Why are non-White countries such fucking shit?
Why are non-White countries such fucking shit?
Must be genes or something, I went to Italy and there was shit and garbage everywhere. I'm not going to a non white country ever again desu
>Majority of that is White Western engineered, like the Burj Khalifa. Shitskins might have done the monkey work and swept up, but that's about it.
cherry picking
I can show you "mind blowing" pictures as well of those same countries.
but at least those countries in your pictures are doing worse than your failed colonies, right spain?
all of these places are hot spots for white people business.
What you need to realize, is that these places would never have existed if the white man didn't help it happen.
>China always two seconds away from annexation
>Sensitive pussy dictator
Try again.
>Why are non-White countries such fucking shit?
not just leaving at the fact they are shit
this line of thinking got us in the mess we are in today. dont worry about them, ever
have you seen the slums in Dubai, it's a horrible place to live for 90% of the population.
Hong Kong was made what it is by the British Empire.
I'll give you Singapore though, they really nailed it, I mean sure you can be extradited for littering but that's why it's so clean and beautiful.
I would move to Singapore if they got rid of their dictatorship and maybe chilled the fuck out with the caining.
Because most have been on communist rule the last 50 years so it's no wonder they are shit. In africa it's warlords, corruption and religion that tears countries apart.
These cities are built in by slaves mostly or working conditions that are slave like. Nothing to be impressed. Specialla dubai.
I can't belief they actually built that thing
It's a bloody surfboard
Ffs if you don't want to get caned don't commit the crime. Is it that hard to not spray paint everywhere?
lol holy shit
Now post the images of the millions of Filipinos who worked as slaves to build that shit, and live in slums.
post the pollution
They don't have the same definition of shit as you do.
do you really see beauty there, brother? I think it looks awfull can't be the only one, right?
>and religion
*and Islam.
Wolf Prix has been alluding in a lecture I attended that he wants to design a giant fuck up of a building with a horizontally rotating section shaped like a ball between two towers just to see if Singapore would approve it only because he is the demi-god of living architects.
Fuck litterers, based cane men.
They aren't. Look at the level of improvement in Asian countries vs. white in past few decades, now extrapolate to the last century. China just surpassed U.S. as largest economy. Massive investments in education in China vs. 20 trillion debt and crumbling infrastructure in U.S.
Whites enjoyed a few hundred years in power due to what was basically a historical accident. Pretty soon Asians will take their place as the natural dominant race of humans.
How will euromexicans recover?
China has a shitload of problems themselves. They've built whole empty cities trying to prop up their economy and if ours falls so will theirs. Japan has had a slow economy for the past 20 years. Asians aren't magically immune from the problems white countries face. Having said that they prob will take over just because they aren't having the demographic crisis whites are, and when we aren't a factor they can deal with the other races as they see fit. That combined with the fact they can actually build civilization may leave them in charge when we are a dwindling minority and shitskins are the only competition left.
That sounds cool.
The government probably would. They've got too much money. A run down local mall near where I live was recently renovated into this shiny glass thing for God knows why.
China will take over the west economically for the simple reason of labour force size. The US was the economic superpower in the past century because it was one of the most populous countries and it came out of world war 2 with its economy intact. China has about four times more people than the US, even if their gdp per captia was half of yours they're economy would be twice as large. A staggering 40% of the economy is also government owned which means the Chinese government has way more funding than a captialist country.