These are gypsies Sup Forums
These are gypsies Sup Forums
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If I wanted to know what gypsies, niggers and muslims looked like, I'd open a window and see for myself.
>>Cute Feet
>>Traditional looking colthing
>>Rosy cheeks
>>not fat
>>Sup Forums what the fuck is wrong with you, seriously If this 99% white, 1% lost poo loo isn't appealing to you, you should just give up on being male. It isn't working.
B'ful Women
>Would play Over The Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin while they gently sway side to side sitting on cardboard boxes. Then bid 'em G'bye for their next journey.
The point is, that they are more white than you will ever be.
They're probably both grandmothers.
Fat Fedora fuck spotted, pls use rope before rope days
Can't even see them
Literally rags
Non Aryan facial structure
>not fat
too poor to eat
>99% white
Not even close
>1% shitskin
One drop
I bet they have terrible pussy maintenance
As a fellow gipsy i am 100% convinced these are NOT gypsy niggers. Probably some leftists dressing up as gypsies cause their culture is so much better.
1/10 serbia made me respond.
looks like an american school bus in the background you web footed slav
Would one of these women be eternally grateful to you if you married her and took her away from a dirty gypsy life?
Or would it be like those people who try to keep chimps as pets?
Didnt notice that one.
Ever be reliant on the ausies shitposting detection skills.
Secular gypsies are white user.
Some of them even have blue eyes.
They are more white than Sup Forums wannabe aryans
Hook me up with a gypsie gril bruh, I know they look hot
I see them on live cam shows
And ?
gypsies are everywhere.
The gypsy was by far the best character in For Whom the Bell Tolls
There aren't gypsies, probably just some middle class cosplayers.
Real gypsies are brown, small and criminals. They are like the hobbits, but they ruin everywhere they go.
Here you go user. Just come in my country and literaly go walk to one of those the will 100% fuck you for your money no matter what.
Pick related you gypsy faggot. Stop ruining serbias immagie with this bullshit.
Read These you talk about are "Roma" gypsies
That pic is from a group of russians trying to salvage/annotate/record the gypsy traditional garb that's disappearing from the region.. so they say
this is your first time on the internet right?
They'll wait until they're pregnant, then leave you to return to their gyp families and milk you for all you're worth. High chances your house/apartment being robbed of everything by their family while you're at work.
Gypsy's don't want to be "taken away from the dirty gypsy life". If they do, there's a motive behind it.
Of course, there is a tiny chance there might be one willing to give it all up and want a normal life, but do you think their family will except it? They'll take her back by force, unless you move somewhere else.
>Calls me gypsy faggot
>With gypsy flag
Here you go, white gypsies.
oh no somebody is "whiter" than me and has a much, much lower quality of life then me, what am I going to do??? better vote hillary!
They look like cosplayers to me, definitely not ethnic gypsies.
White = Good
Simple as that burger.
Imagine the smell. What would it smell like?
Gypsies are LITERALLY subhuman.
wow I sure love being white and love living in a shitty wagon eating horse shit.
yum yum slovenia! such culture!!
that doesnt make up for the horrible behaviour they share.
Another pic
So you are Ahmed
And you are burger, burgers arent white.
So called "aryans" wouldnt even know that they are gypsies, its just funny.
fuck off only us romanians can claim gypsy status, those are some fake gypsies, stop appropriating our culture
I'd breed both of them.
Your gypsies are "Roma" ones you filth.
Roma gypsies arent white.
American is not a genetic background, anyone can be an American regardless of ancestry, your dumb eastern europe half assed intellectualism is showing.
Yet you arent white.
me on the right
No, this is gypsy.
I'm starting to see why Hitler wanted to exterminate Slavs too.
fuck u slovenian dindu nigger slav gypsy
They look like SJWs on extra chromosone
He was magic kike, even less than you Ahmed.
Would wife
U arent even trying at this point roma one.
That was the first thing I noticed, I think I'm a broken man, that or truely becoming closer to kek
60% and counting, burger
Rikku a best. A BEST
Are you seriously shiling for gypsys?
Are you from Košice by any chance?
im a proud gypsy, borat is our national hero
>riding on the left
Looks to be one of them irish travellers
I am just making fun of so called "white aryans" Jurko
America has gypsies too Google carnies.
>Romanians thinking Sup Forums is on our irony level
This is why so many guys think we're actual gypsies, I fucking hate you, Romanian posters, you bring shame upon our kingdoms.
Well, these brown gypsies are called "ROMA" gypsies.
we are gypsies what are you even talking about, why is the name of our country ROMAnia then? we are Romas
check ´em
all slovaks are gybs, also big differnce between pikeys and gybos you fucking cunts. pikeys ont have indian blood in them on the other hand gybos are 50+% poo in loos
damn, first thing i thought about and instantly posted it. You win this round...
previously i thought the gypsies must be brown but after few abroad vacation i had to realize they come in every skin color but usually the characteristics remain the same... turkish/ "mediterranean"/paki face, skull nose and eyebrown especially at the men
average rapefugee anytime can be labeled as gypsy based on their looks
>all slovaks are gybs
Say that again
average hungarian too.
ye i admit i am jelly of this madman. wish we had someone like this.
or like this
Those are white new age hippies. I know its a new phenomenon for you guys but we have been dealing with these kind stoners and crazies for decades now.
>ye i admit i am jelly of this madman
He is joke.
Slota was true HERO