france and germany and we'll really see what anglos are made of. We don't even know how bad things really are because the security services are actually doing their jobs here and the media is covering for the shitskins. Thiiings will only get worse.

2014-2013-2015? What's with the order?

Also, why was 2013 so peaceful?

Can they not just arrest those cunts for breach of the peace. Silver lining is only the most retarded will support them in the UK now

>moved out of London recently
>van man was a black Londoner
>we get into political conversation
>Da world is crazee man, wiv donald trump comin to powah
>decide not to redpill him because if it backfires and pisses him off he might be rough with my crockery

Nice to be back in the country. I think people with black heritage are so well integrated here compared to America, its a shame African American culture is creeping into the minds of African British

Time for The Clash

I think the original creator just fucked up the numbers.

It's always peaceful in terms of police shootings. They shoot 3 people on average a year, in a country with 64 million people. There is absolutely no justification for BLM here.

Niggers' animal natures are only kept in check by being surrounded and dominated by the influence of civilised whites. When they form insulated ghettos of their own their true natures and culture metastasise unhindered. Of course for our newfriends we should be clear that we distinguish niggers from decent blacks when we call niggers out for what they are.

I assume the same applies to Sweden, or other countries where these retards protested in.

It's a shame you spoil these fucks so much.

Maybe we can meme this a bit for all the normie retards doing the BLM shit lads:

Cementing yourself to something in order to make a protest of it


>When water is added to cement, calcium hydroxide is formed, which is extremely alkaline with a pH of 12 to 13. Normal human skin has a pH of 5.5; therefore, wet cement can produce alkaline (caustic) skin burns which progress and get worse without more exposure

lmao wait they actually did this?

> Black Lives Matter movement 'needed in UK'

> Activists have voiced hopes that a strong Black Lives Matter movement can be built in Britain following the growth of the campaign in the US.

> The movement has grown over the past three years in protest at police killings of black people in America.

> "We're asking the government to take responsibility, not just to investigate the statistics but to hear the demands of the communities."

Statistics don't actually matter lads. They just want their demands heard anyway. Hold onto your tophats, we're going full retard.

What is the point of these people?

They're barely trying to hide it. Using quotes to make themselves seem impartial.

exactly the whole ridiculous black supremacy group is founded on lies and their demands are completely unrealistic

>Them small village feels

Based remote working job let me actually go back home.

Imported labour votes. When you live in a 20% shitskin country, virtually all of them vote labour, and yet they can still only get a 27% rating, it's obvious where labour would be without them. Only shitskins, brainwashed students and welsh valley hermit cucks are voting labour anymore. As much of a trolling nuisance as the snp are, they do serve a purpose.

>we want immunity from the law

>black guy dies from a heart attack whilst in police custody (8YEARS AGO)
>BBC uses it as justification for negroes to black roads
sooner or later someone will die because an ambulance will get held up by one of their protests

Five years ago they shot a nig-nog who was shooting at them, it was deemed lawful by both a jury and a separate ipcc inquiry but since when has the fact that stopped BLM claiming he dindu?

Of course, BLM is a (now international) terrorist organisation, with the aim of harnessing hatred against white people.

BLM has no stance on black-on-black crime, by far the biggest problem in black communities, other than 'whitey be making dese stats up'.

Well at least May seems to be doing something about it. The £35k policy is a good move. They need to do something about marriage visas though. Pakis love going home for an arranged marriage and bringing over the whole extended family.

As for the hordes already here, not a lot we can do about it.

As a honeypot to stop fenian scotcucks voting labour. If we could remove all non-anglos (and celtic allies) and irish celts from this island it would be literally the comfiest country on earth.


top kek samefagging already

>When you live in a 20% shitskin country, virtually all of them vote labour
Actually Sikhs and Hindus vote more for the Tories and Muslims overwhelmingly vote Labour.

It's not a bad point to be honest. But I think shutting them down completely is the most effective shill tactic. Look at the attempts on this thread over the last week. Including yours.

