Which race do Indians belong to?
Which race do Indians belong to?
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They don't belong to one race, people from a high ranking caste don't look anything like people from a low one in my experience
the one that shits on the street
Honorary Anglosphere
The Race to be the next superpower.
first color on that flag is orang
It's spelled orange but well done.
Let's all applaud american education everyone.
Many different races, mixed together, with Aryan and Dravidian blood being more prominent.
So butthurt is Sup Forumsio's denial that they type "pp..p..Poo ..i..in..l..l..loo" as they cry themselves to death and wish to serve chinese overloards.
No you see my freedom less friend, American Simple Englishâ„¢ has a word called "orang" which means the same as what you would call "orange", it is merely simplifying the language for ease of access and quicker communication.
>Being this butthurt
>The master race cannot use a toilet
Something doesn't add up here.
Original Aryans.
Asian. Most certainly not white. Although more white than a Chinese person
>The Race to be the next superpower.
What are you gonna do? Make shit nukes?
Make rockets fueled by burning shit? Shit on asteroids?
They are brown people
the curry race kek.
You're thinking of the Iranians
They belong in the IT Department.
Dog... only dogs shit in the streets. Nasty ass country...subhumans from a subcontinent
I think balda up made you so butthurt, you are projecting butthurt elsewhere too.
>britbing cannot brush it's teeth properly
perfectly adds up.
Stop giving them ideas burger. A shit nuke sounds terrifying.
Dravidian curryniggers, pretty much Abos with some White admixture.
Too late.
The real question is this;
How will Indians ever recover from being the laughing stock of the entire world?
Poo in the loo, The Apoo accent, the tele-marketers... the incompetence at everything... The physical unattractivness.. the smell.
They literally have a package of undesirable traits. How will they ever recover?
Kek spoketh the truth by through. Aryans
Genocide of lower caste people and forced Eugenics.
>indians are people
good one rajeet
By having the last laugh, in 2030.
Who actually cares about your fucking race?
Do you know that this word was removed from scientific use because it has no sence in biological terms? People from different races are sometimes even closer to each other in terms of genetics than people from the one race.
So go educate yourself and stop begging Western White Masters for mercyful treatment, you are making proud word "indo-aryan" feel sick.
>implying Murricans are white
Good one Pablo.
Race to the bottom.
*just hibernate for 4 year*
Wake up, it's 2020. India's a superpower, white slaves everywhere, population lesser than of Austria.
Sup Forums should not be taken seriously,
Gypsies in Hungary are white washed descendants of Indians and they still live in slums, have the highest illiteracy around, live up our social system and breed the shit out of their close relatives. Absolutely subhuman.
>writing this post while forced to travel with a bunch of smelly brown stains that should've ended up in a dumpster
Indians are like the mentally retarded, alone, they're stupid and ugly, and weak too.
But in groups, it becomes a chimpout via 7/11 stores.
Unfortunately that will only make them North Korea tier. The human rights violations will likely put them under sanction and collapse their already collapsed economy.
And then theyl'l still get made fun of for the smell/accent/jobchoice.
But will it ever actually happen? The country has almost a billion people. Most of them are poor and have no access to internet/immigration. etc.
The wealthier india gets, the more poo loos there will be on the net that have JUST got access... the more jokes will happen at their expense because they still DO literally poo in the street.
Indians manage to be darker than some Africans.
The answers are not relevant to my question.
Who's better?
A nigger, or a Indian?
(hint: niggers kill each other, and don't shit in public.)
Don't know for sure but it's one ugly, hairy, stinky shitskin race for sure.
You guys even share the crest of your flag with gypsies. well fucking done m8
Patel, youre so butthurt that an actual buttcancer has grown into your brain making you believe this delusional shit. What do you got in India that could not bring your country to be a superpower for the last 50 years? Thorium? Do you really believe that increasing energy consumption will make your country a better one? Sure, youll be able to shit under every lamp post.
A few days ago I was talking to an Indian tourist here, and in the middle of the conversation he pulled down his pants, continuing to speak, took a poo, and then went on as if nothing happened
Wtf Pajeets
Pooing in loo already excludes you from being master-race
Animals don't poo in the loo you fucking degenerate.
