FRENCH TERRORISM - "The year will be terrible for France"

>Terrorism: "The year will be terrible," predicts the judge Trévidic
>"There are people who have made me cold in the back. A minority of those clearly as I could see, but there are five or six that concern me, says Marc Trévidic. I hope they are not out yet. "
>The magistrate is very alarmist and pessimistic for the coming months. "The year will be terrible until the presidential election. The temptation will be great for the terrorist organization Islamic state to attack the country. >"We are in a peacetime war" he whispers. "My hope in the medium term, and I think we will get there is shortness of breath due to the degree of horror, 'says Marc Trévidic to which the reporter asked whether this can last ten years:" Yes, it can last ten years really before we begin to hope. It is not excluded .... "

The guy is an ex anti-terrorism judge so he knows what is he talking about.

For those who missed it, the boss of the french internal intelligence service said that "we are on the brink of civil war" one month ago.

really makes you think...

No happenings in spain?

>you will get to help your French bros in your lifetime

France will be culturally enriched this year.

>live in northern europe
>come back to homeland for summer
>mom asks me if she should learn how to shoot a gun because of the terror attacks
>go to my grandpa's hunter lodge and get a shotgun back to my mother's place

Now if there is a civil war I can just come home and defend my family house :)



i want to say a shotgun vs assault rifles is silly, but the muds cant shoot for shit so its a good start


2017 is Marion year

>"We are in a peacetime war"
in other words
>One side is actually fighting and the other isn't because we wont let our people fight them because that might be racist

>The guy is an ex anti-terrorism judge so he knows what is he talking about

he talks a lot for sure, but what he did he do while he was in charge ?

NOTHING just like the other incompetents

remember it's the 0.00001%. their family, friends and neighbors aren't aware of anything

this is good desu, its the only chance we have left. France needs to be destroyed so that the FN wins the elections and the great kebab removal of our time happens.

Soon, very soon
The blood will spill like an ocean
The kafir throats
Will tremble from the knives.
The lions of the ummah have awoken.
They raised their swords,
Strengthening the ummah.
Day after day.
The soldiers of Allah
Know not fear.
For [monotheism]
Has guided them to Allah.
We will strike the idol,
The cross, and the [idolaters].
With energy we raise,
The black in the hearts.
O filthy kafir,
You are not brave at all.
The sound of your voice
Has been silenced.
The khilafah was built.
We will take through battle
The lands of yours we wish.
So much of your lands.

We will make your wives
And make your children
Our slaves.
Your resources will do you no good.
They will not save you from becoming,
Slaves to the nation of sons,
The brave knights.

We came to you with slaughter,
Defying death.
In your gun barrel
We have seen paradise.
The snipers are ready
And from their places
Your heedles places.

We will return all our lands.
No one ignores this
Except for the fool
Or the blind.
Europe is shaking.
Russia is dying.
With destructive death.
We will bring back [the Caucasus]
And will not permit the rule
Of the dark forces another time.
The Kremlin will be ours.
The Ural will return.
Kafir will shake.
We want the sharia in [Tatarstan].

The Russian city will be shocked by [“God is great”].
Here is Moscow!
Whoever wants to liveWill have to pay [non-Muslim tax]If he refuses Islam.These are our wordsIn your major citiesWe will corner you.You won’t be able to escape.Nor spread your corruption.You will live a life of humiliation
Only from now on.In the hereafter,
Hellfire awaits you.

Burn their mosques user

when they are full preferably

>There are people who have made me cold in the back
What did he mean by this?

>helping the French
They brought this on themselves. Let them fucking burn. Our own nations first. Fuck the French. NEVER FORGET 1672.

Futhermore, colonialism was a huge mistake.

He is feeling freezy. Like when someone puts a cold steel knife inside your skin.

We are already at war.
Sup Forums is about winning it.

We know where the terrorism born but we can't not afford stop them.
I try to explain how war comes in our modern society.

scarry peoples
like goosebump but in the back

Oh come on, germans did far worse and we already forgave them.
No need to be a rancorous bitch.

>"The year will be terrible until the presidential election.

Germans are blood of our blood. Our people. They did fuck all to us.

You, you traitorous papist whores, invaded us when we were at our weakest. With Germans and the Brits at your side.
And we STILL repealed you, we took over the British Isles in 1682 and vassalized Münster and Cleves that stabbed us in the back, and we pushed you french whores all the way out of Belgium.

FUCK the French. Treasonous, backstabbing, papist muslim lovers.

>implying it will be better after
It's too late, unless you can somehow genocide 10% of the population and not get bombed by americucks.


FN wins. France leaves EU. EU falls apart. Meanwhile Muslims continue to violently Muslim all across Europe, the native Europeans finally have enough and various countries begin deporting them en masse.

Can we cancel this elections and kick our leaders out ?

We don't think about you. Your hate is only hurting yourself, user. Let it go.

civil war from muzzies or angry gauls?

I'm guessing muzzies.

Some french anons on /k/ said your frog president was purging or almost purging the General Officer ranks. any truth to that?

Is there any alternative to Hollendaise sauce or whatever that useless cuck's name is?

Nationalism at it's worst.

Go fuck yourself, Van Der Kike. We will help WHOEVER needs our help! If France starts the happening because some brave anons started the fire, then we act to help them out.

Topkek. The French have done more damage to Catholicism than Martin Luther

What's left of our gutted Intelligence thinks angry far right gauls vs muzzies is highly probable.

Which side will the leftists take?

How is that even a question?

Yeah I suppose so. It's a shame, but necessary. I wouldn't shed a tear at the leftists getting purged

Nothing good, those who want to stop immigration and go back to more nationalism only ever talk about this stuff, rarely about other important subject like the economy and unemployment. I'll still pick them, I'd rather live without the last iphone than continue importing useless Africans by the millions. Living in the countryside, I'm not concerned by all of this but every visit to a major city is a painful reminder.

I'm picking those numbers

Leftists are weak, the last really hardcore ones were the communists in WW2 and they were stil treacherous bitches who destroyed the country from 1930 to 40 and then sabotaged the army material.

The moment the police is disbanded they will be slaughtered in the cities by the muslims.
Pic related your average leftist crowd: bunch of women and scrawny boys with token niggers and arabs.

Trévidic est un meme master

One day or another some one is going to deal with this and the longer we wait the harder it is going to be to deal with it.

>The year will be far better than the next year.

He's having chills

>every other race is politically organised and fighting for their own position
>whites are either apathetic or actively supporting anti-white groups

Kill me Pete

>They did fuck all to us.
Hongerwinter? Rape of Belgium?

>and we pushed you french whores all the way out of Belgium
"We" retreated from Belgium at the mere MENTION of the French army arriving in 1830.

this peacetime is illusion

Not an argument.

>tfw EU brings nationalistic Europeans closer together due to their hatred towards it
>tfw Old EU will burn giving rise to a good EU

>"We" retreated from Belgium at the mere MENTION of the French army arriving in 1830.

To be fair, most of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands' guns and gunners came from cities with a surplus of idle hands in modern day Antwerp/Belgian Brabant, which was actively rebelling at the time.

rolling 4 annus horribilis 4 france

haha, be dutch, hear the french army coming, flee like pussies, haha

Damn, so happy I didnt went to SciencePo

Praise KEK for burning Paris to the grounds