You mean you work or live in the country?

sort your poo problem out and we'll be bros forever

I was clearly continuing my post with an after thought. I know how assmad you get when posts are deleted.


this, muslims and niggers vote labour for the gibs me dat. even the fucking jews are becoming more right wing in britain.

Need to encourage more black people in America to become police officers, I think if mainly black people policed their own black majority areas effectively, BLM would crumble because it cant scream POLICE ARE RACAST which is the only thing really propping it up

I've been to India. The "poo problem" only exists in more rural areas. The standard of living varies wildly throughout the country, and there are even gated "American Dream" white-fenced suburban estates. I can see why many British soldiers came to like India in the days of the empire, it's an interesting experience.

The "poo problem" only exists in more rural areas
In no way does that make it better. Who cares if you have a pretty capital if the rest is living in squalor

Sihks were the ethnic minority that most voted for Brexit.

Identity politics is a complete fucking cancer to society, the people who brought this upon our shores should be hanged.

Yes sikhs are more intelligent and free from ressentiment. They just haven't realised yet that with more labour you get more muslims.

Starting to understand more and more why Russia hates the US. Their culture is pure cancer. Can't remember the last tasteful thing they provided the world since American Psycho and even then the central character was played by a Brit.

Why do you think people are discussing the Labour clusterfuck at all? We all want it to fucking die. You're autistic as fuck.

>BLM in the UK

The latest Spectator podcast is really good, by the way. First half is about hate crime stats in the UK and how utterly fucked they are. Second half was about Syria or something so I switched it off, but listen to the first half.

>Black Lives Matter UK

Utter cancer

Cheers fám, been looking for a based podcast to listen to

What will Hitchens' response to BLM UK be?

As long as the thread is shill free (apart from 1 post by this ID OP of course), then I won't disagree with you.

Private Eye's podcast is good as well. Think it's on a break right now but it has a lot of really good insights on those kinds of stories that never seem to break into the MSM.

America died the day anglos lost their majority.

What do we think of this BLM shit?

Will the majority of normies get redpilled or get cucked?

As far as Empires go it was actually rather peaceful, which is why you cucks still have our Queen since we're on good terms with almost all our former colonies.

Anyone else glad black people in this country are finally standing up for themselves?

How can you expect everyone to be equal if you don't help out those that wont work hard enough for themselves?

>1 post by this ID

The Jews stand for (((peace))) and tolerance, defend them

There's nothing to really get redpilled over. It simply isn't a popular sentiment that black people are unfairly targetted in this country.

Most people view this dirty protest as little more than bewildering.

Everyone but lefty student cucks will get redpilled by it. When you're protesting over 3 police shootings a year, most of whom aren't even black, and some nog who had a heart attack due to drugs in custody, people aren't going to take you seriously.

>le British blacks are just fine meme
Nope, they're just like American blacks, there's just less of them.
Look at the crime rates in London amongst black men, or any other city they live in.
Look at the racial breakdown of the London riots, the Hyde Park riots and so on.

I see what you did there.

Reminder: they're not equal because they have sub-70 average IQs.

And they're not equal before the law either. They're grossly positively discriminated in favour of at the expense of whites in every respect.

Nice one lad. Was forced to listen to the Guardicuck's podcasts for the past few months. Pretty horrendous listening but the butthurt on the outcome of the EU ref was worth all of it.

That's complete bullshit and a multiculti cosmopolitan meme.

Blacks commit more crime than any other race in London by a rate that is quite astonishing given the amount of god damn muslims.

Look it up. The Met had to produce the stats in 2010 under the freedom of information act. Majority of robberies of all kinds - black men. Majority of gun crime - black men. Majority of drug related crime - black men. Majority of gang related violence - take a fucking guess but I'll give you one clue, it's not white females.

Don't fall for the fucking multiculti meme.

>going to vegas in Sept
>only got my bonus end of july so couldn't change cash over prior to brexit
>pound shot of the other day
>exchange at a rate of 1.31
>mfw thats now the raw rate

They're 13% of the population in London and commit 60% of the crime.


>he doesn't export in dollars
Topcuck. I'm living the american dream.

That's actually worse than USA I think