Black Lives Matter bring UK to a standstill
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People need to stand up to this filth.
Run them over.
We need to find out where this came from, who funded it and have them arrested, because this foam in tube shit is in two places, so it must have come from somewhere.
There is a reason Russia have an arrest warrant out for Soros. I am sure other people fund this shit though.
the fuck are they doing, there's like 9 of them, arrest them
at least when they do it here there are like 200 people
Niggers... pls never change
What is BLM even doing in the UK?
They should actually be thrown in prison for blocking airport traffic. That's just fucked.
Don't we have laws against disrupting the flow of traffic?
what's the point of these protests outside of america again?
there's no violence against blacks anywhere else
why are they doing it to us?
If they arent all fined at the very least for starting an illigal protest then its time to start move illigal protests.
Oh for fuck sake, this shit better not gain traction over here. These subhuman cunts better get jailed pronto
They smell weakness
What the hell do we even have police for if not to whisk away faggots like this before it becomes a big problem for national transport?
no clue we done nothing
wait isn't it legal in the UK to run someone over or was it the other way around pedestrians can jaywalk without giving a shit
It's funny because all they really are is really fucking obnoxious. They're not making any progress.
Spreading social progress
>BLM is an Americuck export
Oh ffs. Shoot the stupid cunts.
That's what China would do. A pathetic useless group of idiots who think its ok to hold up society, teach them who is boss.
God the west is getting weak putting up with this shit
Does anyone feel like stuff like this suggests Soros is on our side? Funding stuff like this leads to making so many people redpilled. There is no other logical conclusion than making otherwise indifferent people hate niggers.
They want a piece of that 'I'm such a victim' pie
I want to get a bunch of people and block off the EBT office in Harlem on the 1st of the month.
Saw the faggots protesting in bham city center last week. They're just butthurt uppity nigs mad that nobody here actually gives a fuck.
They've basically left liberal uni and found out that England is conservative as fuck.
Even in america most violence againt blacks is commited by blacks, there really is no legitimate reason for these protests besides creating racial tension
Brits should start carrying CO2 air guns in their cars so when this shit happens they can just roll down their window and pop the fuck out of them until they move out of the way.
>Another American degeneracy has exported itself to the rest of the world.
should have literally packed every last one of them up and sent them back to Africa.
No, he just wants turmoil - it's how he profits and otherwise pushes whatever other social change/agendas. If it just sparks more division and instability all the better.
The asshole definitely isn't on "our side". Even if the results temporarily benefit us, no doubt he is benefiting more and setting the stage for the next leg of bullshit we'll have to deal with.
>goyms not bringing them food, water, shade, cheers and support
Oh Britain, how far you've strayed from the true path, this is the most intolerant behavior i've seen in my entire life, worse than in Treblinka by the Nazis.
People should just fucking run them over and make black lives splatter.
Funny thing is that they don't understand that this shit will just make more people hate their movement...fucking idiots.
Glad you EuroCucks get to feel the wrath of Jamal.
Quit importing crime you fucking morons.
I am not a racist guys, but I am really starting to get sick of niggers.
It's confirmed that Soros is funding BLM.
This man needs to die. His family needs to die.
Says the thieving gypsy ..
>our nigger movementj has invaded the UK
sorry about that one bongs
>People should just fucking run them over and make black lives splatter.
wtf i hate black people now
Don't worry desu, since the beginning of mass immigration our non whites have been committing ridiculously high crime rates and rioting.
We got a good deal
Welcome to the club
Wtf I hate airports now
>black lives matter
>half of them are white
How the fuck have we given this group world wide power? This is absolutley atrocious? Could you imagine the backlash of any other group? Fuck I could hardly imagine any other group of people throwing such a fucking temper tantrum over this. Especially in countries where there's hardly cop on black shit.
Also with the shill and mods I'm suprised the captcha doens't say "I'm not a Jew"
theres been like 5 people killed by police at all not even blacks in teh last 30 years!!!!
>100% of them are from ameristan
imagine this happening in a non cucked place like china lmao
should we swat them?
Guess we should build some roads on our borders
I am, it's in my self interest to be. So fucking what faggot.
They are protesting police brutality like that time when two British policemen accidentally offended a black male during a murder in progress by laying on the ground and surrendering their batons.
