How is this thing the most powerful country on this planet?

How is this thing the most powerful country on this planet?

all the smartest, freedom loving whites moved here in the 18th and 19th centuries


those mixed raced prognosis seems to be very low..
2060 and only 5-10% are categorized as Other including one or more race. Come on it's 2060, and yet people use the same projections as for 2050..

60% white still means 200 million + whites


>half white
>still BTFOs 95% white Euro countries

per capita is more important.

to each his own


So damn comfy.

>1% others
dam son, thas real tight for a western country

Per (white) capita we have the highest PPP by far. It's only when you include our massive shitskin population that our PPP dips below just a handful of almost 100% white countries like Norway.

Pretty sad desu. We out innovate the entire world .

I'd move to Oz if you guys had a half decent climate. Desert everywhere? No thank you.

Not everywhere.... The rest of the place is sweat your balls of humidity cause tropical and subtropical.

Desert? Do you even know anything about Australia you nigger?

Obama is a mulatto though.

Full Africans don't get into the needed verbal IQ range of +110.

Look at Condolezza Rice. She is 40% European, but nobody sees it, because she got the melatonin genes.

Desert? Do you even know anything about Australia you nigger?

>Muslim 2.2%
I suppose "Asians" include arabs..

Asian means fuckin chinks, slopes and yellow monkies here lad

nevertheless, goy, the contrast is more obvious than day

what's a slope and aren't chinks and yellow monkies the same thing?

Holy shit we really are the last bastion in the north for the US

Let me rephrase it with Languages

>Arabic 1.3%

Ethno group
>White 92%, Asian 7 %, abo and co 1%.

Arabs must be categorized as either white or Asian. I might add that the arab population is reasonable higher than those that speak Arabic, since some of them speak pashu or other languages.


Too bad you're all faggots