Those of you who hate Trump as much as you:

Those of you who hate Trump as much as you:

Would you like to see him drop out? Or would you like to see him lose BIGLY on election day?

I'll personally be disappointed if he quits. I'd like to watch him drag the GOP into the pit of hell.

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Nice thread faggot

What makes you think he'll run away now?

Just because he is a male authority figure doesn't mean he is your father.


brutal bantz

him quitting might lead to a more worthy Repub last minute replacement

>pls drop out

Is this the new "delete your account"?

There are no more worthy republicans and he's not dropping out dickhead, he's winning the presidency.

He won't drop out. Win or lose, it doesn't matter. It's the adulation from his fans he seeks. He'll ween this race for as much it as he can get. The shit is like a drug to narcissists.

I like how retards think that Trump says "bigly" when he's saying "big league" and they use it to imply he's stupid


I like how faggots get triggered when I say bigly in reference to Trump. That's why I'll keep using it, and use it BIGLY.


I like the word bigly, its like a casual dislilation of magnanimity.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Can we start calling him "Mr. President" now?


Just because you say this doesn't make it true no matter what you want to believe lmao.

The dumbest part about it is that bigly is an actual word.

if he drops today the repos could repo someone last minute, save America and actually do something for the country.

both Clinton and trump would be beat the fuck out, the nation is literally ready to vote for Chris Christie if that was the option

Politicians are so disconnected with society its laughable. The public demands President Donald J Trump and the DC hacks can do nothing to put the breaks on this train.

Also shills GTFO

Trump is currently losing Georgia


I fucking hate trump and his trumptards.
But I hate Hillary even more.
I hope that come the debates the two retards will be up on a stage together and will start slinging shit together when a murican will go
>Muh freedom
And will shoot both of them in the heads.
Really hope somebody takes them both down.

Thats a very lovely behind, where is it from?

Like pass the TPP and op n the border with Mexico?

>I fucking hate trump and his trumptards
you should go back to r/politics then faggot

Oh wow

d'aww, he's breaking your hugbox? Ironic, isn't it? Not intellectual at all.