What's wrong with communism?
What's wrong with communism?
It neglects the importance of culture.
Absolutely nothing. Why do you ask?
As much as Russia and China prove it wrong
Its bad system in the long term and not really sustainable
Name one communist country that isn't a technologically backwards shithole.
Also, ideological subversion of Western nations, being one of the contributors to the modern leftist insanity.
It doesn't respect the individual
It assumes that people obey, but they don't
It's nice in theory but nearly impossible to maintain over a longer time in the real world.
>pic related
Literlaly the Germans. Communism was a German ruse to destroy Russia from the inside.
Over 100 millions deaths and my grandgrand father too. Fucking shills
>Universal healthcare literally = The Soviet Union
Why are alt-rightists so stupid?
My work - my earnings
China, although it's really a market economy.
If you really want to know then read The Gulag Archipelago
80-85% Bolsheviks revolutionaries were Jews, you dirty kike.
Russia destroyed itself with the help of the eternal Juden.
I spent a few hours reading some leftist blogs and sites the other day (real leftists not just stand liberals).
They are perhaps even more divided than the right to be honest. One blog I read (I'm not going to link it because its pointless) talked about how a publishing house and activist group (I think its called "platypus" or something like that) is accused of "trying to destroy the left" despite the group being like an old left, communist group. The accusers are some other brand of old left as well so its not old left vs new left.
Then I read another one where this presumably old left type guy wrote about "internationality" and how its a shitty "far-left" (he literally used the term far-left) is destroying the left. And this is a literal commie.
But one thing I read in one of these blogs that the left really can't seem to sort itself out anymore after the fall of the USSR. The left used to have an empire and now it doesn't. The leftist empire died and this traumatized the left forever.
The whole thing is a mess.
It's built on lies and doesn't actually work in practice. Because it goes against human nature and how humans actually behave in real life. It might work in the far future.
It says, as capitalism, that we won't have leaders, but you end up with the most brutal dictators.
It says one thing, but goes the other way when it has to be implemented in reality, for example in economics.
It's the reverse of morals and decency.
It produces chaos.
Where did I say that universal heathcare is communism? Nowhere.
Why are smelly hipsters unable to read and understand a small text?
everything once you try and implement it
This and One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich.
In the image you posted he claims that Sanders' policies will create the same problems that were faced in the Soviet Union without giving a single example of how or why.
Is Garry Kasparov and "alt-rightist"?
It relies on the same monetary system as the mixed economies, hence it needs to compete against countries abusing cheap labor, human rights and the environment.
It's also problematic considering how the more well educated and skilled workers would be paid better under the private sector. One example is from Ice Hockey where members of the "The Red Machine" would have had much better wages and living conditions in the United States than they did in the Soviet Union.
That being said Capitalism has reached it's cancerous state and it would be good if we could figure out a new system that can actually solve most of the problems we face today when it comes to poverty, climate change, pollution and resource depletion. Growth economy and the Free market simply isn't sustainable economically, environmentally or socially.
That's a picture of a Jew, this is Sup Forums
wouldn't communism require extensive morals? Sense of brotherhood and comradeship first and foremost, as you are a collectivistic state (assuming we're not trying stateless communism, which is a meme as long as there exists a single capitalistic state)
This is what alt-rightists believe though. They think that just because something is talked about using the same language then it must be the same. I guess national socialism and Stalinism were really the same thing then.
Fuck off Shlomo, communism was only brought into play because of the jews. Literally shoah yourself.
that's why we need a communist world gouvernment, so we don't need to deal with pesky capitalistic nation-states trying to destroy communism :^) then it'll work!!1!
>Growth economy and the Free market simply isn't sustainable economically, environmentally or socially.
Explain how growth economy is inherent to capitalism? Because I don't think it's necessary, as capitalism is based merely on the fact that persons can own the means of production and get a profit out of it. If you were to regulate this system in the sense that you enforce social and environmental rules for factories, and allow for protectionist policies (fuck china and shitdia), and pretty much btfo banks (state ownership when?), then I don't see why it wouldn't work.
