Zimmerman BTFO



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911 dispatcher: “What started the argument?”

Zimmerman: “He recognized me. He told me he was going to kill me he told me he'd (expletive) shoot me and he punched me in the face.”

Zimmerman claimed he was explaining to people sitting at a table that he shot Trayvon Martin in self- defense when a large man approached and asked, “You're bragging about that?” before punching him Zimmerman in the face.

Zimmerman: “This man just punched me in the face.”

Dispatcher: “Is he still there?”

Zimmerman: “Yup. He said he's going to kill me.



>doesn't pull out the Trayvon Glock shooting the fat fuck in the gabber

Really dissapointed here senpai

>not standing your ground with 13 rounds in the ten ring
Get your shit together zimzam, I expect better of you.

Bruises heal. Fatal gunshot wounds don't.

>Getting punched
>Getting shot dead
Zim Zam still comes out on top

Good. Fuck him. That'll teach him to brag about the time he wanted to be a super cop.
Fucking neighborhood watchers. It's an invitation to watch, and report, not be superman.

>Zimzam puts a nigger in prison instead of in the ground

Yes, I can see how this could be problematic.

He might have done more than he should have initially but that doesn't mean he deserved to be ground and pounded by a feral nigger

ZimZam did the right thing by not fighting back, that negro is going to get some pretty nice battery charges on him... atop all of the other charges he has I bet

yea. walking the same way as someone else is too much...

zimzam did nothing wrong.


He didn't do anything 'wrong', but he obviously didn't need to follow Trayvon, it all worked out in the end though so it's fine

Sure, he didn't need to keep the streets safe. But he did. And every sane person should be glad that he did.

>Zimmerman: yeah i shot some nigger, i'm not racist or anything tho. why are you so intolerant?

>Niggers: *violently punch him*

really makes you think

nothing will ever surpass that moment on Sup Forums except for Trump's inauguration

He sold that for a pretty large amount of money/

>leftists and niggers are celebrating assaulting someone who did nothing wrong
Let that fucking sink in

All those niggers

Everyone does it. Humans are petty and irrational.

I can't stand trump. trump will put us all in re education camps if he gets the chance. pretty much the only reason I still come to Sup Forums is because I was here during zimzam trial and it was magical. random poltards emailing that bitches facebook, and based o'meara using it. making fun of jeanteel and her 3 languages(but not cursive). the fighting instuctor's 0.5 rating. and of course jaffa.

it was so fun

I hate trumpfags. trumpfags have ruined this board. hopefully trump will crash and burn and they will all be driven back to that other website.


Who did you support?

"Punched in face for bragging about killing Trayvon Martin"

I highly doubt that was what happened.



you are a moron then, go support a pro-nigger cuckservative candidate. It would make your pro-zimmerman rants a complete waste of time in the first place making your life uterly worthless.

wow, violent niggers at it again.

> Be neighborhood watchman who everyone likes, fix neighbor's locks, make your community better.

>Help and represent a homeless black man who was beaten by police.

>On way to Target, you spot person acting like he's high and looking like he's casing houses.

> Call non emergency number to report said person.

> Dispatcher asks for description of suspect.

> Say you think he looks black. A minute later, upon confirming it, you confirm to dispatcher that he is black.

> You follow suspect while on phone with non emergency.

>Suspect runs.

> You run as well.

> Dispatcher asks if you're following.

>You reply yes.

>Dispatcher advises "we don't need you to do that"

> You say okay and stop running.

>sometime later, call ends.

> Confrontation ensues, police are called, investigation occurs, and there is insufficient evidence to charge.

> Media shit storm ensues because black kid died and everyone assumes killer is white.

> All of the liberal media is out to get you despite no proof of racial motive, no proof of illegal actions etc.
> You defend yourself against someone who was trying to kill you

Glad to see the voters making it known that we will not stand for hate, racism, homophobia, pedophobia, gynophobia xenophobia, chauvinism, sexism, melanophobia, peniaphobia, pornophobia, prosophobia, tyrannophobia, atheophobia, biphobia, hispanophobia, Islamophobia, lesbophobia, negrophobia, transphobia, nor atychiphobia.
We, the people, support Hillary Clinton and the open, inclusive, and non-hostile environment that she creates. :^)

Good to see people are respecting the rule of law even when it doesn't support them.

