Hmm.....really makes you think
Hmm.....really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
first pic - they are both disgusting suhumans
second pic - they are both delusional manipulated females that don't know any better
third pic - nothing wrong there, everyone has the right to defend their lands.
Pretty much this.
>defending your lands is now bombing civilians in countries that barely bothered to invade you
It's Roman land
The third pic is dependent on where in the world you are and who you're asking.
This is just another example of american ethnocentrism. If something is said on american media it is "the truth" whereas it's entierly dependent on who you're asking. To think that "A muslim who defends his land is labeled a terrorist" is a universal truth is ignorant.
1 and 2. Choice versus religious mandate made law.
3. Israel is not Muslim land.
>((((((their)))))) land
The answer is because they don't drink alcohol. The others may be cunts, but at least they're cunts you can drink with.
In the ME's defense the US has been fucking with them since the 50s. Remember the CIA funded coup to replace a democratically elected Iraqi leader with an authoritarian monarchist, because he was about to nationalise oil which mean western corporations couldn't pump it?
No one has anything against Muslims having beards, we have something against them blowing shit up.
A nun is condemned to death if she chooses not to cover herself.
Defending your land =/= killing innocents.
>A nun is
> Europe is Muslim land
You are being a bit impatient, Mehmed.
muslim defends his ancestry land in paris, we wuz le napoleons and shit
The nun's veil has to be earned and it's not something that anyone just wears. It's a choice to wear it. The Islam veil HAS to be worn. It is not a choice to wear it.
A nun won't get attacked in the street for not wearing her habit, a Muslim woman would. That's why it's called oppression.
Nuns are no fun, I really doubt they drink.
Nuns, George Washington, and the Jew aren't blowing themselves up at rock concerts.
Muslims had fifteen years after 9-11, fifteen years to get their shit together and they haven't. I'm not wasting another quarter century trying to convince myself the death cult isn't actually out to kill me.
So, what land are refugees defending, again? :^)
>they are both delusional manipulated females that don't know any better
Nope. Nuns are based. The best schools for poor people are the ones run by nuns. If you are from a working class background and want your child to even have a shot at succeeding in life, enrol them in a catholic nuns school.
Nuns have the choice to become nuns, they choose to cover themselves. Muslim women do not.
So instead of bombing US they bomb EU?
Oh yeah that's right, if they bomb US they get bombed back so better pick the easy target.
Sacramental wine, mate
Yeah, we're totally the same. Do you remember that time George Washington strapped a black powder charge to his chest and blew himself up, screaming, "DEMOCRACY AKBAR!" Really makes you think, huh?
>No one gives a shit about beards.
>Becoming a nun is a choice.
>that last one is legit
There are not a hivemind. It's like if pol was an army we obviously disagree on some thing.
Nigga ever heard of 9/11?
Also the eu bombings were in retaliation to coalition bombings.
Females are not forced to cover their head in Christianity, only the ones who devote their lives to the faith.
Females have the option to dress however they want (with some modesty) without being excommunicated in Christianity.
Which they can't do in Islam.
Washington fought against a tyrannical government that literally didn't give a fuck about the people in the US
"freedom fighters" in Afghanistan and Iraq are just pissed that other people are now allowed a say in government
Makes you think if you have an IQ below 90.
First pic - Neither would be considered extremist, but both considered retarded, both Haredi Jews and Muslims in general are cave man religions.
Second pic - Great job comapring a woman who takes vowes of chastity and devotes her life to serve god, and a woman who was born to Muslim family and would be raped or stoned if she removed her burqa in certain parts of the world.
Pic 3 - Retarded as well, Terrorism is to enforce terror into civilians, if Ahmed decided he wants to stab some people in a shopping mall there is nothing noble or great about it, he isn't defending his land, he's killing innocent people.
3/10 made me reply, step up your shitposting game greatest ally
>Nigga ever heard of 9/11?
that's what I mean that if they bomb US they get bombed back.
If they have problem with US then they should bomb the US not EU, now they're just literally being suicidal by turning all of Europe which compared to US was minimally involved in ME and even that was only so the US doesn't withdraw from NATO, they're turning the average european against them instead of letting them be mostly passive about the situation.
t. achmed al-jihad
1) jew and Muslim are both shitskins
2)nun can leave the faith at any time, and joined of her own free will
3)that sounds like an admission that Muslims aren't people, making it ok to slaughter them like pigs
Nun does it by choice Muslims do it by threat of stoning to death
IDK who made this comparison but none of it is valid. It looks like it was made by a trendy faggot that knows nothing about any religion.
