Australian Politician reveals paedophiles

>A Federal Government MP has used parliamentary privilege to accuse the Safe Schools program of being linked to a "paedophilia advocate".

>The Deputy Director of ARCSHS, Prof. Gary Dowsett, is a veteran homosexual activist. In 1982, he authored an article for the journal ‘Gay Information‘ [issue no. 11, pp. 34-38], which was published by a Sydney-based organisation called ‘Gay Information Service’. The article was titled ‘Boiled Lollies and Bandaids: Gay Men and Kids‘ (click here to view the original). Here are some excerpts:

>“First, we have three legal/social questions to win: custody rights for gay men and lesbians; the legal right of paedophiles and their young loves; and finally, the sexual rights of children as a whole.”

>“And I also have a friend, a paedophile, who is working very hard on making sense out of his relations with boys. Those relations consist of, among other things, a large amount of nurture and support for these boys, a real caring for their welfare and growth.”

>“How different then is that gentle, tentative sexuality between parent and child from the love of a paedophile and his/her lover? From all their accounts and from many academic studies (some worse than others), that kind of love, warmth, support and nurture is an important part of the paedophilic relationship.”

>“The current paedophilia debate then is crucial to the political processes of the gay movement: paedophiles need our support, and we need to construct the child/adult sex issue on our terms.”
It should be noted that this article appears on Dowsett’s latest résumé, on the official La Trobe University website. He makes no attempt to hide it.

Based George "Sausage Roll" Christensen BTFOs tranny marxist bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Professor Dowsett has declined to comment but a statement has been issued by a spokesman from La Trobe University.

>"We are appalled that a respected academic has been attacked using parliamentary privilege," the spokesman said.

>"This is a blatant attempt to distract attention from the independent endorsement of the highly effective Safe Schools program.
"We stand by the important work of Professor Dowsett and his team."

Bad move La Trobe

>be university employee
>openly advocated for paedophilia for 30 years
>talk about how you know active paedophiles
>during your 30 years watch several professors go down for not being racial and sexual egalitarians
>the police investigate a couple people preaching paedophilia as the next sexual revolution
>suddenly care about freedom of expression (when it risks getting in the way of your cummies)

Well does anyone have the full original article

>La Trobe stands by the important work regarding promoting pedophilia

good to know, will be telling everyone I know starting off with my normie woman

What is going on?
The aussie politicians are pedos?

Good on you George.

These Safe School fucks are pure evil. This is the face of modern evil and the universities are their Satanic temples.

They need to be cleansed and purged.

Shut the fuck up you religious retard.

back to melbourne

>yfw religious retards running highschools are ready to fight this safe schools shit

Those retards are going to save your kids. all the smart yuppy atheists will clap along Timmy Minchin as he drives them into the hands of the paedophile lovers.

What right do their bigoted parents have to get in the way of true love?

You can get it from the Australian national library.

The paedophile advocate is obsessed with bareback gay sex.

Carballo-Diéguez, A., Ventuneac, A., Bauermeister, J., Dowsett, Gary W., Dolezal, C., Remien, R.H., Balan, I., & Rowe, M. (2009), 'Is "bareback" a useful construct in primary HIV-prevention? Definitions, identity and research', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 11(1), 51-65.
Frasca, Tim, Dowsett, Gary W and Carballo-Diéguez, Alex (2013), 'The ethics of barebacking: implications of gay men's concepts of right and wrong in the context of HIV', International Journal of Sexual Health, 25(8): 198-211, DOI: 10.7080/1937611.2013.764375.
Dowsett, Gary W , Williams, Heru, Carballo-Diéguez, Alex & Ventuneac, Ana (2008), '"Taking it like a man": masculinity and barebacking online', Sexualities, 11(1): 121-141.
Dowsett, Gary W & Couch, Murray (2007), 'Male circumcision and HIV prevention: is there really enough of the right kind of evidence?', Reproductive Health Matters, 15(29): 33-44.
Carballo-Diéguez A, Dowsett, Gary W, Ventuneac A, Remien R, Balan I, Dolezal C, Luciano O, Lin P. (2006), 'Cybercartography of popular Internet sites used by New York City men who have sex with men interested in bareback sex', AIDS Education and Prevention,18(6): 475-489.

What does bareback mean?
Without a condom?

I don't want to google it and get gay porn all over my pc.

No condom.

Watch the video - nothing shown.

Go to the unsafeschools website in the OP. It has a link to the article under the section on Gary Dowsett.

The left literally want to be one big happy fucking family don't they?

This shit is getting crazier and crazier.

No they're fighting the pedos dutchman.

This is pretty massive and will do some serious damage to the (((safe schools))) program.

the gays and other sex-crazed weirdos were openly aligned with NAMBLA and other paedo organisations during their "Civil rights struggle" back in the 1980s

Academics like this turd put forward a paper - it was the only paper ever shot down by congress.


That won't be allowed, goy

wtf is up with anglos and pedophilia.

>said the Thai person

Mate its illegal here and we don't turn a blind eye. So all our paedos go to your shithole.