China is third wo-

>China is third wo-

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You do know China is a pretty big guy, right? Not all towering urban landscapes?

No one even said that.

>inb4 dying nations shout "air pollution!""currency intervention!"

>Somalia is third wo-

>North Korea isnt secretly a parad-

Exactly this

It's definitely third world


>Russia is third wo-

If China is third world, what the fuck is Africa?

>clear sky

Amazing glass on that (red) building to the right, do you know what it's called?

Not true. Third world starts with India. China and Russia barely make it.

that looks fucking pathetic

I searched hard for civilized Somalia pic but this was all I could find.

the same thing, its inhabited by black people tho

China was a second world country, like Poland. That's an anachronistic way of describing any country.

dumb paid anti-chinese shills

this is the new face of China


kek, this board is delusional as fuck.

This would have been so much better if you had just made a thread about how much you like Chinese cityscapes. Instead, you memed, and this became another shitpost thread.
This is a potentially decent thread hiding in a bad thread.


>potentially decent thread
Not with that polish flag.

it's the very definition of second world

This, it was aligned with the USSR.

subhuman koreaboo

How did they photoshop the smog out of picture?

Dumb paid Chinese shills.

>What is Sino-Soviet split and border skirmishes

It's not an undeveloped agrarian shithole anymore no, but now it's a polluted smoggy industrial slum shithole.

but life in the chinese countryside definitely sucks

so was Europe once

and the shut the fuck up stupid burger, look at what your pathetic country is doing, one of the richest in the world, gdp per capita $57k and still your CO2 emission per capita is far worse than that of China

why are you complaining about China if you're doing even worse?


>USA is first wo-
(flyover, michigan.jpg)
>china is not third wo-

>muuuh China is not a shithole, see we produce less CO2 per capita
damn lmao, how was your trip to Auschwitz camp chink ?

>This would have been so much better if you had just made a thread about how much you like Chinese cityscapes.
He used to do this, but people didn't care about those threads so now he posts this exact thread every few days to justify his yellow fever (while, of course, refusing to actually move to the country that he loves so much).

Why do so many people complain about China generating smog? You do realize that conditions in US cities were worse than China now (higher ppm) just five decades ago? (1966 New York for example)

five decades is a long time

>Implying a Pole can amass enough cash to make to another country


We use our money to bomb Syrians and give Israel free shit. People don't need welfare and healthcare here so shut the fuck up dumb polack.

Which city is that ?


>Tianjin isn't third wo-

Instagram angles except on a macro level.

thats a big boom boom


EU flag is so fucking superior

China is just a very diverse country
Cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen are extremely developed and are better than most American cities. Some of the smaller towns like in Inner Mongolia or rural places are as bad and poor as Africa and Russia.

>Germany is third Re-

Inner Mongolia isn't that poor due to abundant resources.

The poorer provinces are those in the west/south-west of China, like Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet.

Also, I don't agree that any big city in China is comparable with the cities in the US regarding living standards, except for HK and again there are people living in coffins there. Maybe Shenzhen is rich too but still extreme inequality. Although when it comes to infrastructure only China probably has it on the Western standards at least in the largest cities.