No Article 50 coming up?
So there will be no Brexit, Brits?
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how would it not happen if they voted for it thats nuts
time to raid some knife bins tbqh
Lol "democracy"
>the same people who got the vote wrong
>fucking business insider, a remain shill place
Kek, it's happening, they're just in the denial stage.
Do two article 25s count?
This, the 'le bookies know everything and are always right' meme needs to end. They're just fucking people, and it's not like they all agree on everything.
Well there is your problem right there.
>all these Brits in denial
Your new PM even said she doesn't plan to invoke article 50
Cry more traitors
>Your new PM even said she doesn't plan to invoke article 50
Not she didn't. The government said it's going to happen next year. We have a triumvirate of leave campaigners in charge of the exit and most Tory voters voted leave. Ignoring it too long will end this government.
Says the yank
>new pm said she doesnt plan to invoke article 50
American 'news' networks at work here. Source it or fuck off with your bullshit claims, May has explicitly said A50 WILL be triggered you idiot. It's even in OP image.
>pound tanked after the day of the vote
>people actually believed they were going to let Brexit happen after that
We're doing it in early 2017 by which time everyone will have got their head around the fact we're leaving and the lefties won't cry as much.
I think it's the right decision. The lefties were so butthurt they'd lost after we voted that to trigger it immediately - they'd have WANTED the economy to crash just to prove a point
No, it didn't.
Fuck off you retarded burger.
No kidding, look how phenomenally wrong they called it. It was 85/15 in favour of Remain the day before the result, then the graph totally shits itself.
Lol why do Australians always consider themselves tied to the UK somehow but then act as though the US isn't as well? I see them in every UK and Anglo thread as though they somehow have some stake in the matter lmao
>t. Burger who insisted Brits will vote remain.
>t. Burger who thinks Trump will win.
The difference being, we like Aussies.
You can just tell she got tag teamed by those black guys and I'm not even a cuck poster
Ok I'll help you out if you didn't know.
It has been stated multiple times, sourced multiple times on each occurence that "Article 50 will be triggered on January 1st 2017", meaning an official exit on January 1st 2019, assuming the EU still exists by then. Here's a link to google, which you evidently need help finding.
Bookmakers had odds of remain at 85% by the end.
Their job is not to predict the future, their job is to take your money with perceptions of the future. I don't know how long it'll take people to figure it out, but you're welcome to continue giving them your money.
It wouldn't surprise me.
They do this I'm going to burn some shit down.
>Be Brit
>Try to tax your colonials to pay for your Rothschild overlords
>Kill them when they rebel
>You lose and we build successful civilization
>Try to piggy back on our achievements
>Be Brit
>Ship your prisoners off to the desert to die
>They build a successful society
>Suddenly claim you love them
Lol typical Brits. How long until you love Ireland ?
>bookies still milking brexit
because you fought a war with them to get away from them you fuckwit
Our problem isn't that we don't have a democracy, our problem is that we're some horrible combination of retarded and apathetic.
britain is a nation of pussy faggots. every. single. one. of. you.
>>Be Brit
>>Try to tax your colonials to pay for your Rothschild overlords
More like to pay for their own fucking defence
It fell to 80's levels.
>knives in knife bins
People mostly throw trash in there.
They don't even exist everywhere. They were some meme campaign in one part of the country, that Sup Forums took seriously.
>meme tier country
> "tied to the uk somehow"
Were part of the Commonwealth you fucking burger
>Berting agencies admit they have no idea about politics and are easily manipulated by political insiders
You´re the shill who said we´d vote remain, aren´t you?
There is zero chance she will ignore the vote, it'd be political suicide. Also the EU has made it clear that the vote is binding, the process of leaving has actually already begun as we see stuff like the trade deals the UK has suddenly gotten swamped with and the relocation of services industries like banks to Frankfurt.
The treaty says we have two years to officially trigger Article 50, but that as soon as we do, we cannot make any further negotiations with the EU, period. So the sensible approach is to use the two years grace to make the negotiations needed before we formally leave the club, I would be very disappointed to see May rush this when the outcome is so important for our future, and I'm fairly certain she won't.
>be Brit
>Swear loyalty to a semitic queen who has descended from wealthy Jew bankers
>be Brit
>Your Prince marries a half Jew and makes her Duchess
>She births quarter Jewish baby Prince George
>Celebrate this fact
The eternal European good goy
Are you some sort of fucking retard?
>We pay taxes to the Jewish Queen Bee
That's a good little cuck
>how many times can I saw jew in a post:the post
>be american
>get shot
Australia is where all of you are going to flee to once the US become Mexico 2.0 and the UK become Pakistan 2.0.
We are the White mans future, a lone island in a Brown & Yellow sea.
>be american
>obsessed with hating jews
>country run by jews
>tfw bet with 4/1 odds
>only bet £10
Atleast I got some beer money for the Friday celebration down the pub.
The same bookies that gave 1/9 odds of us staying in the EU
>Its happening deal with it
Ye then what else happened??
>PM says "Brexit means Brexit"
>Creates entire new position in government: Brexit Scretary
>Aussie PM calls up to ask do trade deals
>Liam Fox (Foreign Trade Secretary) in informal talks with US
>PM visits Scotland purely to get Sturgeon in line
>EU appoints someone to facilitate Brexit on their end
>Bookies who make their odds essentially via opinion poll lower their odds
Well shit lads, guess Brexits been called off
non-american style odds are so fucking retarded
It's because you're only 60% white and the rest of the anglosphere is embarrassed and ashamed of you
T-this is shopped right?
Elle is pure...