What a mess.
No sense of reality.
The fuck does this mean
Commies spent a lot of time focusing on culture and art. And I don't just mean socialist realism propaganda shit.
Soviet animation was, at its time, the best in the world. And some of the most free, in terms of expression and what was allowed to be shown to children.
You're right, i misspoke. It does require morals. What doesn't, is capitalism.
They are commies
Tyranny is bad, m'kay
How is that communism when they still have private property faggot?
Kasparov is example that if you are good chess player this is don't mean you have mind.
Because the Soviet Union was still a nation state albeit a huge one but this is not what most modern day leftists are aiming for. How can you have culture when you think borders are just lines?
Yes. Jews had nothing to do with the spread of Communism. Jews were not the main leaders and revolutionaries responsible for the destruction of all those countries and peoples.
>What's wrong with not being entitled to the sweat of your brow?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
>Internet German Defense Force has arrived
>Soviet animation was, at its time, the best in the world
Proof of this? Pretty sure American animation was the greatest pioneer of cartoon animation. ikd though I am American so maybe my perspective on that is warped
Aside from that, you do have to admit that Soviet Era cities are some of the greyest, dullest cities on the face of the globe. You would hardly call that cultured
Well, they say it's communism. And you also have all the other aspects of communism like censorship, human rights violations and so on. "Freedom" is literally a banned keyword in China.
Also, it required morals, but it doesn't produce or keep them, which is probably part of the root cause of it's failure.
>Internet Israeli Defense Force has arrived
It's a system based on envy and jealousy that chases the fantasy of a world where no one is better than anyone else and that the cosmic universe owes you something beyond what you do for yourself.
Leftists in general are some of the whiniest and jealous people you'll ever meet and all too happy to elect the con artist who promises them their fantasy which is how totalitarian dictators get into power.
Fuck them, we should have killed them all
What proof? Just look up some classic Soviet cartoons on youtube and you'll understand.
America, and chiefly Disney, was certainly was a pioneer in cartooning, but by the 60's and 70's, and even in the 80's, American cartooning had stagnated tremendously. It was no longer about pushing the boundaries of storytelling and art through animation, and was instead about airing the 8th season of fucking Scooby Doo or Flintstones or whatever the fuck to shill more products and make more money. American cartooning was for most of the second half of the 20th century soulless as fuck.
One day can't go by without seeing a jew lie and deceive.
Normal people are ashamed when they are caught lying, jew is proud of that same thing.
Communism is jewish creation.
the problem with communism is that it was a idea ahead of its time. lines for basic essentials.. pppfffff
modern technology allows for credit/debit card readers to use your drivers license to access a account that has government credits that are deleted at the end of a transaction and stores can stay
its not a actual capitalist system as the credits are deleted they dont circulate therefor not money and there is no physical version so they cant be exchanged
the government owns all businesses and as a result gets all their money from other countries they do business in to pay for things like goods from other countries to put in stores so people dont riot
Yes he is. Will kill him with joy
Also, lold as fuck from >hurrdurr y commies r so poor
Maybe because they winning in total disasterous shitholes where elites cant protect itself?
It doesn't work. Is that really so hard to understand?
Jews literally behind Communism. Even that retard Putin admitted it.
its gay
Stalin was Georgian and was educated in orthodox priest seminary. He also killed many of the jews
A new world is possible, guys
Doesn't make what that Israeli said any less true.
Germans used communism as a weapon against Imperial Russia to weaken them during WWI.
It's a great irony that the very same force that Germany weaponized, Communism, would later conquer and cuck Germany itself.
The fundamental flaw is their economical """plans"""
There are many more factors like their hatred of religion, culture, arts. A people with history and destroyed civilization can rebuild but take away their culture and they have no basis for existance.
