This is the woman who called the police on the based Bavarian man who insulted the Munich spree killer

This is the woman who called the police on the based Bavarian man who insulted the Munich spree killer.

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Sorry, I don't speak Arabic.

lets get some dox on her

...Jesus Christ purge when?

She looks chosen.

Sup Forums is a board of English, please translate before posting Arabic.

Please translate from Syrian to English, you fucking German cuck

Care to anglophy her speech also context?

Did someone really rat out someone for being against a spree killing terrorist?

>I am Michelle (40) and I vlog with my daughter (7).

that's a nose

The Red Sea pedestrian strikes again

What a disgusting language... Jesus Germany...

German autistics should be squished into lil tiny cubes

>Comments disabled

Oh well I sent her a classic Sup Forums message

>Germans rat each other out to the Gestapo
>get friends and family killed
>Germans rat each other out to the Thought Police
>Get perfectly innocent individuals arrested

What is it with Germans feeling the need to sell each other out to the government?

There's been some discussion that the film "Metropolis" is a subliminal comment on the fact that the German people require an overbearing dictator to rule them and control the minutiae of their lives. Perhaps there's truth in that.

She looks like a fucking cancer survivor

>she doesn't think insulting the shooter was heroic
>insulting him endangered other people
>if she finds out who used to bully the Munich shooter she will call the police on them as well
>bullying can kill

Check out her other videos, anons.

>that like to dislike ratio

>comments disabled
Cant have people bursting that bubble... pretty sure she is a single mother as well

whats wrong with her she seems deviod of normal human emotions?
also comments disabled

Check out her other videos, user.

ugly as shit, you should burn them on stakes before they'll spawn little muds

Judging by the dislike ratio, she couldn't really explain herself. She's probably just another virtue signaling idiot.

Muslims countries need dictators to. To keep them in line. You see how chaotic they've become thanks to "democracy"

she prob had the father arrested for rape because he was a white man,seems like the sort of crazy thing she would do

Entirely justified reporting him.

Insulting the killer could easily have provoked him to continue rampage.

Let the police negotiators do the work. If you're not going to fight the kid, don't make it worse.

LOL you guys are so dumb.

Don't forget

>Germans selling each other out to the Staasi

let's just send her death and rape threats like usual

Name: Michelle Potier
Address: Bischofstr. 25a
City: Leipzig
Postal Code: 04179
Country: Germany
Phone: +49.3416045463


Needs to be gassed.


oh boy, what a bad goy

Noice work.

30 seconds of research

Now we wait for a real bad goy


She's based

>comments disabled


Would be nice if someone translated this, I want to see if she tries to justify her snitching.



Oy vey.

Perhaps someone needs to set a new precedent that defending these people results in death so they can shut the fuck up and sit in fear.

Seriously someone ought to just hang this bitch and let it be known that taking the populist leftist stance has its own set of risks.

No one should be defending these attacks, the media is already trying its hardest to change it from Muslim terror attacks to lone nutters.

Anyone tried calling her already and playiing nasheeds?


just respond to her within the comments section of other videos

everybody needs some kind of dictatorship.check out milgram experiment.
also look at this woman. this necklace this face and also her choice at words.look good at her pol, those are the women who scream refugees welcome and cheer for merkel.


What a hideous language

>krautchan is already masturbating to photos of her daughter

the gestapos influence is massively overrated. Even at their peak they only had five thousand employees throughout all of Germany.

Someone give a bunch of turkroaches two hundred euro bucks for them to go rape and ravage her. She might even enjoy it.

Do you have some photos?


Post the pics here please. I have blocked Krautchan because it is such a shithole.

You guys should look up Weston Price and how he says malnourishment can cause the physical , mental , and moral symptoms we are witnessing .

nah dude,shes from bawü,not leipzig.

I'm not going to post pictures of children on Sup Forums. I don't know how the mods would react.

I don't comprehend passages from the Koran.

So user is currently harassing a completely different woman?

SHIEEEEET I thought her daughter had at least 16

Krautchan is full of pedophiles.


Watch nobody make any use of this information .

>they're already posting photos of her underage daughter


She already disabled the comments on that video, she'll just delete my comment and block me, that's what they always do.

check out for example her lice /pokemon go vids. talking about bruchsal, going around in bruchsal.

So she called the bawarian police from Leipzig just to report that guy?

I think she just called the police on this guy to get more viewers in her youtube profile. Thats just sick

You are my god now

Fucking catladies man! They are a bigger threat than ISIS

i dont think she lives in leipzig. bawü is the capitol of cucks so wold be more fitting.


Dox her into the sun.


Bleibt nur übrig anzurufen und zu fragen ob sie es ist oder nicht

Germans are not loyal to each other. That is easily seen in german families. They barely see each other, mostly only from christmas to christmas to get some present. Germans really are cold. It is not a stereotype. And for some reason, they crave following authority. The Law is the Law!

She says that deaths or injuries were directly caused by the bavarian man who insulted the spree killer, that is why she called the police on the man.

Do you think she already had a refugee molest her child? Probably will encourage her daughter to burn coal rather than meddle with ethnic germans.

So if her little stunt compells someone to attack her according to her logic it's on her and she should be sued?

>not cucks

If any of you cucks want to do more research this is where i got her shit from

>everybody needs some kind of dictatorship.check out milgram experiment.

According to the Milgram experiment, 60% of people do and the other 40% don't.

Although I'd be willing to believe the ratio is more skewed among Germans.

Ok, checks out.
Adress is legit

>mentioning what psychologists recommend in situations like these
Fucking hell, why are fellow germans so fucking retarted and think everything can and has to be handled in orderly manner.

Ordnung muss sein

Welt Online already reported that the public prosecutor rejected the lawsuit because he didn't kill anyone but himself after the guy insulted him so the lawsuit in on itself doesn't make any sense.
Some spree killing expert from the same article also said that what he did was good because instead of continuing on his rampage he stopped to talk with the man and his insults might have confused him.

These empty eyes.

Wow. you're so cool.

I don't know what the fuck she was thinking when she did sue him, like the spree killer had a gun and already killed many people before he went to the parking deck to get his insults kek

Du kommst ja aus ner verkackten Familie. Was du da sagst stimmt überhaupt nicht. Zumindestens nicht für alle Famiien die ich kenne. Du tust mir schon leid in ne Rabenfamilie geboren zu sein ;(

I love how she posted the video to virtue signal and she got over a 90% dislike ratio.

I am sad that I will not be able to live to see the day when all white European women are turned into sex slaves for Abdullah.

All the men have to do is recite a 30 second islamic verse and bamn! DAY IS MUSLIM NOW.

Probably her father was a Stasi snitch, the genes are starting to work

Yeah he sure would have stopped shooting if someone would have nicely asked. :^)

>draw guys attention
>prevent that he shoots other people in the meantime and they have time flee



It's sad you can't sue people for attention whoring


I'd rather jerk off with a cactus