Jetfuel steel beeems. Jews 911
Unless you state right of conquest which you do not then yes it will always be their lands you fucking kike
your rightful clay belongs in a fuckin oven
It's not the jews.
educate yourselves
>Muslims defends his land
Ughhh I don't think Europe is their land, and I don't think they are defending it, rather destroying
Salam Alikum friend! Will we see each other in heaven?
You can bake a pie with all those cherries you're picking.
kill yourself
And if they wanted to make a difference they'd bomb officials and military installations. Suicide bombings are political showing off. Civilian structures and civilians have no military value. It's not a rational decision, ISIS groups the west under one banner.
>makes you think
no it doesn't
>Both dirty semites who want to enslave mankind
>One chooses to and isn't even obligated for much her duties, the other is considered a whore worthy of murder & rape if she doesn't wear it from puberty onwards
>Native breaking free from an empire vs violent conqueror mad about getting BTFO
I wouldn't even mind if Israeli were actually defending lands given by the UK under the name of Conquest or Nationalism or history whatever.
But the fact that the elites are using such subversive methods to do so is sickening. It's dishonorable and cowardly.
Were Israel as a people ready to come forward it'd been great, until then they're manipulative schemers.
Which is about the elites really. I don't think the Israeli people is on the same line as their leaders.
>if you must know dear goy we had this land 2000 years ago mkay? and also this land wasn't theirs because the brits or some other goy had it
you are a plague
>Unkempt beards are shit-tier and you would get looks regardless
>One is a female "priest" by choice, the other is expected by society too and would have mortal repercussions if they declined too
>The American revolutionaries didn't slaughter each other indiscriminately, they only fought the British empires military
I've noticed that Sup Forums is the place that misuses reaction pics the most, and post the oldest and shittiest reaction pics there are.
it's cute
That's the thing though. Muslims didn't fucking exist when the jews were living in Israel. It's never been muslim land. They are a bunch of fucking sandniggers that deserve only death.
You can grow a beard like a Jew, I really don't care.
You can cover yourself up like a nun, I really don't care.
You attack innocent persons on the street for "your country", that's when I care.
what do you mean? I'm confused
it's been a muslim long for way longer than it was a """"jew""""" land
>Using nuns as an arguement
All women in almost all islamic countries of the muslim faith run the risk of bodily harm if they don't wear their varying degrees of mandatory coverage enforced by legal systems, from even young ages.
Catholic Nuns on the overhand make the vows at 18, and if at a later date decides she doesn't like this life she can leave it without legal repercussions, only social.
Gosh golly gee these sure are comparable sport, really sparks the grey matter.
Beards- Nobody gives a shit. Not ever have I heard that a beard makes someone an extremist.
Covering yourself- Nuns are a small fraction of the catholic faith... the extreme end of the faith.... Also, every single catholic woman isn't forced to put on some nun garb before leaving the house.
Defending your land - I don't remember George Washington going over to England with a bomb vest to blow up women and children.
Misuse?Old? I dunno man, my memes are fresh and relevant.
Jokes aside tho, does it really matter? I just really really like that gif.
If someone lives there, it's their land your dirty disgusting zionist jew. It's theirs, just the same way it's also yours. Learn to share you fucking disgusting piece of shit
You're forgetting that nuns also only wear coverings at the convent. They take them off when they're not "working"
>expecting brazil monkey to know what he is talking about
once again educate yourself
So I guess you're prepared to go back to how things were before the Portuguese brought civilisation to your mud hole?
Muslims land is the whole world then? Why the fuck they bombing everywhere if they defend THEIR land.
first pic: not true
second pic: because a muslim doesn't have a choice unless she doesn't mind some acid in her face
third pic: because non-terrorists don't blow themselves up, arm children or use them as human shield
>If someone lives there, it's their land your dirty disgusting zionist jew. It's theirs, just the same way it's also yours. Learn to share you fucking disgusting piece of shit
>If someone lives there, it's their land
>Learn to share
I'm going to move into your house, and then defend it from you. Because if I live there then its mine.
Only third one is valid.
What goes around comes around muzzie fags.
I hope you get nuked and laugh every time you die.
Because everyone on the right will blow themselves up at a subway given the chance if they ate pork and felt salty about it.
A nun chooses, a slave obeys.
>when a person
suprised that noone posted this image yet