Did Sup Forums like the episode?
So what's the verdict?
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No one likes new Teen Titans. No one likes new Power Puff Girls. Combining two turds makes one big turd.
What a surprise, no one gives a shit about it.
shitty reboots...uNITE!!
Robin being able to hear the narrator was pretty funny.
Just saw it a minute ago. It was alright. Nothing praiseworthy or rageworthy outside the girls and Mojo being more faithful to their original selves compared to the abomination they come from.
>it's just a single fucking sentence
It got a few laughs out of me.
Nothing special though.
Loved the WBB shorts that came after it though.
>Demotivational posters
Jesus Christ what year is it
The Powerpuff Girls and Mojo Jojo were actually written more like the originals.