Seriously as an outsider to the whole election I can safely say that Hillary is probably one of the most qualified person to ever run for office. It solders me why Trump has even made it this far.
Seriously as an outsider to the whole election I can safely say that Hillary is probably one of the most qualified...
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Don't bother with these idiots on Sup Forums dude all they care about is memes. They don't care about the fate of their own country or the fate of humanity in general
Oh wow, you TOTALLY persuaded me! Thank you for Correcting The Record™!
This. I completely agree with this guy. Nice dubs by the way. I checked them for you. do realize there's a post ID right? samefag as fuck
Daily reminder outside interference can fuck right off and leave internal politics to its citizens
10/10 Damo had a good laff
An Australian chink trying to shitpost?
Go back to your shithole faggot
Spot on analysis, man! Trump just appeals to the lowest common denominator. I'm glad he is losing.
Let's just let the guy keep talking to himself.
WTF, I'm a Cruz Missile now.
What has she ever governed?
Her husband's experience doesn't count.
You're not even a CTR shitposter. You're just a regular one.
Lol have you guys been watching the polls lately? This guy won't win. He's losing by like 15 points.
Haha nice dubs man!
very qualified
Top shitposting.
Pretending to be an incompetent shill was funny the first time. The 100th time it's just annoying and retarded. Rethink your life, get better bants. I expect better out of Australia. This is why Canada is the higher tiered shitposter.
P.S. sage all fields
>same fagging this hard
>sells 1/5 of US uranium production to Russia
Every political action she makes there is a scandal involved. I usually ignore the shills. Ill continue.
Good to know Hilary is a schizophrenic's choice.
>Hillary is probably one of the most qualified person to ever run for office.
In the sense that she is a raving psychopath, and those are the kinds of people we've been putting in office....then yea, she is very highly qualified.
Too obvious, step up your game Australia
Fucking Australians mane
They can't keep getting away with it
Having a long list of qualifications is nice until you realize you fucked up every major job you had
As an outsider to the whole election, I can safely say that Robert Johnson is probably one of the most qualified person to ever run for office.
both are absolute shit and shouldnt be made president or hold any power in general. there is a good chance of both being controlled by the same people and they are just doing a theatreplay to give you the illusion of choice, the believe that your vote matters. if you think your choice matters they won already.
if its not the case we are still pretty fucked. hillary has deep connections to the bohemian grove (enough evidence already to see that she hasnt the mindset i would want from a leader. at least i dont want a leader that participates in ritual sacrifices of a child"puppet" every year while worshipping a 9m tall owlsatue.) she is the cooperated evil working for rothschilds and co. screwing us all over for their sake. trump (if not actually on the same side) is a capitalist idiot shouting around stuff people like to hear, and will screw us over for his personal gain. i would choose trump over hillary only because it gives chance for him fucking up so bad that he weakens the other side as well
She's a she
She's fat
She's old
She's a baby boomer
She's a member of the wealthiest 1%
She's the face of establishment politics
She's a globalist neo-con
She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corp
She's a shameless liar
She's the most non-transparent politician in history
She has stroke-induced brain damage
She's a cuckquean
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
She lied about Benghazi
She lied throughout her email scandal
She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
Her "charity" received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, and Citigroup
Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician
>In the sense that she is a raving psychopath, and those are the kinds of people we've been putting in office....then yea, she is very highly qualified.
I completely agree with the Original Poster, Hillary is definitely the one to beat.
This is the definition of trolling folks, give this guy a medal.
>Robert Johnson
Mite b cool
Same dude, can't believe Trump is still around. What is he, like 80? Why isn't he dead yet lmao
Absolutely correct. Thanks for posting this, hope these racists finally see the light.
Me too, can't stand the people on this board. They're so hateful and they support their hateful "emperor"
>Same fagging on purpose
>Pretending to be neutral but clearly spouting propaganda lines
xD lmao this shill doest know about IDs lol
Oy Vey good goy no shower today!
Trmp no go! hailry gogoin! yes hilikery!!!!!
hilaery nvr don anythin. she go good trump are bad vote hailrery!
Thank you for Correcting the Record. $0.05 has been deposited into your Hillary for Victory checking account. Keep up the good work!
You can't say this without evidence. I can give you mountains of evidence why she isn't qualified, but I'll wait for you to try to defend your position first.
You're a disgrace to Australia.
hey fuk u bro. haikery neve do anythong to u. trumo r very bed. you muss veto no trimp for witehoose.
huhu small boy cnt repent to my commnt = hickery for whte hous power for all no trumj
I wholeheartedly agree, ausfriend!
I mean, the replies to your posts from Trumpfiends really speak for what these hooligans stand for; they cannot even respond with a well-reasoned argument.
Looking forward to the Trudeau-Clinton era!
Sure, she is qualified by a rundown of her past positions, but she is not qualified by any other metric. She is a pathetic and malleable leader who has always said whatever needs to be said to get elected and slides her agenda to fit whatever is popular in the current climate. 15 years ago she was against gay marriage and abortion. Then she backhands everybody with her warhawking and shady practices. Nobody with so many ties to foreign governments is qualified to hold public office in the US imo. Most of her credentials are based on her last name. No way she gets elected to the Senate or becomes Secretary without her husband. I can't think of one thing she has ever done in her political life that was considered an all around success. Her time as Secretary was pretty disastrous and she will uphold a status quo that cannot continue. Trump is no better, which is why we are so fucked. You basically have to pick your poison and either we get Hillary and another Cold War and continued world destabilization or Trump and who the fuck knows what happens with him. He will hopefully do something to fix our immigration issues, and his foreign policy seems much more conscious of the global situation, but I don't think his domestic policies would be very good, especially dismantling government agencies like the EPA and continuing/increasing surveillance. Not that CLinton won't keep up the surveillance statem but she will at least have to lie about it and won't be able to go too far in her first term.
>most qualified
>ex-president cucktress
>spent 100 million of other people's money to rig a primary election
>let people literally die in bengazi
>lies about having classified emails
>leaks all her classified emails
>Has the worst president shilling for her
>mentally unstable and prone to mental glitches and obsessive ticks, physically weak and takes long vacations every month.
Who would support a corrupt shill who can't even hide it? She's a puppet with no ability.
ur rong fred. hickery wil be in witeyhous becuz she is veto for bost leadr. trjum wil have to leave go no for presdent i laff whn you trmph squills com to 4fran
Traitors hang first on the day of the rope faggot
>Literally the same poster
Seriously as an Australian you need to get rid of your abbos before you start working on american politics.
Holy shit, King of bantz. That was the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I'm a #Shillbilly now
Thanks Aussie friend!
Now I'm with Her and Her
Every Dem leader needs a Muslim pet....Obama/Jarrett and Hillary/Huma
She is a corrupt bitch m8
Why is it always australians or canadians?
What's wrong with brit genes?
How can so many people not understand what is going on in this thread?
>as outsider I can definately tell you whos´s most competent and therefore best for you