Yesterday I had an argument with a burger who couldn't accept that the indian flag is orange-white-green.
He said it was 'blood red to him'. So yes, my straya friend, this one is smarter
whiteskin indian, the rest can go fuck themselves
So we you're saying that we aren't going to become a superpower in 2020?
oh shit i've never noticed that, i heard king of gyppos resides in poland
>by 2030
I don't know Raj. That wealth gap in your country is pretty big. And your poor still defecate on the side of the road. Our poor don't even do that. Get rid of the pollution as well from your 100 year behind Industrial revolution; You can't be super power tier with all that baggage India.
The answer to your question is probably a mix with Caucasian and Dravidian being the main ones.
The normal Indian facial shape is pretty similar to the Caucasian one. It's likely that the original inhabitants, even Dravidian were similar to the Caucasians.
I mean there's a parralell with the Europeans. A band of Caucasoids moved out from somewhere in the middle east to (Europe/India).. they interbred and with the locals (Nords/Dravidians) who were themselves a result of an early migration of the same people.
They then formed smaller tribes and nations with similar basic characteristics but various differences.
The difference is India was united into a single nation in the 1600s, while Europe is only now (2016) on the path to being united as such a nation (the European Union). The unificaiton was forced upon by foriegn powers (Brits/Jews/muslims).
If History happened differently and Islam never took off, it's entirely likely that Europe and the 'Caucasian people' would be a race that exists in the world from the tip of Greenland, down to the south most Tip of India.
It's likely the India would have been conquered by numerous proto-Russian/Roman invaders and it would look nothing like it currently does.
south east asians. your not terrorist but your not gooks. your to dark to be kebabs and no slanted eyes
also to dark to be gooks but odly the islander south east asians are more east asian complexion. not sure how flips got the color but not the eyes
Not even joking.
Caucasian.... Was that a serious question??
You're probably more Aryan then he is paraguay.
>he thinks poor caste indians are aryans
U what m8? Have you met low class Indians before? Can confirm that they aren't aryan. Especially ones from the deep south.
Brown race.
>India GDP growth: 7.9%
>Australia GDP growth: 2.4%
Caucasoid. They're racially the same as whites except they have brown skin.
You take Sup Forums too seriously
The Literal Shit race
Super pooper by 2020
That makes us King of animal kingdom
>a fucking star and stripes
Not likely mate. Even modi extended his goals to 2022. So by Indian estimates 2030 it is.
>Fucking 50 stars for 50 states
>Ruled by Eternal Anglo for almost 200 years
Turd world race
Not for 200 years, for 6 million years.
t. american teacher
The indians are coming!
Technically you are a Caucasian & Dravidian mix.
Don't really care as long as you work and poo in the loo.
The shittiest race
Don't worry. You will win that this year too.
>a fucking hospital sign
Genetically theyre caucasian. Doesnt mean they arent subhumans.
A homo sapiens and a neanderthals are genetically closer than an european and an african . You can also tell ones race and gender by looking at a skeleton, and ones ethnicity by examaning their DNA.
I swing bewteen you are your own race or arab. Still haven't figured it out yet.
>Fucking Lithium
guys these poos are getting awful uppity in this thread
i think they need another pic related
Arabs and Indians are both stupid and ugly, but Sand Niggers don't shit in public.
You are calling us uppity you kangaroo shit slinger who lost a war to fucking emus.
Stupid, ugly and don't poo in public. So they are Americans eh?
I can make a new pic like this for 1 shekels.
pick one
Poo in loo, currynigger
Go back to the periodic table.
Thanks for posting this.
No, fuck off Poonigger/wannabe jew
Oh fug. :DDDDD
What do you understand for Aryan?
This now an Indian thread.
Shameful attack in kokrajhar today. Also rajnath seems pretty based. Gst is finally passed.
White, oddly enough
Rajnath is always based.
More like 2100
Poop race
Says the Jew.
Northern indians are caucasoid (indo-aryan)
Southern indians are australoid (dravidians)
Hey, leave my greatest ally alone!
And you wonder why people prefer you in a pot as an ash.