Hmm.... If you think about it, there are actually a ton of similarities between the two.
Hmm.... If you think about it, there are actually a ton of similarities between the two
Yes there are and that's why we support him.
(((Allegedly))) killed six million Jews
Says things
Hmmm... low energy shilling
>implying that's a bad thing
>Both male
>Both speak words to people
Trump is literally Hitler confirmed
shitty overused bait
Well, he's not going to announce the Gitmo gas chambers publicly.
This doesn't make any sense at all. Hitler didn't kill jews BEFORE he was elected.
what the FUCK?!
I hate Trump now!
wow really makes u meme
Wtf i hate hitler now
Obama has more in common with Hitler than Trump does.
>1 post by this ID
Shills are getting desperate now that their polls have been debunked.
don't forget to sage when you reply to CTR threads
OP loves the COCK
Time for you stupid goyim to be shut down. We, your Jewish masters and God's Chosen People, will not tolerate dissent. You're just subhuman goy, and you don't know what's best for you. Our coffers are filled with endless golden shekels. We control your banks. We control your governments. We control your foreign policies. We control the (social) media. Stop being racist™ you homophobic™, antisemitic™, xenophobic™ neo-nazis™. Do not question us, and obey.
Oy vey! We are g-d's chosen people, and remember the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Jews who died. suggesting anything lower than that number is equal to literally committing another shoah!
>Fought in WWI
>Poor and a beggar
>Co-funded his own political party and fought against communist on the street for years before getting political influence
>Went to jail for trying to take over Bavaria
>Wrote a book detailing his political platform
>Had long charismatic speeches
>Fought in World Wrestling I
>Rich fucker
>Entered politics as one-man party for a couple of months ago
>Sent numerous people to jail for calling him names
>Wrote a book about the art of the deal
>Speeches consist of him repeating the same word trice in slightly different sentences
Its true. They both have penises, proving they are part of the male patriarchy keeping strong women down. #ImWithHer
>Wrote a book about the art of the deal
He didn't even write it though
>1 post by this ID
Really? In what sense are they similar besides having written a shit book and and being populist?
I guarantee you there is absolutely no other comparison.
Trump breathes oxygen, so did Hitler
Hummm really makes you think...........
One is artist, was poor, knew how to pull back a country after a devastating war.
Other has just Chaplin Stache.
Fucking shills
Hitler is a good thing
Wow te hace pensar...
>I guarantee you there is absolutely no other comparison.
A comb-over
Oh, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. My 0-key was jammed, I didn't forget these 0s on purpose. Please don't report me to the authorities!
No wonder you are so fucking stupid.
The flag you post with says it all.
Thats it, now i'm #adolfartillary
>both were politicians
Well I guess that Im #mentallyhill now :^)
You got a point OP. Their speeches sound pretty much identical.
But Donald doesn't mean well.