Is this a "racist" cartoon Sup Forums?

Or is it an artistic expression of the perils facing many in our community?

why would some redneck have a son with dreads

they're all abbos you mook

>yeah righto whats his name then


First one to change them to trayvon martin and Barry Obongo gets a ben Garrison book.

he's a spic and his son is is half jew
the damn Jewesses don't exclude their own children from the race mixing control agenda.

Or is the joke that he it's his wifes son

The fuck is this cartoon supposed to express? Something about "the forgotten generation", or whatever that shit was called again?

the joke is abbos are shit parents

You guys have seen the artist's response to the SJW criticism, right?

Is it really that hard to understand? The abbo father doesn't know jack shit about his own kid because he's not interested in it.

the black cop is telling the black dad to teach his son about personal responsibility. the black dad saying "what's his name then" implies that he was never there to raise his son, and therefore has no sense of personal responsibility either. that's the fucking joke you dumb cunts.

it highlights the generational problem facing indigenous Australia today. who can raise them right when no one has been raised right.

the following posters are dumb as all fuck...

abbos dummy

If this thread isn't absolute proof of the autism endemic on this board, I don't know what is

Your post.


It's a serious matter. So many abbos get away with crime, like stealing, with just a house arrest and constant monitoring by the cops asking the parents where they are, and they don't even know half the time caus they still go out at night and fuck around breaking shit anyway. A lot of people label it as racist because it's the truth, and the truth hurts. It's good that he made that cartoon because it's getting attention and raising awareness to the situation at hand.

that's fucken mint


I agree. It's not even racist, it's a simple truth about ONE of the problems facing a large part of the indigenous community today. I actually thought the cartoon was quite witty as well

I sent the cartoonist a letter of support today. You should all do the same. The guy is a good man and the SJWS are tearing in to him.

Here's mine.

Dear Bill.

Me and a bunch of coon hating racists on Sup Forums reckon your cartoon is fucken mint and we wanna see more abo jokes in the paper, please delivar.

Yours truly

I worked in Kalgoorlie for a bit. Being from Melbourne I never really had anything to do with abos so never really had an opinion on them.
I hate them now. Pure scum.