They are just the bookmakers. They just find things for people to bet on.
Making betting on something against popular opinion is how they can make money
All our political parties are made up of globalist traitors. It is the same across most of Europe, and America. There is no democracy.
Americans can only bet in Vegas/Atlantic city and on Native reserves. Can bet everywhere in the UK and online
>Our odds are retarded.
>American thought process
>Americans can only bet in Vegas/Atlantic city and on Native reserves. Can bet everywhere in the UK and online
what the fuck does that have to do with what I said, and we can bet online too you shitter
Rofl good luck
China is unironically going to invade you within the next 100 years. And when US is Brazil who do you think is going to come to your defence when it's your country of 30 million vs 2 billion chinks?
Not to mention your country is full of gooks
>Sky Bet
tfw Brexiter who cancelled SKY ages ago, fuck 'em and their "milking it from both ends" paid subscriptions and adverts.
>Ok bookmakers, pick heads or tails
>It's tails
It will come in 2017.
>Sky Bet
Yeah okay. Trash can it goes.
>Democrats red and Republicans blue
That's wrong fellow bong, it's the opposite of our parties.
Meaning we have a long history of gambling in this country, longer than US has been a country.
>We know a better odds system.
>American style odds are retarded
you guys pulled your application to join the EU so your at the bottom of the list in ascension if you ever reapply
turkey would join before you.... ew
Wow just wow m80
Nobody would block a Switzerland application to the EU.
At least 4 will instantly block Turkey.
The Swiss are already in shengen
Democracy is more sacred to them than to you or anybody else on earth.
Accepting them into the EU and the euro will take no longer than 2 years.
They don't need it at all through.
If the digits repeat, civil war in the EU within the next 4 years.
We don't, actually, because we were never the chore Americans were.
>what is panic selling
baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me,
no more.
>butthurt amerilard goes from 'america tied to uk we love u guys too xddd' to 'fuck you guys you little cucks I never liked you anyway'
Off yourself, summerfag
I don't understand why they think Brexit wouldn't happen? Didn't EU tell them to respect the choice of their citizens and are pressuring them into doing it.
holy shit this has to be bait
which is easier to understand:
obviously the decimal system is better than either, but come on america, your number system are ridiculous
>I don't understand why they think Brexit wouldn't happen?
Idiots* think it wont happen.
Because in referendums there's always a swing to the status quo at the end, and the entire establishment and BBC were endlessly shilling about the economic consequences and how we'd drift off in to the atlantic ocean, never to be seen again
Didn't she say she'd trigger it by end of the year?
these are the same retards that put a 80% chance of remain winning.
They are really fucking retarded.
My guess is its being delayed so that a snap election can be called to set out individual party's Brexit deals, and offer a 2nd referendum vote via electing Green or Lib Dems.
Nah, we have 2 years to set up negotiations and new trade deals, then we're off out of it.
Don't be stupid,Brexit will happen.
However,what Sup Forums wanted of Brexit, the restriction of immigration from Europe to prevent the shitskins puring in, will not.
Instead you'll still have free movement, but you won't get a say in what EU does or doesn't do.
Your politicians will slap down any protest with ''what I thought you were voting Brexit just to regain our sovereignty,you aren't RACIST or something are you?''.
On the plus side it does look like EU might be in deep shit and UK is in a prime position to ditch it like a sack of rocks.
At this point I don't A50 is needed; May is looking like she's going to get such an amazing deal from the EU to stay in that we don't need to leave.
Also no-one really expected us to leave, right?
Brexit was cucked by the mastermind David Cameron. EU refuses to engage in informal negotiations, and the government knows the economy will collapse if they invoke Article 50. They also know, with absolute certainty, that the #1 no arguing first stipulation of any deal is taking AS MANY REFUGEES AS EUROPE DEMANDS, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. What a joke.
how the fuck would you win that bet? how can you claim that you won a bet that its never triggered?
>On the plus side it does look like EU might be in deep shit and UK is in a prime position to ditch it like a sack of rocks.
Huh? Britain is going into recession and their job market is in the worst shape since the financial crisis.
They are so jewy.
We were voting to stop immigration from subhumans like your people coming here.
yeah we'll get some watered down shit like Norway does but really the vote in and of itself was the single biggest victory for Britain since WW2 IMO.
We're nowhere near a recession you retard
>Britain is going into recession and their job market is in the worst shape since the financial crisis.
lol wut? We are? Since when?
I don't understand the hostility,I've neither insulted your country nor shown any intention of coming there
You can keep your kebab shithole to yourself. Rule the waves and all that.
It says and I quote from the screen cap of the article in OP's pic
>2018 or later or not at all
Meaning if the Article is not triggered before 2018 then you win the bet.
Ever twigged that living in the world controlling Jew hive isn't that fun and saying brits do this and brits do that us literally retarded when you know who runs the place.
As for the transported convict comment, which sectin if society did they come from?the ones making the rules or the rest of it?
You're like a meme of a country. Look around. You voted for nothing. At least we said no to our masters
We will develop nukes and nuke their fleet serious
Fake pic.
Why would the lines be mirrors.
Also I would appreciate it if you put Trigger Warning (Black Pill) before your posts. Thank you in advance.
I keep telling Aussies: "Do you think a Hispanic US is going to care about an Anglo-Asian Australia in 30 years time? They won't fight to defend us, alloances are built between peoples of common identity, the alliance and our security ends if Trump loses and the US goes full Mexico/Brazil."
Underrated post
You the image is perfect symmetry? Take a closer look at it Xang, there's a good lad.
Good, stay away, we're fucking full (to your sort)
are you retarded?