what do you think of Japan? is it nice for you?
What do you think of Japan? is it nice for you?
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It becomes nicer every day with the wisdom of your great leader. I would really like to see Japan one day.
I love your language. Some of your music. Your culture and History. I love the city of Aomori.
i want to move there and impregnate/marry one of your kin so i can gain citizenship one day
I like the porn and anime but that's about it.
>is it nice for you
What did he mean by this?
It is a land free of the scourge of social justice. That much is refreshing.
Also it's the only country to consistently pump out semen demons and daughters on a regular basis.
The fact that you have layer upon layer of social etiquette does make it hard to tell when you're being genuine though.
Also, nationalist as fuck, way to go, you guys really know how to preserve your unique culture, and you're fucking savages at war, which is pretty okay for protecting your homeland.
P.S. fuck anime it's gay as shit
Apparently it's a homogenous country stuck in the past but with access to modern technology. I saw a report on TV yesterday how you ironically discriminate against women who want to have kids and a job given your shrinking and aging population.
These. Also the nationalism. I just can't help but respect nationalism.
Your flag sucks now. Looks like a used feminine hygiene product.
If you had a new flag, would you bring back the Imperial Rising Sun one or do you have another idea for a different one?
the working culture is the biggest piece of shit on this planet
> stay 900 hours per day in the office
> be productive 12 minutes
Thinkin about givin your little island a visit and baggin some sweet nip poon
I wish to thank you and your pervy little country for making silicone sex dolls cheap, nice shipping, desecrate and always willing to take a load.
And anime.
And video games.
But mostly the sex dolls.
how does a normal work day shedule look like?
Is this why Japan has always been a forerunner in portable devices (music, tv, game)? Can you discreetly play Monster hunter in office?
You're the biggest autists the world has ever known.
I don't blame you though, those nukes would have driven anyone mad.
nip boys are very cute
i think they put a bunch of estrogen in those bombs
I love Nippon, they are our besto friendo desu~
Won't ever accept you. Will despise you for having children with their women.
Your children will be bullied. `
Your child will be genetically inferior and less cohesive.
Asian countries dislike you more if you know the language, more if you stay, hate you if you intermarry.
Gonna visit soon.
I would move there if I had any hope of meeting their work hours or if I didn't love guns as much as I do.
Japan is red pilled as fuck. It and Switzerland are some of the last Leftist free utopias.
Japan gave use lolis.
157 years of friendship. Japan is a big friend to Germany.
I'd love to visit. tried to teach myself Japanese, but I'm way too lazy and stupid for that shit
I really don't care. As long as they keep pumping out good 2D content and vidya they can hate me all they want. I don't have a huge interest in even visiting their country
Sick culture
Japan is awesome.
Went there last year, it was quite nice. The people there don't look as gooky as I thought they would, which was pleasent. The Japanese are quite polite, the cities are pretty, food is really good, but it's brought down by degeneracy like Anime and the weird sex culture.
I like Gaki no Tsukai. Kiki is maximum comfy.
That flag was always the Japanese flag... the flag you're thinking of was (and is) the Japanese naval ensign.
Well except for being at war with Germany in World war 1
>Finn pulls a knife over Japs touching his hair
>says Japs don't respect "personal space"
sounds about right for a Finn, they're touchy about that
I really love Japan for most parts.
Great food and easy access to alchohol.
Shops are open late, some big ones even 24/7.
It's very safe for a tourist, very little nogs and mudslimes. Strict immigration laws.
Cash based society.
Polite, people keep to themselves and avoid being loud.
The problems surface if you manage to immigrate or stay longer.
Long, inefficient work days.
Shitty work culture.
Sex trafficking.
Outcasts everywhere.
Organized crime & politics.
An immigrated gaijin that tries hard to integrate will still forever be a dirty gaijin.
In my view, a great place to visit, but not to stay in.
>is it nice for you?
Shitty place if you ask me, well not the place but the people, society. The way you're raised and your education is too closed, your working ethics are bad too.
But seriously who the fuck suck's emperor cock nowadays. Come on.
It's a beautiful place to visit though, but that's it.
I like small breasted anime girls
u u u u
Japan is like some painting in an art gallery if you don't know shit about art.
I mean it looks nice to you but you aren't going to touch the fucking thing or want it in your house
My nigger
Im sadly Turkish, and Im planning to move there to a countryside.
