Brazilian armed mugger killed in gun drama near Olympics as Russian diplomat drags motorcycle robber into his car and shoots him dead
Never touch a Russian BMW
why can't our diplomats be this badass
Russians are the only variety of white that can go toe to toe with niggers because they are just as savage.
no kgb training i suppose
if i steal your scooter will you die ?
What if it was a Swedish diplomat?
Get raped by Islam frenchie
It would be extremely painful.
this american have no humor are 1/64 german ?
>in soviet russia, diplomat shoots you
Based Russians
what did he mean by this?
that russians are nigger tier
and what tier are those who can't protect themselves against them? below nigger tier?
You would be kill
You are a nigger, Vladimir.
10/10 rusbrah!
Non of you read the article? The guy wasnt even russian, just local lawyer hired by russian ambassy, apparently trained in martial arts.
RUSSIA YES!! go russia. eliminate that vile criminal scum. fucking russians dont take shit from nobody
You're a big guy
fucking lol.. be Brazilian, get killed at work by a kung fu master
for you
The diplomat was Brazilian, though.
oh shit...
Funny thing is this brownie was killed on russian territory
>Marcos Cesar Feres Braga
Yeah sounds like a Russian
He wasn't even russian you dumb fucks, he was Brazilian working for the Russian embassy and he probably experiences it everyday
>why can't our diplomats be this badass
Stop electing cuck-enablers. Just an idea.
don't annoy us with details and facts...
>Marcos Cesar Feres Braga, a Brazilian lawyer who holds the vice-consul post at the Russian consulate
Title still makes it look like Russian diplomats are shooting people on the streets of Brazil.
I've became overly paranoid and see PSYOPs everywhere now.