Where were the good lads that could give these fags a good beating and kick them off the road? I thought England has those at every corner?
Im a member of the Auckland NZ black lives matter. why do we trigger you so much? all we want is the recognition of the importance of black lives in modern society. we are not saying only black lives matter, were just saying that black lives matter just as much as white lives, and want white people to recognize this. that is all we want.
>100% of them are free inhabitants who retain the right to ignore police
Just for this post I'm exporting 30 more BLM activists to your location.
>replies to every post in the thread
Fucking kill yourself
They have no right to shut down roads. People should just keep handy a fake license plate they can stick on with tape, run through them and fix your plates when you're out of view.
>theres been like 5 people killed by police at all not even blacks in teh last 30 years!!!!
They use the half breed Mark Duggan case bro (a thug piece of shit who had a gun in the UK) - what started the London riots.
they have NOTHING to complain about for fuck sake.
I'll raise you 300,000 mudslimes
>this is supposed to make people stop and think about the BLM cause
>all it does is make people say to themselves "jeez i sure hate these fucking niggers"
We can jaywalk without giving a shit. I do it every day, it's not even dangerous, but accidentally running someone over who jumped out is legal if you tried to brake and were going the speed limit, if you saw them though and didn't stop it's illigal.
Great,another American import fucking up our country.
The commit 80% of London's crime.
But fr we need to lower our value of lives. Based Rodrigo Duteurte lowered the hell out of the Philippines's crime rate by pointing guns at everybody.
The Brits have earned this, at least the upper and upper middle classes.
All of them with their big mouths on how badly Americans treat niggers. Well, enjoy them, let's see you do better with these animals.
And to pull this a day after a nigger went on a stabbing spree in london and with entire continent waiting for next snackbar? Fucking jigaboos.
Maybe stop being a cuck
the guy shot in the car fleeing form a robbery?
fuck that criminal nigger
Don't worry guys, the police is taping off the area around them so they can protest in peace :^)
they're also blocking birmingham airport now too
Doesn't the fact that they had so much power prove that their lives do matter, and thereby defeat their entire point?
I'll bomb more middle eastern countries so the flow of refugees increases tenfold.
This is the OP you are speaking to desu, kneel before me.
City center, and I'm sure there would have been if it hadn't been a sleepy Friday morning and the cops hadn't showed up so fast.
hey you hands up
Haha where is that from?.. I like his style.
my point stands. if you want to get into a gang and become a worthless cunt, then your life does not matter.
>what's the point of these protests outside of america again?
Fucking with people who actually have jobs. The whole thing is just a big ingroup reinforcement exercise.
This is clearly proof that England is a racist country. If you guys weren't oppressing blacks so much, they wouldn't commit any crime
Hey CTR, enjoying your stay?
>ywnb an utlra-nationalist 17 year old killing commies and ensuring conservatives maintain power in the country for 5 decades
You are being used by White and Jewish liberals to soak up the rage of the masses, when the banks fall, like the Muslims. Crisis Actor agitators are all over BLM in America.
He had a gun as well, he was a piece of shit who should have been in Jamaica/Africa. Didn't belong here.
they're blocking the a45 leading to birmingham airport now, the cunts
it's heathrow and birmingham airports, so this was an organized act of terror.
yes, it is terrorism, esp given the timing,
tell these blacks to calm down, ok?
>America fucks up the middle east, creating a mass muslim immigration into the EU
>America founds and creates several terrorist organizations, who then performs several attacks on the EU
>America supports and embraces the BLM movement, making it trive and spread into other western countries
How do we stop the burgers from ruining everything?
>Had to go to the england only news secton of BBC news
>4th story down
just run these cunts over! Why are they not in jail for a whole number of reasons?
We have far more middle easterners in London, it's absurd. It really goes to show Africa is really fucking shit, and the American BLM is lucky they're not shot as the animals they are.
We shoot people like that 3 times in the head point blank
Hey Brexit,
How do you like the multiculturalism?
-America (the greatest)
All of them were white in Melbourne.
deliberate and organised disruption of vital infrastructure. surely something like that gives the police extra powers to deal with them, it's gotta be covered by terrorism laws