This is how muslims and leftists destroy the west, replace the culture and the people in it die out.
>implying a monocultural state does not have a culture
for any state to work there needs to be a culture. A cultureless state will simply fail to exist properly. There needs to be a culture, but it needs to be a single culture, lest diversity in culture leads to diverse people, which would not uphold the standard of total equality.
LVT, Presupposition of argumentation, Economic calculation problem, commies cant get over these small issues in theory let alone practice.
>It's nice in theory
no, it isn't, stop this meme. even the pic you posted explains it. it's whole premise centers around removing some of the main characteristics of being human - ambition and the will to live a better life. the idea that some lazy retard should earn the same as a successful entrepreneur is disgusting and removes any every incentive to improve anything. who has the right to decide the needs of people? the "according to the need" bullshit reduces people to groveling scum trying to convince their masters their need is greater than the need of their neighbors.
The root cause of failure of communism is it's inability to produce culture? Wouldn't know about that, the state should in theory be easily able to produce culture and to force it on its people. The root cause of failure of communism is that it simply isn't a reasonable alternative as it ignores reality for some naive fantasy. Sin exists, and it will destroy any utopia you can ever think of.
Because cartoons were made for fucking children you stupid fuck
>Le commies had great cartoons so communism was GRRRREEEAAAAT
>Never mind the starvation, poverty, scarcity, ect.
>Le commies had great cartoons so communism was GRRRREEEAAAAT
I literally never said this you retarded faggot.
>That being said Capitalism has reached it's cancerous state and it would be good if we could figure out a new system that can actually solve most of the problems we face today when it comes to poverty, climate change, pollution and resource depletion. Growth economy and the Free market simply isn't sustainable economically, environmentally or socially.
growth economy isn't capitalism. it's government-enforced deficit spending, inflation and other keynesian crap
biggest problem is when communism is not participated in by people volountarily but is forced upon them by a little over half the people who are only out to take and not give.
Also it is a tool of the jews to destroy a nation and rob it of its wealth.
You can't talk with Lenin's dick in your mouth
I didn't write culture, I wrote morals. And of course I meant good morals.
>What's wrong with communism?
one post by this ID
read a book
not your personal library
discover Google the amazing search engine
Humans still can't beat innate barbarism. We don't trust each other to take what we need rather than what we want, so everyone tries to take as much as possible before others do it.
Without AI-level expert systems administering resources, communism on any meaningful level (as opposed to tiny kibbutz) is impossible.
Socialism, however, especially technocratic socialism, is very much reachable. The only obstacle is a horde of lawyers and executives who are afraid that they will be forced to produce something for the first time in their lives and that their endless coke feast will come to an end.
Fucking finally.
Strong elite won't allow itself to be overthrown, and the elite only becomes weak when the country is on its last legs.
Russia is crony-capitalist for 23 years now, and our chief business is feasting on USSR's carcass.
The fuck does this even mean
Y'all can't even hear some fundamental historical truths about something basic like Soviet animation without getting triggered thinking there's a gommie 5th columnist in your ranks.
LMAO, you either don't have a slightest idea how economic governance was implemented under Stalin and Mao or you don't know what communism is.
>b-but USSR called itself communist!
No, it fed the people with "communism is just around the corner!" promises while having a state capitalist system.
>but it says "socialist" right there, in the name!
DPRK calls itself Democratic, People's and Republic while being neither.
>doesn't understand the graphic
>lives in a land that was assfucked by commies
>still is a fucking commie
>state capitalism
Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production.
State Capitalism would mean the Government controls the means of production.
Socialism is the Public ownership of the means of production.
Public ownership of the means of production is government ownership of the means of production.
Therefore State Capitalism is Socialist.
>LMAO, you either don't have a slightest idea how economic governance was implemented under Stalin and Mao or you don't know what communism is.
no shit. communism is pure delusion
>No, it fed the people with "communism is just around the corner!" promises while having a state capitalist system.
state capitalist is an oxymoron
>DPRK calls itself Democratic
I'm sure that people in DPRK are brainwashed enough so at least 51% of them support their state
Only people I know that have problem with communism are nigger-tier degenerates.
