Where were you when Austria became the master of Sup Forums?
Roaches BTFO.
Where were you when Austria became the master of Sup Forums?
Roaches BTFO.
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It's just roaches being butthurt, business as usual
Why is Voltorb holding a knife?
>People aren't spreading their asscheeks enough
>Roaches try to invade Austria multiple times
>Surprised when people hate them
Just wait until the shit fit they'll throw October.
>Turkish butthurt about Vienna once again.
Es ist wie Töpferei
Rundherum oder ein Kelch nach dem anderen?
>Austria capital of radical racism
That was OUR title and you stole it.
who cares? at least the western media and liberal organizations will annoy them instead of us
Congrats on the title. We tried to compete, but the burka ban only got us so far.
they dont have anything to lose anymore when it comes to the EU.
they like european criticism now, because it helps them with further increasing of turkish nationalism.
Dont be such an insensitive bigot, there is no such thing as radical islam, only Islam.
I really hope this happens. There would be so much salt. Wish us luck.
Although I would have never thought our slightly cucked leftist chancellor would be so aggressive against Turkey. Pretty funny desu.
hm. never heard that phrase. care to explain?
Austria is a country of PEACE
Viel Glück, Volksgenosse.
Try banning dyed hair and thick framed glasses.
this is a reflection of austrians being so cucked that they're hysterical about what mediocre levvels of racism are present in austria, more than it is a reflection of there being a lot of racism in austria.
shit fit just means upset
it's mostly about how it rhymes, not what it means
but the post was about how the turks will be mad when the far right guy gets elected president in October?
an experienced politician would have remained silent while pushing laws against turkish nationalism here in austria.
but since part of the spö lives in radical turks asses nothing like that will happen.
Oh no, these are the Turks loosing their shit when an Austrian socialist discovered national pride and said that the EU accession talks are "fiction". Nonetheless, I remember when Austrias cuck in chief complained about the Nazifences getting built in Hungary and Slovenia. They have a long way to go, but obviously they are getting started.
When are you re running your elections???
Hahaha the you are a nazi trick does not work on austrians you filthy roaches
Try Germany next time
What is wrong with Dr Who cosplayers? We tried with Minarets, we kicked two families out, we confiscated Gaddaffis cash, made citizenship harder to get, made a point by paying cash to get dindus away from us. We try so hard, but then the Austrians get the award just for participating. It's not fair.
Hitler was always Austrian, how is this news?
it pissed off turks so that's a positive in my book
we win nothing by pissing off turks imho. but emotionally it helps, no doubt :)
Ostrich suddenly trying to be relevant.
OK now times it by 10.
I think I heard a roach, get the RAID out.
Funny think about that whole "Capital of Radical Racism" story is, that the austro normies have eaten the meme of (((right wing))) roaches like hot buns and are slowly redpilling themself about migration.
>Holocauster when?
not really.
turkey on the other hand is VERY relevant these days.
i hope you guys know how dangerous that is.
good luck!
It's not about being relevant, stating that Turkey is behaving like a nigger and shouldn't be in the EU is just saying the truth
we have big problems to deal with, wasting a breath on your 30 year old minister is not one of them.
>shouldn't be in the EU is just saying the truth
we are not in the EU. accession talks means nothing. it is just Europe trying to put a rope on us and to pull to her side, but always keeping her distance. it doesn't work like that.
EU leaders in this past two weeks lost a lot of credit due to sitting silent to the coup attempt.
and Ostrich is nothing in this situation. so go away. shoo shoo.
>roaches mad at Austria
you can bet your ass even SJW infested Austrians remember the battles and sieges of Vienna
C'mon roach. You are on Sup Forums, we dont buy the, (((dont fight them, thats what they want))) meme.
i dont think you understood what i was trying to say.
>pic related
didnt saw that you replied to a roach
aaaah sehs schon
>implying Turks and Arabs are any different from niggers
We don't trust your new Erdogan government. Everybody knows Turkey is trying to gain influence in Europe through the use of Islam. This is what makes me angry. I wouldn't have that much of a problem if you wouldn't play that card.