Aren't you late for some bombing Ahmed?

> Confrontation ensues, police are called, investigation occurs, and there is insufficient evidence to charge.

> Media shit storm ensues because black kid died and everyone assumes killer is white.

> All of the liberal media is out to get you despite no proof of racial motive, no proof of illegal actions etc.

> Media insanity forces prosecutors to charge.

> Idiot president weighs in and legitimizes the mob rule.

> Video and pictures of your broken nose, and head injuries are shown

>All of the liberal media dowe plays it and says there are no injuries, and or that they're minor. They can't make up their mind.

>News coverage is unfair and totally one sided.

>Entire liberal media drags someone who for all they know could be completely innocent, through the mud for over a year. They lie, edit pictures to make you appear whiter, and edit recordings to make it sound you said something you didnt.

>Your trial begins and from the get go to the very end, all of the evidence exonerated you. Not a single shred of evidence of guilt is presented.

>The prosecution's star witness ends up helping you with her testimony.

>All prosecution witnesses end up helping you.

>The defense's star witness, John Good, is the death blow to the prosecution. All defense witnesses afterwards are just overkill.

The liberal media, CNN, MSNBC etc still represent it as an incompetent prosecution, aND don't report the facts.

> The facts conform you defended yourself against someone who was trying to kill you

>Turns out facts don't matter because nobody cares. You're still guilty because reasons even though your exoneration was broadcasted live.

That type of shit will fuck a man up deeply. I wouldn't be surprised if Zim Zam is racist now and gives zero fuvks because of all this shit that liberals did.

I wanted to like carson, but even a year ago i realized he was a 6000 uear old creationist nutjob. I ended up liking cruz. I think he may be a slime ball, but his record is impeccable constitutional conservatism. the two we have now have proven records of being slimeballs.

at this point I guess i'm gonna ride the johnson.

the children of Sup Forums think the zimzam trial was about shooting niggers. but it wasn't. it was about a half jew, half latino man exercising his freedom. and an oppressive federal government meddling in local affairs. and media sensationalism.

>i'm an oldfag trust me
>i've been here all summer


>bragging about your body count

how degenerate can you get

Imagine getting your life ruined like this poor guy. Get innocent verdict, but the media conducts such a massive negative campaign against you from coasts to last that you become unofficial enemy number one. Go to the super market, interview for a job, leave your door and the first thing passers by think is racist child murderer when a jury of your peers found you not guilty. We might as well not have courts and just have media kangaroo courts, because even if you're proven innocent, the media will make you out as 14/88 KKK and ruin your life irreparably.
Wonder how Darren Wilson is doing now anyway.

>Get innocent verdict

No such thing.

Whatever, you know what I mean. He was found not guilty.

except that none of my argument was based on 'believe me', unlike one candidate.

I used facts. things newfags wouldn't eemember. then I plainly stated what I believe.

I didn't give a dimb speech.

new fags? look I love new fags. I love them. my wife and her boyfriend are newfags. but hey! look! hey look now! listen to me people. reddit? I mean reddit? how can we trust them?

lets just ban all reddit posters. this will inly be temporary. untill we can screen the reddit posters.

It was a Kel-tec pf9 and he sold it for some good money.

>you will never live in a world where Zimmerman shoots Trayvon, is judged not guilty at his trial, and is then attacked one-by-one by every enraged basketball american, shooting every single one of them in self defense until there are none left
>you will never live in a universe where the Zimmerman Chain Reaction saved humanity from darkness

Cool glad you support open boarders.

You are human trash.

>niggers are violent
>nigger hears you and reacts with violence
Really stimulated the responses in my neural network

Nice wasted vote.


>witnesses allege

zimmerman got suckerpunched by 10 ferals

di you truly beleive that voting for something you beleive in is a wasted vote?

but then again you are a bong. how can you ever understand what freedom means

Thank god they don't. Can you imagine if niggers were like Terminators? Society would just be like Somalia everywhere.

i didn't even reply to you, unless you're correcting the record with that IP as well