Let's find out how many of you are actually shills for Hill.
Who is Sup Forums voting for?
Free bump
This is Sup Forums branch CTR headquarters here with a message to anyone in the hilldog camp
DO NOT answer the poll.
Focus is on education and persuasion in other threads. We don't know them to know how many have infiltrated
Anyone but Hillary so most likely Trump.
I honestly just want the election to end so we can go back to old non-election time Sup Forums.
There are no shills on Sup Forums, there are just intelligent people like me who want to educate racists and bigots on here about the real world.
>RACE is a social construct.
>GENDER is a social construct and can be changed at will.
>Hillary is a very good person in truth, it's just that the vast right-wing conspiracy made her look bad.
>TRUMP is an opportunist and bases his policies on feelings rather than facts since he probably never read a book.
I can go on and on, Sup Forums, swallow the red pill when your done drinking Trumps semen.
We already know that a lot of you have infiltrated. Wouldn't you actually want to vote for Shillary in order to create peer pressure to vote for the bitch in the General?
Nobody with any integrity would vote for the Ego Compensator nor the goes-whichever-way-the-wind-blows failure.
>>RACE is a social construct
Therefore Racist can not exist
To whoever voted for someone else: Who did you vote for? Zoltan Istvan?
can someone post the pic that shows all of trumps businesses
faggots on b keep spamming how he had 5 go bankrupt but i know from wikipedia the guy has hundreds so only having 5 go tits up is pretty good odds
>Anyone but Hillary so most likely Trump.
You better make that a 100% sure Trump, and go get all your friends to vote for Trump too.
Otherwise you will have to watch Hillary sit there and win states over and over in November, knowing the truth (pic related).
Pretty much yeah, one day we must rise above our fleshy shackles and transcend
> Not understanding the forces you are entangled with
How many GBP do they give you for informing us?
We are gonna have Trump for 8 MOTHER FUCKING YEARS!
>being on Sup Forums
>not being racist
I've fucking had it with you people. You need to get out of my favorite place on the internet right fucking now, you miserable cunting shills. We know where you work, faggots.
Where do we stand?
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Oh no, we might intercept a rough guess of how many people are shitposting rather than having a rough guess of how many people are shitposting, your cause will be lost!
I'm actually kind of surprised that more people are voting for Clinton than Johnson. Most of the Clinton voters are probably shills anyway.
I went from not voting to planning on voting for Trump back to not voting again. Trump lost my vote this week.
we could of had rand but the people are just too retarded to know whats good for them now
Who are you voting for now?
I don't plan on voting at the moment.
Im tored of supporting trump
Who cares about maga if you have no friends?
Fuck maga, make my social life great again
Just lie and say you are voting for Shillary and then vote for Trump.
ctr pls
Thank you for Correcting The Record™
>implying pol isn't my social life because normie memes are shit
Is there a Sup Forums in real life?
This the narrative does not survive human interaction. Talk to people her vale of he's literally Hitler doesn't survive under any kind of scrutiny. If most normies even had the slightest inkling of how shitty a person she is they would run screaming to the ballots to vote trump.
A Rand Paul/Ben Carson ticket would have been amazing but they would have never broken through the narrative blockade. I can't get my head around how bad it has gotten that we need someone like trump to break the cycle just so that we can keep our rights and opinions. That lying cunt will set the world on fire slowly if she wins.
okay im open minded soo...if there is no race does DNA still exist? Im pretty sure it still does exist? are we just ignoring it now?