How is Hofer doing?
The polls are looking good for him, but you know what happened last time. But anti Islam sentiment has become mainstream in Austria. At least it feels that way, and I like it.
Don't forget all the happenings in the last few months. If there is a major happening in the next 2 months in Austria Hofer is gonna win 100%.
him winning in october seems highly likely right now.
more terror attacks in europe, especially germany (or even austria) will seal the deal for sure.
accession talks are going on since 1963. There weren't any islamic policies back then. This what makes me angry. EU's cowardice as a whole is unimaginable.
in first 5 years of AKP government, Erdoğan was your closest ally. Even though he is a piece of shit, he saw you through as what you really are.
Merkel will regret her position regarding this past 2 weeks. even the opposition started to support Erdoğan due to West's stoic response to the events. All of the people shows unification under the flag, disregarding which party they suppported before.
Turkey would come out of this stronger. we have seen worst. way, way worst.
"Tolerans is keine Einbahnstrasse".
merkel regrets her position of the past year . dafuq you talking talking about. last 2 weeks are probably all that shes done recently that keeps germans from wanting to throw up when they see her on tv
I think one problem is the poor behavior of the Turkish diaspora. Since I was a kid, I knew turks in Austria for bring arrogant and always trying to pick fights. It seemed hard for me to imagine that many are not like that.
It feels like the intelligent turks have to fear for their lives right now. This makes me pretty sad.
>Austria capital of radical racism
I thought Poorland is the most racist
>thx poland
>ausbros elect hofer
>hofer gets assassinated by turkroach
>somehow its germany´s fault again
You have to avenge us Germany, just like last time. You are our friends, right?
yeah, sure. that's why she keeps her position in refugee issue.
We sent you the lowest of the low. all those workers are from central and eastern regions, part of them kurds.
Those illaterate masses always resist to assimilation. that pisses me of. you have to abide by the rules in the country you live in.
those bastards fuck us up when they return for vacation and election also. they think they are immune to our laws, trying to do as they please. they support erdoğan here in elections but social democrats and greens there.
>It feels like the intelligent turks have to fear for their lives right now
it is not a recent issue. Before coup attempt, i agree. But after it, everything changed. We have a chance to come back, and steer clear this shithole again.
WEW this is how we determine Kurds they look like Arabs they are arrogant like you say and always they try to pick fights and when they fight don't even fight equal drawn knife etc.
What could possibly go wrong?
For old time's sake.
I really don't know anymore. All I know is that turks and kurds hit each other in the face in my city. It's kind of annoying. I guess this is what diversity looks like - lots of groups that hate each other.
english source
Now I'm confused?
Roaches are saying that Austria is most racist.
EU is saying that we're the most racist.
But not that long ago everyone was saying that Hungary is most racist.
Probably nazi german. Grand champion, never defeated in the field of all out racism. Try harder if you wanna beat the highscore, you noobies. You have lots of learning to do
Hitler kommt aus Österreich. Es macht sinn.
But how can we prove our racism when we don't have any kikes left?
Just Kaiserreich feels
Problem isn't diversity we have so many minorities
Laz Gagauz Armenian Georgian even fucking Arabs don't cause that much problem Kurds are inbreed fucks this is it
No roach, you are the inbreed fucks who have stolen sacred Kurdish clay and enslaved them for generations.
I will dance on your corpse when free and sovereign Kurdistan arises from the civil war ridden corpse of t*rkey
>stolen sacred Kurdish clay
Not a such thing
Turkey. I heard their president is literally Hitler
This time wait until we americans either have trump elected or a full scale habbenings and mass civil unrest in Hillaryland.
Then you will be free to reich up and break out them ovens.
>time to save the white race again.
y'all stole it from Berlin
We need award ceremony now
You had a couple of coups and various other kinds of niggery since the talks started. Why should a crapsack country like this enter the EU in that state