Tell me something about politics which most people believe to be true, but which is actually the opposite of the truth.
Tell me something about politics which most people believe to be true, but which is actually the opposite of the truth
Democracy is the greatest political system in existence
Your vote matters
Reason and evidence can change people's minds.
Most aussies believe that Tony Abbott was incompetent.
They have no idea how wrong they are.
No one believes that.
Trump is a racist.
John McCain is a war hero.
The holocaust was real
that it isn't the reptilians
Niggers are human
Universal voting right is a good thing
Sup Forums is not a satire.
le democracy is the worst form of government except all other forms of government meme
Russia nails it on the head
Islaminisation of Europe is 100% voted in by women
Equality matters.
A classic
>my vote doesn't actually matter even if people tell me it does
tell that to Al Gore
Diversity leads to more innovation and richer cultures.
Women are just as capable as men in the public sector.
There is nothing wrong with having an abortion.
A woman is never at fault for her own rape.
Black communities are poor and violent because of white oppression, not because they are predisposed to these behaviors.
u want sum more m8?
Most people don't actually believe these things. They just pretend to believe them.
I mean things which are genuinely close to unquestioned and unquestionable.
it's the worst, next to all others that have been tried
Women's Suffrage was a good thing.