>socialist = communist
>Stalin/Mao/Kim Jong-Il are communist
I suggest you pay attention in your sociology classes rather than smoking lmaoweeddude. Or is it too late for that?
You seem to have missed the fact that the public was one step above slaves during Stalinism. If a person spoke out against the party or Stalin, he was imprisoned and sent to work camps or executed right away.
By your logic of government=public, Middle Ages monarchies were socialist too.
>only argument starts with "I'm sure that..."
You can name state capitalism whatever you want, it won't change the fact that the government solely owning the means of production isn't socialist.
But the Government seized the means of production. It's public ownership, this is what Marxists have advocated.
What special snowflake variety do you have Mr. Kike?
'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs' establishes a permanent underclass incentivised to not be productive, and it disincentivises the would-be productive from bettering society.
It's a completely backwards way of looking at society.
It's immoral and doesn't work either.
>only argument starts with "I'm sure that..."
it's as much of an argument as just stating DPRK isn't a rule of majority.
>You can name state capitalism whatever you want, it won't change the fact that the government solely owning the means of production isn't socialist.
>I will keep changing the definitions of things until they support my argument
and some stupid XIX century Jew with his delusions and nonsensical theories, who's never done a day of real work in his life isn't an authority on anything, especially the definition of socialism
There is no point in having a good high-skill job or succesful enterprise because you will get taxed into oblivion and put in the same economic level as low-IQ unskilled workers. That's one of the many reasons it fails. People respond to incentives and can't be programmed to do what you want them to do like robots. Also, the more pure the communism is(like actual Leninism), the more feminist and anti-family it becomes causing birthrates to drop catastrophically meaning that communism is basically a suicide cult, especially for white people who can't compete with the birthrate of third-worlders, which communists heavily sympathize with
>sociology classes
I'm not a commiefag, man.
Not a winner and loser based society, everything fails when no one can succeed. Meanwhile dictator bangs your wife and slaughters your family.
It turns out that everyone and everything is actually not equal to everyone and everything
Absolutely nothing
Confirmedfor not having a clue what communism is
Capitalism has a slave morality
It's impossible to achieve.
At what point in history has it ever worked and been profitable for anyone other than those in charge?
It's limiting and entirely too vulnerable, communism itself is about class warfare and removing upper class elements, those same upper class elements are large contributors to the economy itself, through trade, jobs given, taxes paid, etc.
When communists gain control they either purge upper class or restrain them to such a point they simply flee, causing massive economic strains.
The vulnerability is from the sheer fact that they centralize the economy and leave industry in direct control of the government, essentially the government itself has too much power wielded in its hands and there's no safe guards, a single failed economic policy will be felt by all because of the amount of impact one policy can influence. Not to mention the overall control a government has over its people when it provides all necessities, it becomes so prone to tyranny it's absurd but that's a "hypothetical-argument" even with a completely benevolent leadership, one wrong step in communism is a land mine for the entire working class economy.
A few examples of when communism has worked is when hard labor jobs and crops are the nations mainstay of production, this develops a structure in a manner that politicians have little to abuse or misdirect and even if they do fuck up their cash crops are a safety net against extreme economic disparity, i.e. even if its market value for your products has dropped or your dollar is crashing, your people still eat because of said cash crop. An example would be Cuba, though I wouldn't call it exactly successful it's better than nothing. China "was" similar but has ditched it's agricultural sector for cheap labor has redirected their economy, when that demand disappears they will collapse unless they demolish any sort of welfare.
Russia was international communism where it's a massive central infrastructure sapping smaller economies to supplement the welfare state, an example would be Russian communism, once it stopped expanding it rapidly decayed.
70 years of commies written culture did minimal effect to balts, so no