Reddit took the fall yet again
We did it Sup Forums
> big black dicks to scared white men
Seems like the cuck author of this 'article' is projecting~
Source please, I wanna send him a folder of my finest cuck material and ask if he recognises himself in it :^)))
>reddit claims Sup Forums's glory again
They think they made Pepe too
fuck em
Big black cocks?
I thought races are exactly the same, how can one have bigger dicks
>Sup Forums's glory
trust me you don't want us associated with that shit article.
discredits everyone that says it by claiming that they are scared of bbc,which is like being scared of the boogeyman,both of them are not real.
of course it was Reddit, everyone knows that sexism is haram and therefore not Sup Forums
ironically the biggest cock is held by this guy
Reddit, 9gag, Ebaumsworld, and /po/ are the 4 worst websites rresponsible for this horrendous racism. I am appauled.
I assume its held by some guy in Africa
this one is just the documented one
Thaty's not what Sup Forums is for
We are the fly-by-night memesters, agile roughneck pioneers twisting peoples' ideas in impenetrable stealthmode, upsetting society in an instance and then sublimating into the atmosphere as if we were never there.
Reddit's visibility allows us to be the truly slippery snakes we were meant to be
he looks so feminine
every race is different and special EXCEPT for their brains, there we are all exactly equal
you fucking RACIST pos
How nice of them to cover up for ebaumsworld
>poland being a cuck
what else is new?
It's better this way. The less attention the better. Look what happened to this whole CTR thing
No its just a fact that negros have bigger dicks
look it up
its a feminine penis
blame ebaums erryday
Well, he's British.
>how can one have bigger dicks
they can't, niggers do not actually have bigger dicks
The BBC meme is just a 21st century version of the 19th century gentle savage meme
Of course, this is common knowledge on Sup Forums and we are appaled to see the spread of such a word mashallah
It's better that way i keeps the normies out.
nah it was all 9gag
what does cuck have to do with big black dicks, this author is projecting really hard
Boingboing has always been kosher if you know what I mean
Excellent. Just as according to our master plan
>begging for chanology 3.0
And moot used to say summer was only a myth.
They do
Every race is the same unless brown people are better in some way, then there's a difference.
And why is it that when people talk about niggers, it takes about two seconds for some nigger to yell "muh dig"? Are niggers so fucking useless that the only thing they can be proud of is their genitals? Do niggers consider whales to be their mortal enemies?
Just who is this... Red... Dit?
Nothing, but that's besides the point. These rags mostly exist to provide a "corrected record" for future propaganda.
Just ignore this proxy faggot
>Today, I shitpost for good
The time has come to put aside our petty squabbles, and unite against degeneracy.
That being said;
> A
> A
>cuck means that you like a category of porn
You wanna know how I know the author is a cuck?
Ahahaha, aboriginals! XDDDD!!!! Good meme! Canada such a riot!
Have a meme you-
Whenever a eastern european writes about negro cocks or human equality and similar bs I just know its a shill.
yup, cuck was originally just a stick to hit moot with for selling us out for SJW pu$$y, now it just means something like emasculation with connotations of malignant counterfeiting ("I have been cucked by a computer virus what do I do Sup Forums?") that sort of thing.
>It cost nearly $5 million to prosecute the criminal cases arising from the 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup riot, according to a B.C.’s Prosecution Service report.
Top that cunt.
Its relatively the same size, blacks tend to be taller so they'll have longer dicks, if you compare to similar heights itd be the same.
Chances are it came from reddit and spread to Sup Forums. Sup Forums is no longer the endboss of the internet, it's rechewing the same stale old memes as everyone else.
FYAD started "pepe" . they used to post the whole comic over and over again. Sup Forums turned it from feels good man to "pepe" though
t. cuckology PhD.
> By 19 July 2006, police had laid 285 charges against 104 people, 51 having been arrested as a result of the original Cronulla riot and 53 arrested from the retaliation riots.
> Strike Force Enoggera was established on 13 December 2005, tasked with investigating the riots.[7][30][43] The strike force initially consisted of 28 members under the command of Superintendent Dennis Bray, but was increased to 100 officers on 20 January 2006.
> Many of the small businesses in and around Terrigal on the New South Wales Central Coast (two hours north of Cronulla) reported that a police lockdown of the beach caused business to drop to 10% of normal levels on a Saturday, with only 25% of Christmas shopping crowds turning up on the Sunday.[56] Tourism and hospitality workers in the area were laid off or had their hours cut.[57] The New South Wales state government announced a A$250,000 tourism campaign after authorities in Great Britain, Canada, and Indonesia issued travel warnings to their citizens.[58]
what the fuck are those fags are reddit doing? Is E. Baum really such a cuck he'll let him steal his meems?
Sup Forums has never been the endboss of internet. It's always been the public bathroom that nobody ever cleans. And that's the way we like it.