Nice country, nice people, great culture. Also they manufacture great products.
I don't understand how anyone could hate Japan.
You mad because Japan gets to put color on their white flag?
you guys got some amazing JAV out there. hentai is pretty meh and has been for years. you guys need to step up.
I consider japs to be humans like us whites
The weeaboo JDF is here I see. Did you apply to go teach English yet you fat fuck?
I love Japan, its one of the last truly civilized countries on the planet.
Your food is awesome, people dress well and behave properly in public (even the homeless seem decent). Onsen are great, as is the public transportation system.
sorry nip bro but I am going to come to japan and impreganate your women.
Alot of little karens will be GAJAIMASH ing around
Pic related is your average half nip half whitepiggu
i love your video games. the west cant make a good game saving their lives at this point.
You're a big island.
Sounds like I'd like to visit but not live there. I think Ireland has a nicer society. Japan sounds quite repressed and dominated by the elderly.
This is your average half white half nippon mongol.
I'm only against race mixing against sub saharan niggers and sandindus
muh-reen here. It's like a friggin prison here.
The women go crazy for us though, so thats pretty tight. Beautiful ocean/diving, easy to get Booze and cigarettes underage(gotta be 20 for both) They love their culture and heritage
Only complaint is that the men are pussies for the most part. its hilarious to talk vulgar about women to japanese men
>The country that got BTFO by rain forest monkeys and goatfuckers while having the highest military budget thinks that the white flag meme is funny
can't make this shit up
French niggers are triggered.
Literally 10% muslims, your country is a fucking disgrace to the western world.
I read an article claiming that the french average IQ is in free fall for some reason...lol immigration.
yes, they created my waifu
I like your games, your porn, and your anime. You guys don't cut your dicks like we do over here, as far as I know, so that's pretty cool. Other than that, I don't know a whole lot about Japan and I don't care. Just keep producing content that entices me to a fruitless life of depravity and I'll forever consider you greatest ally after Israel.
Your language is less grating on the ears than most, and I like what you can do with wordplay in it. Your media is degenerate and I love it. You eat more sensible portion sizes than most Americans do, and actually eat your fucking vegetables. You've been a solid ally and a great place to park our F16's. If shit goes down between you and the Asian mainland, I'd personally be happy to get conscripted to have your back. Your immigration policy is pretty un-cucked.
You overfish. Your birthrates are horrible. Your legal system is fucked. Your metropolitan areas are cesspools.
why you made german character asuka so violent and angry?! explain this shit nippon.
should be a muslim.
Because she had to live in Germany.
you guys are always depicted as angry and violent even before the age of moor reclamation.
it's a stereotype of your people, ain't it?
Because your faggot government forces the porn companies to censor the vags and dicks, real shame, sure you can find an authentic looking nip girl that doesn't get censored, but its just not the same
>I saw a report on TV yesterday
>on german TV
ah shit, i forgot about this...
She's more manly than the damn main character
Amerifag living in japan,
I hate this place. You guys discriminate against americans left and right. Your woman are tight fucks though. And its funny to see those limp dick beta motha fuckas walking around alone with the headphones and no friends because nobody thought JAPANESE PEOPLE SPEAK JAPANESE
Your nignog attitude is why Japanese hates Americans.
How do Japanese consider the British?
One of the best countries in the world. The only really serious problem I can see is the work culture, which I imagine is one of the main contributors to the low birth rates.
Holy fuck this guy has taste beyond comprehension
Blind sided over here
Nobody let this fat shit jewskin in.
Japnese football fans love British football team.
also your loyal is famous in here too.
I love Japan so long as it keeps making my dick happy.
>Asian countries dislike you more if you know the language
hey buddy
that's an anime
I lost family members in the pacific during WW2
>Never Forgive
>Never Forget
Well, yeah? That's war mate. Someone is gonna die.
As a foreigner, yes, it's a good country with good people. But i also see the high suicide rate, so i will keep being foreigner
Post gook with big ass please
>Asian countries dislike you more if you know the language, more if you stay, hate you if you intermarry.
I wish European countries did this.
What do Japs think of Israel/Jews? Or do they not really care about that part of the world?
I've been there (Tokyo, Kyoto, Mishima & Hakone) it's a really nice country with really nice people and really nice food
My kids won't be pussies like yours.
weebs are disgusting
no wonder your gdp per capita is so low
This. They might even do it again given the chance.