Are Germs really this retarded?
Are Germs really this retarded?
They're the dindus of Europe, what do you think?
>tfw Germs got cucked by BIG POLISH COCK
delete this
truly unbelievable
>source is mentioned in our blog
Its the principle of the Milgrim experiment. You don't question someone you believe to be a higher authority. It's why the holocaust was able to take place in the first place.
It's why those Jews were able to escape the camp.
The guards were "just following orders."
Remember the 6 trillion bars of soap, goyim! You don't want to be called an anti-semite right?
>It's why the holocaust was able to take place in the first place.
But did they not see they were Slavs/Jews and not Aryan superhumans?
Thanks for the insight potato nigger
Same reason Himmler became head of the entire fucking SS
why would these poles be able to speak German without a noticeable accent
he's implying that Himmler wasn't white. he's JIDF. just filter his ID
It's a fictional story, obviously. Just like all the other "Holocaust" tales.
>provoke war with Germany
>get steamrolled
>start Warsaw uprising
>get your fucking capital burned to the ground
Are p*les this retarded?
Christ you're retarded
Because going by appearance didn't work 100% of the time and the guards didn't want ti end up in a penal battalion
In what was Himmler not white though
Not an argument.
Literally just because his eyes look funny, that's all the professional JIDF agents have.
Mistakes happen, it's common knowledge.
The question is, if 6 goyillion jews really died, how retarded they really were to never try and flee.
Ignore that mouth breathing oven dodger, Himmler was white, but his appearance was far removed from the espoused ideal
>provoke war with Germany
Nice Sup Forums meme
>get steamrolled
We had shittier equipment and much less of it and a lot less warriaz unlike the Aryan master race. If things were equal, you'd probably get completely fucked over, definitely without the help of USSR.
>get your capital burned to the ground
Once again, we weren't doing too bad despite you having better tanks and guns and more ammunation
Then you Africans had a chimpout and started killing Civilians. Shows how fucking pathetic you subhumans really are.
We wuz warriaz n sheit
Also well done on posting all of Poland's black people.
Too bad posting pictures of all of Germany's blacks would take up a few hundred terabytes.
Goyim Poland lost the war
Poland weak, don't question