So pin "Feminism is Cancer" to Reddit soon?
This. Soon you'll all be spelling rhythmn without the n.
>We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
This is Sup Forums
>a whole "news" website devoted to black dicks
>not dressing like an alpha male
Reddit can claim my dick for all I care. So long as my human rights aren't violated, lol. More exclusion, the better. Place is land of the fedoras.
Dammit why reddit is so intolerant and bigot?
Reddit creates the cancer. We direct the airstrikes.
That's a big gondola.
Those Boing Boing fags seem upset. Must be that cuck triggers the fuck of them. Guess we need to use it more. :^)
>> By 19 July 2006, police had laid 285 charges against 104 people, 51 having been arrested as a result of the original Cronulla riot and 53 arrested from the retaliation riots.
>According to the just released report, 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup Riot Prosecutions, total five-year expenditures for the 284 prosecutions
You charged 100 people, we prosecuted 284, almost 3x that... and those were only the people who pleaded guilty.
>Over 500 court days were required to complete the trials and sentencing hearings,” (Canada)
>The June 15, 2011 riot itself, which occurred following Game 7 of the Stanley Cup final (a 4-0 win by the Boston Bruins over the Vancouver Canucks) caused approximately $3.78 million in damages — $2.7 million to businesses, $540,000 to civilians, and $525,000 to City of Vancouver, BC Ambulance Services, and St. Paul’s Hospital, the report says.
Your riots are shit mate.
Hahahaha, I don't use the word but you can really tell something about "cuck" hits very close to home for these people.
Daily reminder that BoingBoing used to be readable and then went full SJW cuck years ago.
They lost pretty much all of their core readership and exchanged it for tumblrinas.
(((Coincidentally))) it happens as they switch to a buzzfeed style clickbait format and drop all the technical articles.
I guess fighting over the last maple-flavoured hockey stick matters more than bashing muzzies, sure showed me m8
It's probably the fact that deep inside, they know they are complete pushovers.
On the evening of 15 February, Aboriginal youths gathered from across Sydney to the Redfern area, and when police closed the Eveleigh Street entrance to the station, the crowd became violent and began to throw bottles, bricks, live fireworks and Molotov cocktails. The violence escalated into a full-scale riot around The Block, during which Redfern railway station was briefly alight, suffering superficial damage. The riot continued into the early morning, until police used fire brigade water hoses to disperse the crowd. Total damages include a torched car (previously stolen from a western suburb), and 40 police officers injured.
>bashing muzzies
Do liberals actually write about this? Fucking hell.
Kek, very nice.
Mixed up 2 memes there, but I like it, should be fixed.
The only countries with non-self reported data in africa are nigeria and ivory coast and both are around 14cm. Really makes you think.
Sup Forums is a board of peace user.
this. dont literal cucks hate it when cuck is automatically associated with niggers fucking white women?
Yep. The author is obvious a literal cuck.
Kek, this so much.
Cuck is a beautiful insult because it's an elegant way to call someone an ineffectual pussy with no room for any cleaver retorts.
The insult is so new that most people don't know what it means but the "cuck" siund still cuts like razors.
What part of using them as a shield do you not understand? Think of it this way, Sup Forums is the religion of peace and reddit are the nu-males getting blamed for our actions.
>TIL maddox is a cuck
"Cucks" (as we use the term) aren't necessarily sex fetishists. The reference derives from cuckoo birds. Those whom we call cucks are all brood parasitism enablers who are members of the breed that's getting parasited.
I will never understand why people are getting "triggered" over cuck being used the way it is. Are they all actual cuckolds? I refuse to believe the stats for open relationships are THAT high.
>40 police officers injured
This is what happens when you live in a communist paradise like Straya or Leafland. Enjoy having big daddy government dip into your wallet to let those welfare queens live on the dole for the rest of their lives.
Just as pretty as Ivanka. Definitely same species.
It strikes a never with leftist because it hits home.
It's an insult that can't be countered with a single worded response.
>cuck is literally a global phenomenon
>us making fun of moot getting cucked had a significant impact on the course of human history
Praise KEK
>implying we have room to talk when hordes of illegal spics get welfare
>get welfare
Thats not all they do, in California all you need is a drivers license to vote. (and they give illegals their very own drivers licenses)
(illegal mexicans vote in the US elections)
TFW you realize California isnt part of the sovereign united states and is as much Mexico as it is America.
It's just such a good insult
>Getting triggered by the word "cuck"
In Spanish everyone call each other a "cabrón", no one bats an eye. Man, the Anglo has a thin skin with their own language.
Actually it's a Mexican guy now and this guy was surpassed. On a side note (even if this guy had the biggest still) I don't think that that would prove anything. That's like saying "the tallest guy in the world is Asian, so that means Asians aren't typically shorter than anyone else" but we all know that that would be bullshit.
It always struck me as weird that they make such a big deal of a common insult such as nigger or faggot.