1 cunt

1 cunt
2 What's your opinion on Asterix? I mostly recognize the character from videogames.


My ancestor :)

I liked the comics as a kid

i show you mine

try to read the name of the rose by umberto eco
you would understand a lot of things, including who is he

It's mostly known here for not being known here.

A lot of us are aware of it as a "thing Europeans like" but not much else.

Best thing ever, prove me wrong

Very good man love it yes haha
More like asterisverygoodcomic hahaha

Nearly no-one here knows Asterix.
Tintin is another story.

Eh's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

I recognize his hat from the Gauloises package.
That is all.


Do you know Lucky Luke

Overrated as fuck, same as most European comics. Especially Tintin and the Smurfs. No wonder everyone here prefers Donald Duck, which teaches you actual history instead of "lol gaul ate spinach and raped the romans"

I always read his comics as a kid

I literally am Lucky Luke.
Saw some original copies when work took me to st. louis a couple years ago.

I remember playing an Asterix arcade game in Spain once

Tintin is lit, mohammed.

Here you go

At least we have the excuse of being forced to read it as kids, fatty.

you're stupid, I saw this at every library I went to as a kid

Asterix is one of my favourite comics.

I recognize you, fellow north-stater.
Don't try to claim more than 5% of us willingly go to a library, let alone notice asterix.

Probably my favorite comic, I still read them every now and then before bed or on the shitter
I am Spanish but I always read them in German since I lived there for a while, and the issue I always liked most was "Die Trabantenstadt" which I think was called "Mansions of the Gods" in English. After Goscinny's death they became kinda weak. There was even one about aliens I think.

>being forced to read

1 Rus
2 Loved it when I was a kid (funniest shit I ever seen)

Pretty god tier

Tintin is a cuck

Based muslim bro

Best comic ever made, easy.


Things that reminsa me of passed childhood.

Read the English version of the comics when I was young. Very funny and well written.

it's great social satire

i saw the movie, does it count?

Good shit.

Kids would never get this, fucking racist piece of shit, I hate that lunatic

Never read comics, only movies with great Russian actor Gerard Depardieu.

one of the best comics ever

Greatest steroids apology of all time.

Had the comics when I was a kiddo, always loved how they made the Britons in the animated one.

1. Flag
2. My second favourite comic series. It's a shame artists don't have the same freedom to mock other cultures nowadays.

yes, like lazy warriors and retarded people

its even way funnier in french because they speak french with english syntax

anyone who didnt own asterix comics isnt white

My elementary school library had several issues and me and my friends liked to read it. I only remember their obsession with boar.

this is a thing in the spanish version too

What's your opinion on Tex?

its extremely repetitive

Really liked them as kid. I read them couple of years ago and there's a lot of political and social things there that I of course did not get as a kid.
It was like whole new experience.

Hes a cool guy I liked the pre 90s movies about him like Asterix's 12 tasks

The English name of Panoramix is just amazing.

In Finnish translation he is called Akvavitix referring to Akvavit spirit.
Fish salesman is Amaryllix referring to Amaryllis Belladonna flower.
Blacksmith is Caravellix, referring to caravel ships.
Village chief is Aladobix, aladobi = head cheese/brawn
Bard is Trubadurix, pretty obvious one - troubadour.
Old man Senilix, referring to "senile".

Asterix-main character
Veteranix-old man
Ordenafalbetix-fish salesman